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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Heh, that's $1000 if I fly you in from Houston to do it, right? I found a place in town that sells these and they said they can take it apart, move it and put it back together in the basement for about $150 - $175. I'm still shopping that job. I'm guessing the electrician will be $100-200, unless I just swap out an existing outlet for one that can take the special 20A plug (one blade is at a 90 degree angle from usual). I was told I should not do that. If we ever sell the house I'm making the buyers take the treadmill too.
  2. Anyone else her using a hybrid hard drive (like Momentus XT) with Sophos antivirus for Mac? I'm using a 750GB hybrid drive now, which has the increased 8GB SSD portion (twice that of the 500GB hybrid). I was happy with the hybrid until I installed Sophos Antivirus software, and that might be messing with the algorythmns used to store the most accessed files in the SSD portion. I think that after a full scan is completed that my most frequently used apps have to be opened and closed several times in order to get them to launch as fast as usual again. It could also be an effect of it scanning every file for infection when I access them. The only viruses it found were a couple of PC viruses as attachments in emails which were sent from spammers a few years ago but not deleted yet, and in a couple of PC jail breaking tools downloaded as a bit torrent which I never tried. An SSD is probably still the best way to go, but I'm just not willing to spend $800 for a 512GB SSD yet - I could almost buy my daughter a new Macbook for college with that. As for external Thunderbolt drives - Seagate is selling a $99 Thunderbolt adapter (without cable) for the GoFlex portable drives that makes the drives 40% faster than FW800 when writing, but reads are only 13% faster. I think I may already be getting those speeds with my USB 3.0 GoFlex drive with USB 3.0 express card. http://www.macrumors.com/2012/02/01/seagate-starts-selling-goflex-portable-thunderbolt-adapter/. To get the true Thunderbolt speed improvements the drive likely needs to be an SSD, but something like that is $450 for a 120Gb external (Elgato)!
  3. Picked up a commercial grade Precor C954 treadmill at a friend's garage sale for $100 + $25 to get it to my house. Still have to figure out how to get the 365lb behemoth down to the basement, and then install a dedicated 20A outlet.
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/larryganz/sets/72157629433265378/
  5. I love this one!
  6. http://player.vimeo.com/video/30300939 What the World’s Biggest Cities Would Look Like with No People
  7. Are cuban cigars still illegal to import?
  8. you have toes for thumbs (...hides from ban-stick)
  9. I have one, but if I answer the question I might get banned. PS: Where did you get this idea from? "Does it sound very tube-like, for example very colored and veiled?" PPS: yes I know I ended my question with a preposition.
  10. Thanks, I was able to use 288001 successfully.
  11. I kinda liked #12
  12. We've been very happy with a Sears Kenmore direct-drive (belt free) vacuum. It does a good job and seems built to run forever.
  13. I'm pretty sure we tried a 15 watt T-amp with this WEE once, and it worked well, while my SRD-7 Mk2 SB caused the T-amp to act up and sound strange enough that I had to turn it off right away. I should have time to open it up tonight after church. Depends on the SWMBO and her plans.
  14. Okay, happy birthday then.
  15. Well, she's 18.5 yr old with a stable vision correction, and the eye doctor that did my regular RK in 1995 and my wife's RK in 1996 (PRK was too expensive) thought it was a good choice for her active lifestyle. He's one of the nation's top laser vision correction providers. He said his incidence of needing to do a touch up at the 1 year mark post PRK was lower than with LASIK. And while the recovery period was longer than with Lasik, in her case he felt that the long term outlook was better for her because of her active lifestyle and other factors. She has allergies (although she's been on allergy shots for a year now), and also has mild dry eye syndrome (runs in the family). This was making it more difficult to continue using contact lenses. The incidence of dry eye becoming worse are higher with Lasik than PRK, and having only a 3 diopter correction helps too. They still include a free touch-up procedure if she's not 20:20 or better one year after the procedure. She's been waiting for 3 years to able to get this done, and the last year or two of wearing contacts was hell for her. She does a lot of sports and has been hit in the eye enough times to know that she was at higher risk for dislodging the flap later. And in the end it was her choice which to do. The physician assistant in the office was also pretty adamant that she'd only let her own daughter to get PRK, which pushed my daughter that way.
  16. Awwwww, did I miss it? Happy Birthday!
  17. My son has the pre-production WEE unit that he won at RMAF. I can try to open it this weekend. Does it open from the bottom or top? Which views do you need?
  18. Wow, that sucks. In 2010 our house appraised value had dropped to about 80% of its 2007 value (which was down to 90% of the 2006 value). Those drops have taken away all of our equity. I have no idea how much more it might have dropped since then. -- So, we had another post op visit today for my daughter's PRK vision correction. She'd had a mild complication, with some hypoxic corneas after the first 3 days in a bandage contact lens. So she still has a couple more days of pressure patching her eyes at night until her corneas have healed over. This has sucked for her because she'd taking 5 AP classes as a senior, and had loads of homework to do when she can't see yet. She should be able to read fairly well by Sunday, and continue to improve from there. She's still happy she won't have to worry about possibly dislodging a corneal flap later if she'd had Lasik - she lives a very active lifestyle.
  19. Bummer. R.I.P. This is my only Marshall amp, the ultra-micro-mini-stack.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Is there anything about the L1 that makes them stand out above the other acceptable (or established) contenders? (like SRH-840, HE-300, HD600/598, or even T50RP, etc)
  22. Hah! Fooled you into thinking I wasn't sure it was a joke. Or was I? (I'm not as think as you drunk I am)
  23. Is Martin Logan pulling an April Fools?
  24. Happy birthday!
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