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About tokenganjaclan

  • Birthday 06/15/1970

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  • Location
    Long Beach CA

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  1. Don't you have a pillow to go bite?
  2. Who the fuck is Andrea if I may ask?
  3. That's how Pups act. Looking at profiles most of them still have water behind their ears...20 year old internet tough guys.. Best laugh I've had in a long time.
  4. :D:D:D Hey is that Akira Takasaki? Great Movie by the way.
  5. Thank you! You have been very helpful.
  6. No worries there. I'm on the good side of LB.. How can I show my painted toes with socks on?
  7. Hi! Well I came in on a rant, then I get called all these names ect!! I haven't said not a one thing to anyone on this board. I was wrong for coming in like a complete fool. Then I get these pms from some of you here saying basically to shut my mouth and that I can't start or respond to Any posts. Maybe a few of you don't wanna be civil. I don't wanna be part of " The Elite" Group. I came here to Talk about gear, ect!! I post in the com Forum asking about what you use ect!!! Trying to be friendly. If you don't wanna have a decent conversation Don't reply to my posts..What's so hard about that? If something is interesting to me I'll post in that thread... And I do have the cds I talked about. I'll snap pics later if you want? Not that I have to prove myself. I'll be bringing A buttload of my cds to the so-cal meet. So come and have a listen. I wanna see all the Hoopla that certain equipment gets rave reviews about, and what better way then have better quality cds. Garbage in, Garbage out right? Remember I was born in Tokyo, but moved to the U.S at age 3. And have family all over Japan. Most of my Triangles Come direct from Japan or was handed down from my two brothers. Over there it is VERY easy and VERY cheap (normal used prices) for cds. I can get direct Triangles of certain titles for $10 U.S or less. Depending on what my brother can find. Selling these on ebay and via forums paid for my rigs pretty much. I'll Bring a sealed copy of Wish you Were Here 32x to the meet. I only have the one tho and if the price is right I might let it go? I need another Tube amp Starting bid $1,000 J/K
  8. Thx for all the info Guys. I was looking at AMB and they have quite a lot of Diy Amps. I guess it doesn't have to be dip. I'm just not familiar with those chips. I guess it's more for a fun thing to make anyway and if I don't like the sound I can give it away to someone.
  9. Yeah..got caught up setting A layer break. To continue my above post^ Finishing this up as I read up on some of the board. Osaka jo monogatari English Name: Daredevil In the Castle 1961 This has no Official U.S Release. So I'll pass it on to my friend and collect my $400. Nice little extra cash flow that helps pay for Ocean Front It usually Takes Image Intertainment or Animeigo to get the rights ect!! I just translate or reform the script. Then Pass it to them. Most of the time it can take up to a full year before it hits the streets. But not a bad job, for working from home. I can get anywhere from $400 to 1,000 For a translation even more if I have to come up with a whole script. Now you know what I do for a living I'm working with Wildside now on a few projects. But my french is lacking. So we'll have to see.
  10. Yeah Can't wait. Finally get to hear some great products. And meet some of the internet tough guys... J/K:D
  11. No need to, I just pop them in the Nad or Pioneer. I use my Mac For mainly Sub-titling And authoring dvds. Finishing this up as I read up on some of the board. Osaka jo monogatari English Name: Daredevil In the Castle 1961
  12. Just a rough guess.. Maybe 3000. I'm still looking for Elvis 24 caret gold, that will fill up all the Dcc Golds. I think I have around 400 Black Triangles, Quite a few Mfsl (rough guess-200 , maybe?), 90 targets to date. Then odds and whatnot.
  13. C'mon there's gotta be more then just a mint? No? I like the sound of Lt1364. I've swapped them into my amps but would like to try a build with the same sound sig. I was looking at the mini^ but that's a portable.
  14. Hi all, I'm wanting to try building a cost effective ss amp but with opamps I can change out. Something with a small footprint. Is there any sort of Diy in the range of say $200?? THX
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