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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Try http://www.everymac.com
  2. Well, I'm going to an ML event tonight at the Sound Shop in Colorado Springs, and see if I can win a pair of their new IEM. I didn't know they had a headphone as well. I listened to the Martin Logan CLX full size electrostatic speakers and thought they sounded very nice with some Bryston gear. I plan to listen to them again tonight with my own music.
  3. Done. Also don't forget to hit the Red Cross website for hurricane relief.
  4. I think I'm pushing 3 years on my Pico DAC, and still prefer it with my iPad to all the other USB DACs.
  5. If the storm caused significant financial hardship for our members, should we consider setting up some kind of head-case hurricane fund for forum members in need?
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Con Ed Plant in NY at 14th and FDR
  8. NYT says Con Ed just shut off power to lower Manhattan.
  9. You're gonna have to eat the zombies when the hot dogs are all gone...
  10. Hmmm, Vegan? I don't know. The pads feel like they are made from a very soft and thin black leather, and the pads are thicker or fuller than my r1 pads were with a much softer and more compressible padding. It's not the brown pads like on the LCD-3 at RMAF.
  11. I get that, but he typed something that didn't make sense, probably an iPhone autocorrect thing or something, "The non active sounded x-over sounded better than the current version". If I try to correct it seems like he was trying to say "The non-active cross-over sounded better than the current version". But, the current version is the non-active cross-over.
  12. I got rid of my LCD-2 r1 for an r2 - I'm hoping to get to spend time with them tomorrow. I've got the early r2 cups from before they started to look more like LCD-3, but with the newest ear pads that everyone was saying sound better.
  13. Sorry, I am still confused here by the wording. Regardless, would you do it all over again, especially now that the new JH16Pro now have the Freqphase Waveguide to keep the drivers in phase?
  14. And gone already.
  15. I could make a soup out of dem bones.
  16. Because Jerry applied for the patent while he was at UE, and then it wasn't approved until last year, so JHA can't use the idea of active crossovers in a triamplified IEM setup unless UE licenses it to them.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. I do like the idea of an iPad weighing half that of the retina iPad and being easier to tote around, while also easier to read than a tiny 4" iPhone 5 screen. It's still to hard for me to read the screen when I'm surfing the web on the iPhone 5. So, I guess resistance really is futile. I got up at 6AM and after 20 minutes of putting one in my shopping cart, and removing it, and putting it back, and removing it several times I ended pulling the trigger on a slate 64GB AT&T iPad mini. Sigh...
  19. My DL III in 96K upsampling mode sounded a lot like a Stello DA100, i.e. warm, spacious and refined; and in 192K mode it's a little brighter and more spacious sounding. I thought this second setting was a good match with my old Woo GES and Stax SR-007 headphones, to keep them from sounding too dark or closed in. I didn't like the fact that the upsampling shouldn't affect the tone or soundstage, yet it did and couldn't be disabled. Also, the DLIII didn't handle decoding the high jitter Apple TV optical output without audible artifacts as well as the Stello does. If you have a good S/PDIF transport then it's not really an issue. I heard the Bifrost/Lyr combo at RMAF with LCD-2 r2 and really enjoyed it a lot. But I didn't directly compare it to anything. I know it sounded good enough that I wouldn't mind owning one, but I can't comment on the soundstage size. I know nothing of the specs and haven't read any reviews that I can recall. In the past I've heard the Cambridge Audio DACMagic ($399), and thought via coax input it was really nice and spacious, but it seemed less detailed than the Stello DA100 and Apogee mini-DAC in direct side by side comparisons. And, it wasn't very good via USB, so good thing you don't need that. The DACmini is right up there with the DLIII and DA100, sounding a little more like the DLIII in 192K mode. It's built-in amp is perfect for the LCD-2 as well. If I had to pick just one, out of the ones mentioned, that would be it. But it's $795. It has one of the best 24/192 USB DAC I've tried though. I use the coax input with an iPod digital dock, and the USB input sounds just like the Coax input. I think all of these are a little better than the Nuforce HDP ($450) which really needs the linear regulated power supply to shine (another $300).
  20. I got the Zooka bluetooth soundbar but the sound quality is less than that of the cube, although it's got the benefit of just a little stereo separation with the drivers about 10" apart. The major benefit of the Zooka is being able to set it atop the center of the screen for better imaging while watching a movie. Unfortunately it's really not an upgrade over the built-in speakers of the Retina MBP, except in a couple of dB extra volume, but the built-in speakers have better imaging. The Zooka will be relegated to portable iPad and iPhone duty. As for the mini-XLR, I'm pretty sure the LCD-2 used a 4-pin XLR on each end of the cable, with two of the pins soldered together for positive, and two soldered together for ground. I'll have to go downstairs later to check, but if that's the case then you'd have to stick with AKG cables.
  21. Will an LCD-2 cable work too? Doesn't it use 4-pin mini-XLR?
  22. I'm resistant to change. I can't be assimilated.
  23. Ironic herself.
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