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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Drove to Kansas City KS, tomorrow to Nashville (or Knoxville), then to Durham the next day to get my daughter moved into college. Just had an iHop omelet and pancakes after a long drive, and it tasted so good.
  3. Oh Bummer! That's not good. So sad.
  4. Wow, I coulda sworn I owned one of those back in 1983, but it wasn't a grand.
  5. I'm listening to Amarra 2.4 on my Retina Pro with ML right now, and doing all kinds of things with no skipping or other issues. I'm afraid to let it upgrade me to a newer version in case there are new bugs. But for what I do, which is playing my iTunes playlists through Amarra > DAC of choice, it's great.
  6. I'm holding out for the Tyll version.
  7. Sorry that your dog died. Knowing that we will likely outlive our pets is the biggest deterrent to owning one, and yet we still do it, over, and over, and over. It takes a special kind of person to be a pet owner, and you sir are one of them!
  8. Heading over to the link now. Good luck! [EDIT] Nate, I already donated $25 but I'll do an additional $10 donation for item #2 if that works for you. Item #2 - Cardas 12" right angle mini-mini - this was a staple in my portable rig for years. It's well used, but well taken care of. Suggested donation - $15 (retail is $25). http://www.pbase.com/n_maher/image/145302944.jpg
  9. Okay, I assumed that they were getting the ban-stick or something.
  10. Thanks Todd! Brent kept me company a couple of times while going through withdrawal... Not the same.
  11. How are they gonna get that past Apple without a veto?
  12. Well, atmospheric pressure on Mars is still about 0.087 psi on average surface level, so enough for dust storms. That's about 1/2% of Earth's though. So close enough to vacuum to get freeze dried.
  13. In Denver to take my daughter to the airport at 4 AM (in 4 hours) so she can start being a college student. I'mma gonna miss her, and can't sleep.
  14. We know you have 2GB x 2, and both are good. So all you need is a good 4GB. I bought 4GB for $70 on Amazon, to replace one of the 2GB sticks, and it works great for 6GB total. I believe the early 2009 uses the same ram as yours. http://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Memory-Signature-677MHz-PSD24G6672S/dp/tech-data/B004CVSV2W/ref=de_a_smtd
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. We have owned 5 old Macs with Lion and they were all useable, as long as we were not trying to run multiple users at one time with background tasks. One was a 3GB 2006 iMac, and a 3GB 2006 Macbook Pro, a 4GB 2007 Macbook, a 4GB 2009 Macbook (now 6GB), and a 8GB 2008 Macbook Pro. All with 2.0 to 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo. With a hybrid HD and 4GB of RAM our early 2009 Macbook was not too bad with Lion (2Ghz Core 2 Duo), but it's better with 6GB. The older 3-4GB Macs are definitely slower with Lion vs Snow Leopard, but the 8GB Macbook Pro didn't seem to slow down at all. In fact, the Hyrbid drive makes the 2008 Macbook Pro 15" feel almost as quick as a 2012 Macbook Pro 13" which have a slow 5400 rpm drive. So your SSD should make things respond faster, especially since you'll be using virtual memory more often with 4GB. There seems to be about 750MB - 1GB LESS free RAM with Lion, and I think that's where the slowdown comes from (since the 8GB Mac wasn't affected much). We found out from OWC that our 2009 Macbook could take 6GB, even though apple only supports 4GB with it. Apple only supports 6GB with the Macbook Pro, but with the latest firmware it could take 8GB. More RAM does help. You should see if it can actually take more than what Apple says it will. If you can clone the HD or do a time machine backup, and then upgrade to Lion, if you don't like the drop in speed you can wipe the HD and restore the backup. (I always have 2 backups, with one off-site) I'm happy with the iCloud support in Lion, so I wouldn't go back. However, I think there is no reason why apple couldn't add iCloud to Snow Leopard other than forcing an OS or a hardware upgrade on those who don't buy new Macs often enough.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. That's great. My wife likes our Walther P22 the most, and shoots 1" ten shot groups at 7 yards with it. Better than me. I can't see the rear site anymore with monocular double vision up close, and when I shoot I'm off to the right if I try to bring the sites into focus. I had to put a laser on my Glock, S&W, Walther, and Beretta. But she's like "been there done that" and doesn't like to practice. I just didn't want anything in the house that she couldn't shoot in a hurry, because in an emergency if the closest gun to her isn't familiar she still has to be able to make it go bang. Hence the G23. I'm jealous of those who can get their wives involved in this hobby (and self defence). So, tonight we took our daughter to her favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner before she heads off to college in 4 days, and couldn't get her to say it was her birthday so we'd get the free photo of her with the family having a good time. Oh well. It was a nice break from the packing.
  19. Thanks, that worked for me.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. I really miss my Kimber Compact CDP, but I could not get my wife to learn single action with safety and switched to a Glock 23 which is not quite as nice. I needed something more idiot proof.
  22. FYI - This technique in the link did work to help me create a Lion Installer USB boot drive for the retina MacBook Pro. To clarify, it uses the Lion downloader that's present on your recovery partition. If you've gone to ML already then it's too late to get it, unless you installed Lion on another drive where you can boot from it and access the hidden recovery partition in Terminal. After I install ML I will create another USB boot drive for installing ML. These USB drives are great for not having to download the OSX over the Internet. Obviously with a Recovery Partition or Internet Recovery a bootable USB installer not needed, but when you have to do this without a broadband connection the boot USB is mandatory. The older Lion 10.7.4 installer disks (CD or USB) only work on the Pre 6/11/12 Macs.
  23. Well, I just sold both of the 2007 MacBooks, and the 2006 15" Macbook Pro is still on consignment. So that's almost moot now. I replaced those with three mid 2012 Macbook Pros. All but our iMac will run ML, and we'll lose the iMac when the new ones come out.
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