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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Happy Birthday!
  3. Necrophilia in action here, resurrecting an old thread, eh? I never jumped into this one before, but thought about it a little just now. I'd probably say: SR-Lambda (which I much prefer over my similarly priced HD600 and other budget phones) Marantz 2240 vintage amp with SRD-7 (or other vintage amp, although my 15w Muse T-amp could work on a tighter budget) Marantz CD5001 (this is a great bang for the buck, nicely transparent and detailed sound via RCA output) I have about $600 in that rig. If the $500 budget is a brick wall then I use the cheaper amp.
  4. Yeah, I first read the whole Barsoom series back in the 70's and decided to revisit them again.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. That's freaking me out.
  7. The Princess of Mars thru Chessmen of Mars, 6 more books to go...
  8. They wouldn't leave you with 3oz ??
  9. Congrats Mike and Greg!
  10. Stayed in bed feeling week and flaccid for most of today - I've had a chronic sinus infection for the past 4 weeks and on my 3rd antibiotic which is finally helping, but this has taken a lot out of me over time. I've had 3-4 episodes of coughing up blood with this, but it's been gone for a week now. I can't wait to get my energy back now that I'm starting to get better, as I have only been able to ride my exercise bike 3x in a month. Got signed up for my community service making children's blankets, as part of my plea deal for my speeding ticket doing 131 mph in a 65 mph zone. That was a pretty stupid thing to do, and could have cost me my license. I'm not proud of this, and I've kept it a secret since last September. Sigh...
  11. Gimmick or not, I did think the TTVJ portable Millett Hybrid sounded wonderful, and it worked well as a traveling desktop replacement amp. Although the noise floor was a little too high for using with IEM, it could drive high impedance phones like my 600 ohm AKG and 300 ohm HD600 better than any of my other portable amps at the time. And it did a great job with low impedance phones like Grado RS-1 and Denon D7000 too. For a while I would travel on longer trips with a small Headroom.com headphone bag that held my HD600, TTVJ amp and a portable DAC. Granted, I've never tried the ALO amp, so I won't comment on that.
  12. Some of my top favorites that meet your criteria: Jimmy Cobb Quartet "Jazz in the Key of Blue" (24/96 HDTracks) Peter Asplund Quartet "As Knights Concur" Bill Evans "Waltz With Debbie" Herbie Hancock "Gershwin's World" Guinea Pig "Kool Cats" (so far only found on eMusic.com) Anything by Esbjorn Svensson Trio (E.S.T.) Anything by Keiko Matsui
  13. I know it's tough dealing with this kind of thing - we've had a mix where some family members have died slowly and others who have died suddenly. Neither scenario seems to make it any easier. When they've died suddenly we've wished for more time to say goodbye, and when they've lingered we were glad to be able to say goodbye but we struggled with watching them suffer longer. My prayers are with you. My prayers are with you too, and I'm glad you got to spend time with him after this event. Our sick or ill elderly always seem to call their family before they call 911 when something is wrong. It's so reassuring that they put their faith in us like that, but we need to work extra hard to educate and to get them to call 911 first and not lose time waiting to get our advice. In my father-in-laws case it might have made a difference. My brother-in-law had a conversation with my wife's father last summer, where their father was sounding a little incoherent in a phone call. Father-in-law had experienced a few days of sore throat and coughing and he'd agreed to see the doctor 3-4 days prior. He never went to the doctor, but called his son when he was worse. He'd been on oxygen for emphysema, and had mild diabetes, hypertension and angina, but didn't describe any symptoms indicating anything serious was happening. But he wasn't making a lot of sense when he was talking, and then he was describing urinary incontinence while on the phone but without seeming alarmed by it himself. So my Brother-in-law called me immediately while he was rushing on his way to go check on him. I told him to call 911 right away in case father-in-law was having a diabetic crisis or a stroke. The paramedics got there less than 5 minutes later, but father-in-law was already down and gone. My brother-in-law arrived while they we're finishing up with CPR. Sometimes EMS gets there in time, and sometimes not, but early intervention and access always increases the odds of a good outcome. I'm glad they were able to get there in time for your dad!
  14. Thanks! PS: I assume you brought the right calculator?
  15. You answered it yourself - eternal curiosity.
  16. Happy Birthday
  17. We got that used Precor C954 treadmill we bought two weeks ago set up in the basement today. I couldn't test it until we had it set up with a dedicated 20A circuit, and trusted the previous owner that "it was barely used the past 6 years". I was disappointed to find out that it has 6,996 miles on it and replacement parts are getting very expensive. According to the installer I need to buy a set of motor brushes after having it inspected, and they're not even trying to sell me the parts. They pointed me to a website for parts and showed me what to do myself, in order to fix the "clicking" motor. I'm not complaining, but it's a good thing we only paid $100 for it. In addition to the motor noise, it does show a fair amount of mechanical wear in the underside of the belt, and the roller's bearings are starting to make a little noise. In spite of that, the installer thinks that with new set of motor brushes it might still outlive a cheap sporting goods store treadmill.
  18. Found out that Duke University is giving my daughter scholarships that will cover a little over 50% of her total school costs (tuition, room, board, books, etc). This is wonderful news, since Duke will only cost us slightly more than if she had gone to a Colorado state college like CU Boulder or CSU. Travel expenses will still cost a lot more, but she won't need a car at school and the savings on lower car insurance will pay for round trip plane tickets to return for thanksgiving, christmas, spring break, and summer break.
  19. Okay, I understand now. Until I misunderstand the next time.
  20. Umm, what did you think of them? Still sucked out? If yes, get the SR-5NB gold edition, SR-Lambda, LNS, SR-X, or SR-009.
  21. Have you tried the O2 Mk2, since they have more midrange presence than the Mk1?
  22. Birgir, I agree, the O2 Mk1 mids are pretty good regardless of amp and are never hollow sounding, while the bass and highs can be as you describe when under-driving the O2. I think their upper mids are not as present or strong at times, but the lower and middle midrange always seems provide good body and weight/fullness to instruments in that region. I have heard some headphones that have a hole in the 250-500Hz range (Proline 2500, Darth Beyer) that just don't sound right in the mids and make pianos and saxophone sound hollow. The O2 never do that for me, but I have heard something like that in my SR-Lambda Pro both times I owned them. Relatively speaking I found the O2 Mk2 (SZ2 series) are more forward sounding in the mids and less dark in the highs when underpowered, and sometimes too upfront or shouty for me until I did your recommended ear-pad spring mod. With my old Woo GES or a borrowed SRM-T1S I thought the modded O2 Mk2 were a little better match than my Mk1. I haven't heard the SZ3 series O2 yet.
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