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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Birgir, since I still prefer my HE-60 slightly over my SR-007 (even with my KGSS), would you think it's a safe bet that I'd be happiest selling my WES and SR-007 to help raise the $5,000 that I'd need to buy the SR-009? Or do you think a better amp like a BHSE for the SR-007 might be smarter? i.e. if you had a KGSS level amp with SR-007 and could only spend $5K, would you upgrade the phones or the amp? Maybe you could try the SR-009 with your worst amp and see if they still hold up well?
  2. Do you have more than 120Gb of data on the 500Gb drive, so that you can't use partition magic to make it small enough to clone to the 120Gb? Maybe you could clone the 500Gb to another 500Gb, then delete everything that you don't want to go onto the 120Gb SSD, then re-partition the new 500Gb to a smaller matching size, and then clone the remainder onto the SSD? (or likewise just move all the extra files to another drive as an archive, and delete them from the original which you will re-size) I haven't cloned a Windows hard drive in a long time, but I own Acronis True Image software, and wonder if that might do the trick for you for moving down to a smaller drive. You could do some research into the new features of the 2012 version. http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/trueimage/?mid=4284&lid=2&uid=108688
  3. Can't get this to embed with the command, so I'm just doing the link.
  4. Yeah, we just did the same.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Apple replaced our iPad1 under Applecare (changed our data account and could not get the old sim out), so now I'm restoring my wife's data and apps to the refurbished one. It came with iOS 4.3.3 so we can jailbreak it at jailbreakme.com but I wont be able to restore to 4.3.3 if there are issues. Got to visit briefly with Tyler at the Apple store, but he was busy with customers so no beer this time around.
  7. Is it true that these hiss with JH13Pro?
  8. It wont last. Wait for it...
  9. I haven't compared the RS-1 to RS-1i. I'm not sure that I've even heard the RS-1i, unless Todd had a pair at CanJam 2009 in LA when I picked up my HF-2. At the time I was looking for a fun sounding rock headphone and the HF-2 fit the bill, even knowing these were a little more colored than a reference phone. That's what I meant by a "too flat soundstage". It got much worse with flat pads, and sounded congested with flats as well; but I didn't think it was as horrible as you describe when used with bowls and an APS v3 cable. Nevertheless, I found it hard to enjoy them after a while and reached for my HF-1 and RS-1 more, which lead me to sell the RS-2. Probably what I should have done was sell them all and kept my HP-1000 instead. Of all the phones I've sold, the HP-1000 are the ones I regret selling the most, followed by my Stax O2 Mk2. But with a kid starting college in 12 months I'm not looking to spend that much money on phones for a while.
  10. No, I mean it's literally see-through.
  11. I thought my old RS-2 were a little more bland sounding than other Grados, kinda like a "Grado-ized HD600". I had Alex re-cable them with APS V3 which woke them up a bit, but the soundstage was just too flat to keep me happy for long. On the other hand, they're possibly less colored and more realistic in tone than the HF-2. I sold the RS-2 before I got the HF-2 so I couldn't compare them directly, and this is all based on my memory of them from before. The RS-2 are not bad though, and I don't think you'll hate them. Still, I think that I'd rather re-cable my HF-2 or try a new source/amp for them before I went back to the RS-2 again.
  12. He's had a pair all his life, so I imagine he wont part with them easily. Oh wait, what are we talking about?
  13. I would love to re-wire my RB-250 but have no idea how to do it and would have to farm it out. I have a set of IEM cables made from Cardas 33 ga silver wire and it's great wire, very transparent and detailed (but for Livewires unfortunately, which I don't use anymore). If you figure this out, I would love to know if you used someone and who.
  14. Yeah, Marc, wishing your dad gets better soon.
  15. Beefy should have apart number for a rotary encoder, since he uses a rotary encoder for his Amati attenuator in his eXStatA. I bought my Amati as a kit with the rotary encoder included, so I don't know the part number.
  16. That sounds cool - I really liked the Sigma 404 more than the Sigma Pro. I've never heard the normal sigma though, but I feared that it might sound as rolled off and lacking the fine micro-detail as the Sigma Pro. In that regard I thought my SR-Lambda and SR-5 gold edition were a bit better in a direct comparison. The Sigma 404 narrowed the gap with better extension and micro-detail, but with a superior soundstage to my Lambdas. I actually liked the Sigma Pro and 404 sound stage more than my K1000.
  17. I can confirm that those Griffin SmartTalk do work well for me, the few times that I've needed it.
  18. The new (old) cat had his dental surgery today. He apparently only had 11 rotten teeth remaining when we strolled through the vet's door this morning, and now we're the proud owners of a completely toothless cat.
  19. Bloody shovel? Must be a Head-Caser...
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Thanks, no problem waiting. It's my fault for not seeing this sooner. One question - it seems that offboard heatsinks could be more versatile for a wider variety of case sizes that could be used for the amp, correct? Is there any other advantage to onboard heatsinks other than making it more compact? My current KGSS has the onboard heat sinks poking up through the top of the case like a supercharger - pretty cool looking.
  22. Well, what causes my tinnitus and hyperacusis isn't going to be the same as yours, nor will the frequencies involved be the same. I still think you could keep trying until you find something that works for you.
  23. That's too bad. For me, using an IEM is sometimes better than headphones because I don't have to play the music as loudly and it doesn't worsen my tinnitus. The louder things are the worse it is for me. If I'm in a crowd that is cheering loudly then my right ear goes completely nuts, and I have to physically plug my ear or I get overwhelmed by the roaring sound and distortion. Anyway, maybe you could zero in on a headphone or IEM that doesn't aggravate your tinnitus? I know speakers offer better imaging, but the ones that seem to offer the same level of micro-detail and natural timbre seem to cost a lot more than any of my headphones. If you have such speakers and don't have to worry about bothering others, then I can understand moving away from headphones. As a suggestion, for very quiet listening I find that my JH13Pro (or UE11Pro) work pretty well, with a good u-shape frequency response so I don't need EQ or high volumes. I can usually listen to my ES5 louder than other phones without trouble, and same with my HE-60. But a few IEM did make pianos and trumpets resonate in my right ear too much to use, including Freq Show and Klipsch Image X10, and I also get a little of that with the LCD-2 sometimes (less when paired with certain sources/amps).
  24. I would like a KGSSHV set of you have any left, that I might at some point upgrade my KGSS so I'm not in a rush. Thanks.
  25. Just curious, but why no headphones anymore? I mean, I can see selling off all but one pair, but not all of them.
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