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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. I own the JH13Pro but after hearing the demos I'd like to have a new JH16FP. I'd want the JH3A even more. I got impressions done at the show, but haven't decided yet.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion on the sub. I had two AV123 Onyx Rocket 10" subs, and one Velodyne 8" sub over the years. Both AV123 subs have gone bad (one dead, one making noise), while the Velodyne I bought in 2004 with their Decco 5.1 system is still alive and rocking. I was going to order a drop-in amp board for the AV123 from Parts Express, but people have posted it needs mods to not have any hum. So, I just ordered the Velodyne VX-11 to replace the dying V123, and shipping was free. Velodyne is selling that sub for $169 on Amazon, but direct from Velodyne it was $20 cheaper and you can still use Amazon checkout. What are the chances both of my AV123 subs would go bad in 3 years? The one making noise might be fixable, but two electronics repair companies here in town wont touch it.
  3. It was pretty good with that too. They are working on a new VAMP for the iPhone 5, but I'm not sure I want a big fat iPhone in my pocket. The wrong person might think I was happy to see them. I liked that the amp case covered the corners of the phone to protect it better.
  4. I liked the Momentum as a more neutral "audiophile" closed phone, so I'd bet you'd like it. I'll probably still get that to play with too.
  5. Okay, after more listening tonight I find that the M-100 also play nice with my MBP retina headphone out, and the HiFiMan EF5 amp via Stello DA100 DAC. I'm going on 5 hours total tonight with the M-100 and I'm not fatigued or uncomfortable yet.
  6. Freqphase Waveguide flyer
  7. Now back up to $100 and $190 respectively.
  8. Well, Mea Culpa. I'm discovering that the M-100 are more sensitive to a high output impedance than my LCD-2 and HE-500. So when I was using them on my CEntrance DACmini (10 ohm) or Nuforce DAC-100 (15 ohm) that was causing the need for a little EQ in the upper bass/lower mids. The DACmini is one of my favorite sub-$1000 amps for the HE-500 and LCD-2 and I assumed this was going to be a good choice here. The DAC-100 is usually my favorite SS amp for HD800. This sound with M-100 was different from what I was hearing at RMAF when I was using an iPod Nano > Pico Slim or iPhone 5 headphone jack. So I went looking to see what the problem was. With my Woo WA6 and it's lower output impedance the sound is just what I remember hearing at RMAF, and the M-100 doesn't need EQ now. Going back the the iPod Nano > Slim or the iPhone 5 headphone out made everything normal again as well. So, my appraisal a couple of posts above needs a caveat, and that is that you get better results with a low output impedance.
  9. http://youtu.be/ekqiVbOTBYU
  10. Holy Carp! Sorry for your loss, and pray you get plenty of meds. And somehow, I wonder, am I the only one thinking "Pix please"?
  11. They are maybe what I would call "semi-dark", in that some sparkle is there but not emphasized and could be a little more. These do sound like cousins to the M-80. But they are fun and I wouldn't call them boring, and with audiophile sources and program material they sound pretty good. In some material there is some excess mid and upper-bass, but the emphasis could be worse. If you're comparing them to a high end phone like LCD-2 or HE-500 as your baseline, then it would be disappointing. The Momentum and Amperior would be a more neutral phone in this price range, but I'm afraid they'd be more fatiguing with the wrong source/material or at higher volumes. EDIT - If I use the iTunes EQ to remove 2dB at 125Hz and 3dB at 250Hz they sound a lot more balanced, without needing to boost the highs. However, adding 3-6 dB at 16Khz is still a little nicer. I don't have to touch the 8Khz slider. I do have 50 year old ears that roll off after 12.5Khz and can still detect 16Khz if it's boosted.
  12. Happy belated birthday!
  13. Yes, thanks, but I think it still works both ways, but yours is better. I didn't like the Amperior as much as the Momentum. Todd didn't have any Momentum for sale yet, and I want to send business his way.
  14. Dropped off our Subaru Impreza at the body shop Monday morning. Some kid backed into it at my daughter's high school while she was in class. He was nice enough to come tell her what happened. Their USAA is paying for it, but I have to drive the rental car because she's too young. Not as bad as Namaan's damage for sure.
  15. I don't think this will cause an activation problem if you clone the internal drive as a bootable drive, and it's used on the same Mac that it's authorized on in the event of an internal drive failure. It shouldn't care about what hard drive it's on, just what Mac it's being used with.
