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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MoonShine

  1. I actually voted for Joe Walsh (The Musician).
  2. Didn't know whether to put this here or in the iPad thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQnT0zp8Ya4&feature=player_embedded PS Welcome back Knuckles
  3. Cowboys for me. Last weeks dawg wuppin was most gratifying.
  4. Lifelong Vikings fan so used to disappointment. Watched them lose 4 Super Bowls in the 70's. Oh well. Became a fan of Favre this year. Never thought that would happen. Somehow fitting that his last pass (if it really was his last pass) was an interception. Hope the Saints womp ass on the fkn Colts.
  5. If Texas had won I would have won the office pool for $140 Bones. I actually picked Alabama but so did the guy in 2nd and he had it weighed more heavily. So I needed to lose to win, so to speak. When McCoy went down I figured it was over. Oh well, maybe next time. March Madness is right around the corner.
  6. There is a handy-dandy little program that will make ANY song into a ringtone. Called "Iphoneringtonemaker", oddly enough. Available in torrentland for those who roll that way. Works great. I especially like that you can choose which part of the song to use, not just the beginning.
  7. Brilliant! Thanks Deepak!
  8. I hadn't seen the alt ending before. Zombie love. Awesome.
  9. Got mine yesterday
  10. my package is so cold it's numb but the gift is on it's way to NH... Hope he likes it and does not already own it.
  11. Soooo tempting........
  12. Go Beavs!!! Will be sad times if the Ducks keep us out of the Rose Bowl for the 2nd year in a row! Year before last we knocked them out of the Rose Bowl. Good times. Awesome that Civil War is winner take all for the Roses this year. Was reading up on some of the shenanigans in past Civil War games, funny stuff. Remember: Just say no to Quack!
  13. So long Snidely. btw - somewhere near Novato, eh?
  14. How pumpkin pies are made. Happy Thanksgiving.
  15. Oooohh I can finally get rid of that Toad the Wet Sprocket CD, I'msoin. Currently I am limited to CD only.
  16. I imagine some Muse fans are disappointed with this being toned down a few notches from their previous work but I absolutely love it. Recording quality is also much improved over their other stuff (not hard to do) but still not great.
  17. . I have all 16. I look forward to November every year Some samples here.
  18. Yup, was originally going to link this article and was using their (inaccurate) wording.
  19. 1 Million XBox users banned. Snow Leopard update bricks Hackintosh netbooks (I almost did the hackintosh on my Dell Mini 9, went w/ W7 instead). Apple going after Jailbroken iPhones. & Worm targets Jailbreak iPhones. In other news Demonoid still down........ sigh.
  20. Wow. The operation was a smashing success!
  21. For Grawk: saw this at my local disc golf store.
  22. It gets weirder.
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