Hi! Well I came in on a rant, then I get called all these names ect!! I haven't said not a one thing to anyone on this board. I was wrong for coming in like a complete fool. Then I get these pms from some of you here saying basically to shut my mouth and that I can't start or respond to Any posts. Maybe a few of you don't wanna be civil. I don't wanna be part of " The Elite" Group. I came here to Talk about gear, ect!! I post in the com Forum asking about what you use ect!!! Trying to be friendly. If you don't wanna have a decent conversation Don't reply to my posts..What's so hard about that? If something is interesting to me I'll post in that thread... And I do have the cds I talked about. I'll snap pics later if you want? Not that I have to prove myself. I'll be bringing A buttload of my cds to the so-cal meet. So come and have a listen. I wanna see all the Hoopla that certain equipment gets rave reviews about, and what better way then have better quality cds. Garbage in, Garbage out right? Remember I was born in Tokyo, but moved to the U.S at age 3. And have family all over Japan. Most of my Triangles Come direct from Japan or was handed down from my two brothers. Over there it is VERY easy and VERY cheap (normal used prices) for cds. I can get direct Triangles of certain titles for $10 U.S or less. Depending on what my brother can find.
Selling these on ebay and via forums paid for my rigs pretty much. I'll Bring a sealed copy of Wish you Were Here 32x to the meet. I only have the one tho and if the price is right I might let it go? I need another Tube amp
Starting bid $1,000 J/K