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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MoonShine

  1. You have actually eaten this? Respect.
  2. Only works if I use my mouse wheel to scroll not the sidebar.
  3. Scroll up and down on the extraterrestrial/TV post (in it's small size) for an interesting visual effect.
  4. New Zealand. Someday.
  5. Where's that slacker Knuckledragger? Slow Forum too slow.
  6. I decided he is an asshat after the way he acted when Orlando beat them in the playoffs. Hope he never wins a championship.
  7. How many triple shots of single malt does it take to be double blind?
  8. How do you DBT Jerkness?
  9. HFers being morons no longer surprises me. "No native Rockbox, whaaaaaaa". What a joke.
  10. I'm surprised that your surprised.
  11. This looks interesting, thanks!
  12. I have had to find a balance as I have gotten older and my metabolism has done the slow down thing. "Working out" doesn't really work for me unless it is something I enjoy like sports or riding/hiking, etc.. Hate running/jogging with a passion. I have had to adjust my eating habits. Slow down, actually chew (used to really wolf my food down), drink lots of water. I have discovered that I can influence my tastes in food somewhat. I have learned to enjoy things like rice and vegetables over burgers and pizza. I just spice the hell out of it with hot sauces and spices. It's a little tough at first but after a while I will actually crave the healthier stuff. I still have a problem with portion control but pigging out on healthy stuff is much better than stuffing my face with the typical cardiac specials. I could still be in better shape but I do enjoy my food. The economy hasn't helped. Had to lay off half my staff so more stress (which leads to overeating), longer hours, no energy for walks when I get home. No time for walking during the lunch hour. Sucks.
  13. That guy has a very impressive lunula.
  14. A helmet fairing designed to act as a windshield for your head would work nicely.
  15. I have the Yuin PK2. They are nice buds and sound surprisingly good but do not isolate. The wind noise generated by riding will be an issue for any bud I can think of. I don't use them while riding for that reason. Perhaps a combination of headband / bud would reduce wind noise enough but I haven't found a configuration that works for me for a bud.
  16. I ride w/ Atrios M5 w/ Shure Olives but they probably isolate too much for most people. Most of my commute is through parks and quiet neighborhoods so I went for better sound. They do a good job of minimizing wind noise but I can still hear sirens or horns. I just stay very alert and use my mirror constantly.
  17. It's what the Fonz used to say all the time: "Aaay".
  18. Use one of those little trebuchets.
  19. WTF?
  20. A phlebotomy of fora?
  21. I made my first ever pie weekend before last. Rhubarb pie from scratch. Came out great, was yummy.
  22. I am sympathetic to this. I used to spend WAY to much time online. There was this golf game I was addicted to and then the various forums for my various games and hobbies (astronomy, audio, etc..). It all added up to a few things: A gradually distant and alienated wife and kids and an expanding ass. So I did something about it and made a conscious effort to reduce the time I spend online and increase time with my friends and family and I try to ride my bike more and go for walks and just be outside (I have taken up gardening lately). A friend told me that being outside is "good for your inner warrior" and I believe her. I now have a better relationship with my family, I am healthier, and my life is just better and more meaningful. I still go online but moderation (as in balance) is the key for me. Other things are just way more important. I seriously doubt that I will someday look back on my life and say "dang I wish I would have spent more time online". I will say that at least this place has members that are what I consider "real" friends with each other. You guys actually know each another, have met in person and see each other from time to time at meets and such. Way cooler, more connected, and more of a community than the usual forum.
  23. Q1 Amp from Head Direct to run the Absolute speakers I got from Fungster from my PC.
  24. What you get when a Yankees fan and a Steelers fan reproduce.
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