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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. "Unexplainably" according to Google is a real word, so the later.
  2. Inexplicably that happened to me too.
  3. Wow, I'm seriously jealous. That's beautiful and functional.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I have an 8-watt Qinpu A-3 tube hybrid that sounds pretty nice. Fang was selling them for $169 off Head-Direct.com These have banana jacks plus a 1/8" pre-out in case you want to drive a powered sub. Plus it has both a 1/8" input and an RCA input (front panel switchable). The pre-out can drive some headphones, but the output impedance is fairly high and several low-impedance phones often sound bloated in the bass, while HD600 sound pretty good with it. It drives a Stax transformer fairly well, and paired nicely with my O2 Mk1.
  8. Here's a link to a new interesting article about improving digital quality. The only thing that bugs me is they make it sound like vinyl is perfect, and the poor SNR, high maintenance for cleaning LP and needles, need for RIAA EQ and pre-amp, and short play time all make it less than so for me. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/story/2012-02-04/nashville-sound-quality/52963362/1
  9. Yeah, I only need one more 1099 and one mortgage statement before I can file. I might still beat last year by a week, if they show up soon.
  10. Um, yeah, I guess I didn't choose my words well.
  11. It doesn't have to be that way - I had loads of fun as a medical student. (and it was usually with nurses )
  12. Wow, I hope she was okay after that!
  13. Found out that the oil leak in my 2008 Infiniti is not covered by my warranty because it was caused when my wife ran over a big rock about 6 weeks ago (which she thought was a chunk of ice that fell off a truck). The dealership showed me where she bent the front sway bar up into the oil pan, which cracked the upper aluminum pan, and also dented the transmission, exhaust and rear crossmember. We seem to have things worked out where she has all the accidents and I get all the speeding tickets.
  14. Cute - my first Mac was an Atari 520ST running the Magic Sac with 128K Mac ROM chips in it (in 1985 or 1986). http://lowendmac.com/clones/atari.html
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Yep - stock iPod ear buds. of course Tyll ripped into him about how they measured great. Can't win for losing, eh.
  18. Steve Guttenberg gave the number 4 a favorable review at the other site.
  19. That's about what I thought - a little bigger and better sounding than my LCD-2 rev1 but maybe not worth 2x the price. I once thought I'd get the LCD-3 before the SR-009, but I crave transparency, micro-detail and speed more. In the end, I felt the 009 disappeared better and gave me everything I loved about my HE-60 and everything they were missing.
  20. Now, I would happily pay for a live album from this gang.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. If you like the bass on the ESL-57 then I'm sure the SR-009 will keep you happy as long as you don't listen at ear bleeding volumes. When I owned the Quad in the 80’s I had to use a MK subwoofer with them, but I don't find the 009 bass to be lacking as long as I don't push them too hard, and it's very fast and textured. I do find that at extreme volumes when I add more volume that the 009 mids and highs get louder more than the bass does, and the balance shifts away from the bass, but my HE-60 do this too. Still, the 009 bass is actually fuller and more present than the bass on my HE-60 under most listening conditions (but nothing like the O2 mk1). I think the 007 and 009 are both nice to have, by giving me different sound signatures that I can pick from depending on my mood or program material - the 007 being warmer and more laid back, and 009 being more crisp and vivid in the mids. Having the HE-60 seems redundant now, but these two phones complement each other, just like adding an HD800, HE-500 or T1 to my LCD-2 rev1 for non-electrostatic listening.
  24. I bet that would look good if you had it powdercoated.
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