  16. Sorry, I guess didn't make it clear that I'm looking for a small mid-priced closed phone with decent isolation, with a sound quality that is better than my ATH-ANC7, ATH-A900, SRH-840 or HD25-1 II. Only the last two on that list isolate enough for what I want. I want the isolation to keep noise out as much as to keep the music in. I have the HE-300, which sound kinda like a marriage between an HD600 and a Grado MS-1 (yeah, how is that possible), but they are open headphones. I now have a loaner M-100 to review, and will be buying a pair when they are available again en masse in December. But based on my listening at RMAF I may also be buying a Sennheiser Momentum, and then keep the ones I prefer the most. The M-100 are the warmer, bassier, more laid back of the two, while the Momentum are a little crisper and detailed without the emphasized bass but less "fun" factor. The M-100 are to the HD650 what the Momentum are to the HD600, in terms of overall flavor - dark vs light. The DT-1350 in comparison were a little more colored in the upper mids than either the M-100, MDR1 or Momentum, but closer to the Momentum's end of the spectrum in terms of tone or brightness. I think that someone who really likes the DT-1350 would probably like the Momentum more than M-100, both of which are more comfortable than the 1350. But someone who prefers the HD650 over the HD600 may prefer the M-100 over the others. They don't have the greatest detail and sparkle, but they do disappear nicely with a good source and amp, with a wide variety of genre, and can pummel your ears into oblivion if you like loud music with bass.
  17. Thanks for the cable link! I'll post about the M100 after I try them out.
  18. 722 + 20 = 742 The wife bought me at a March of Dimes bachelor auction for $275 ($550 date). We were engaged 2 months later, married 8 months after that, and next month we'll have been together 21 years (but married 20 of those as of August).
  19. I'm going to try out the V-moda tomorrow (well, today, but after I wake up) and see. I've heard a lot of good things about the M80, but don't recall being thrilled with those last year at RMAF (although my listening session was cut short). I tried the DT-1350 again today, but think that they are overpriced considering the colorations that they have. And they are less comfortable than an HD25. I'm looking for a closed budget travel phones that isolates somewhat, and tried the MadDog Fostex but thought they sounded more similar to the Beyer than to a T50RP. I'm not all that pleased with my HD25-1 II, which I have misplaced and can't seem to find (how does one lose a mid-sized headphone). My SRH-840 are not bad, but the screen over the baffles rub my ears the wrong way, and they still leave me wishing for better. And the Shure are just too big to travel with, especially with that stupid coiled cable. So, if the M100 are good enough, I'll be buying a pair.
  20. That's really cool and all, but why tie up such expensive parts with this mod? I love my LNS, but is this mod that much better sounding than a stock LNS to warrant not selling the HE-90 parts and pocketing the difference in cost over replacement Stax parts? A far as sound goes, I really did prefer my LNS over the new SR-507 that I heard at CanJam last year - after side by side comparisons there is no way I'd ever buy a new SR-507 when I have the LNS and original SR-Lambda. The SR-507 had an aggressive lower treble that was a little irritating and definitely not as transparent as my LNS. So, I can imagine how an improved earcup and baffle could improve things with the LNS drivers even more, but wow that's expensive. As they are now, my stock LNS sound very similar to my HE-500 (using equivalent quality amps). And speaking of HiFIMan. Ray Samuels now has an intermittent driver in his HE Audio Jade, so maybe he'd want to buy your LNS-90 which would give him a functioning headphone plus spare parts in case his HE-90 break?
  21. BTW, I think that the ML 10.8.2 supplemental update broke my Time Machine backups, and slowed backups down to a crawl. Reinstalling OS X 10.8.2 on top of my current install, without doing the supplemental update fixed things for me. I had to keep quitting the backup when it would estimate 13 days to complete a 16GB incremental backup. Even using SuperDuper! to make a clone was not working right. It seems to be linked to a bug in Spotlight and sandboxing, where TM is asking for something it's not allowed to have. Many people have had to turn off spotlight to get their backups to start working again. but it doesn't work for everyone. The whole problem still forced me to wipe out my external drive TM backup and start over, but the fresh 700GB backup took only about 4 hours once I fixed everything. Somehow my network backup started working again, and I didn't have to wipe that one. I also ran a clone which completed in less than 3 hours (it copied 240GB per hour I think), when before it took 6 hours to copy 1GB...
  22. I still use SoundSource because I can also (1) select system sounds to go through a different device than the rest of the audio, (2) change those volumes independently, or (3) silence one or the other altogether. The new option-click on volume control is still nice, but it doesn't have those features.
  23. Marriott Denver Tech Center - they promised 3mbps and can't deliver.
  24. Wish I had checked in here sooner - I have an extra bed at the Marriott since Bluto couldn't make it. It's still not too late if anyone needs a place to crash. Having fun so far, without setting up a rig. It's so much more relaxed this way, but I miss the days when a bunch of us would bring gear for people to listen to. There is so much stuff here now, that there really isn't much I could have brought that was already at another table. I've brought a bunch of headphones in a backpack to listen to various gear as I feel like it. Just got finished having a few beers with Jerry Harvey and his evil minions (Doug Leavy, Jamie, Zach and oops I forgot the new guy's name). Earlier I went to have Indian food with Jack Wu, Fang Bian, Ray Samuels, Paul (Fang's manager), and this guy Steve (with Ray).
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