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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MoonShine

  1. MoonShine


    Nice, grabbed one. Thanks man.
  2. I have an extra pair I can sell. PM if you are interested. See them here.
  3. Nothing for it then but to invent the word ourselves. I submit: Audiophantiliquism.
  4. I was watching that, pretty frikkin brutal. Jackson gets 16 on the first play and you only needed 3 more points and only get one while the Eagles put up 59. Brutal.
  5. I have had weeks where my entire team scored less points than Vick has in the first half alone. Edit: My luck: Vick goes for 50 in the 1st half but doesn't get the 4 points I need in the 2nd half.
  6. I'm hoping the Redskins can do something so Philly feels the need to keep the gas on.
  7. Yeah, my man Vick is turning what was a lopsided match into an interesting one.
  8. Reks - Looks like we may be getting another shot of performance enhancement on Friday.
  9. Watching ep2 tonight. On Demand w/ no commercials rawqs.
  10. Yes, my 3G/4.1 has been playing nice as well.
  11. I want that lighter.
  12. Yes, without a doubt you did. Although (if it makes you feel any better) I will, after tomorrow, no longer have that distinction. At least until next week, we shall see. I'm hoping Vick picks up where he left off and I can begin an epic run never before seen in the history of FF. (Maniacal laughter echoes through the castle).
  13. It appears I have lost the Cellar Bowl and will now take sole possession of last place.
  14. It's a dessert topping & a floor wax!
  15. And then there's me. I'm thinking if Favre tries real hard he can throw enough pics so I actually end up with a negative points total. That would be awesome.
  16. Meanwhile, in Sports today.... not a frikkin thing happened.......
  17. The Pats D score 33 the week after I drop them (they had been miserable before). Typical Still would not have been remotely close though.
  18. Went from most points last week to fewest this week.
  19. Vick injured in 1st qtr
  20. They have a Klingon corkscrew too. Awesome, I must have them.
  21. Interesting girl with interesting album names and interesting album covers (NSFW).
  22. You will have a good chance against me this week. I had 3 players have the best games of their careers and I still barely got my first win.
  23. Yup, definitely makes it more fun to watch!
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