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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Yikes, that sounds like a sucky day. In our case we took our wonderful sheltie to the vet for a dental cleaning under anesthesia and they found a cavity, a broken tooth, and an area of possible osteomyelitis or tumor on xray that's unrelated to the two teeth and needed to be biopsied. On top of that, she has a growing mass in her left rear leg for the past 4 years that was once thought to be hypertrophied muscle, but may be a lipoma or something more vascular that would be dangerous to biopsy. It's getting so much bigger that it's painful sometimes, and the vet thinks it may continue to grow until the leg might need to come off. The X-rays are being sent to a specialist, and she might need an ultrasound. Snickers is 12 years old and otherwise in good health, but I'm frustrated that after close to a kilo-buck in expenses for medical care that we still don't know her diagnosis or prognosis for these two issues. I always said we wouldn't be one of those families that spend thousands and thousands of dollars to save a pet who has lived a good life, but we love her so much that probably over the next couple of months I'll end up doing just that, just in small increments that sneak up on us.
  2. That's a nice one. I wonder what makes their one million dollar watch so special? [edit - other than the diamonds]
  3. Exactly, Airfoil video player is what you need. I own it and tried it, and it did get the audio to sync up when transmitting video from Macbook to the new Apple TV when using the HDMI DAC built into my HDTV. I assume it would do the same when using the optical digital output as well.
  4. That peg leg is started to sound pretty good about now... I'm sorry sorry this happened.
  5. My favorite was frosted blueberry, nice and warm from the toaster.
  6. Well, it was more like a cumulative 5lbs a year that stuck with me.
  7. I had to give them up for my 50lb weight loss. Sad days.
  8. Comcast home service, at home.
  9. Seriously?
  10. When I met her at CanJam 2009 she welcomed me with open arms when many other headcasers were sneering at me. I've been reading her updates in the biking thread with great interest, and almost suggested she start a blog about it to share with a bigger crowd, but I thought that statement would backfire. I do know how important this is to her. I wouldn't have donated if this wasn't something close to her heart (both the riding part and the charity).
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. I think that's from a Suicide Girls video from about 5 years ago. Yes?
  13. Bummer, sold out.
  14. Glad you didn't get hurt worse. I think when I took that digger at Steamboat in July I might have had a hairline fracture myself. My hip swelling was much worse than the huge bruise, and it's still swollen almost 4 months later although much better. I'm still very point tender over the hip too. For me, scratching a new bike would drive me nuts, which is one reason (other than cost) why I bought a used bike that's pre-scratched to hell already. (I should only buy used iPads too)
  15. I was teasing. I should have said, "it's only a flesh wound" aka Monty Python...
  16. Thanks!
  17. Haven't tried any W4S DACs yet. I did own a DLIII for a long while and it was pretty nice when I got it for $699, so $450 is an even better deal. The timbre and tone (or frequency response) was similar to the Stello DA100 when set for 96K up sampling. It was a little brighter and more spacious sounding in 192K mode, but maybe with a little more glare in the treble. Not sure why it would sound that different with changing up-sampling rates, and you can't turn off up-sampling so it's one or the other. Overall performance was not far from a standard Stello DA100 or Apogee mini-DAC (a little behind Apogee), but my main issue with it was that it had difficulty handling high jitter levels via optical, like from that of my 1st Gen Apple TV. I took it to RMAF 2009 and was going to leave it set up with an Apple TV and 19" monitor, so I wouldn't have to leave my Macbook unattended when I wanted to see the rest of the show. However, we discovered pops, clicks, dropouts, and graininess with ATV. The Macbook optical out was very noticeably better than the Apple TV, so I had to use that for the rest of the meet. At that time we compared it to a stage 3 or 4 Cullen modded DLIII which was more refined, open, spacious, and detailed than the stock DLIII, regardless of transport. So Rick Cullen (of W4S) seems to know what he's doing with DACs. I recall we tried another DAC that couldn't even lock onto the signal or make any sound using the ATV optical out (but I forget the name). I ended up buying my PWD from Mike and compared the DLIII to it, and it wasn't really close - hearing the same improvements with the PWD that I heard in the Cullen modded DLIII. I think I sold it for $550. So, the DLIII is a very decent mid-level DAC that performs close to the DA100 and mini-DAC when used with a good transport. Based on other comparisons I've done, I did feel a Lavry DA10 and Cullen modded DLIII were better. But there's little chance that you'll be disappointed for only $450. A new Nuforce HDP costs $450 and it doesn't perform nearly as well until you connect it to a linear regulated PSU like a sigma 11. In your price range there is also the $399 - $499 W4S µDAC to consider, but I haven't heard anything about those yet. If you were only going to use USB input and single ended output, you could save even more money with a 24/96 DACport LX or Pico DAC.
  18. What if you duct tape a peg-leg to the pedal of the bike, bypassing the bad ankle?
  19. Aww Maaan, you can tough it out. Or, maybe you could send a proxie in your place, someone who couldn't have gotten in without your fundraising.
  20. I thought I had an appropriate slightly humorous response. What's with all the hostility?
  21. You could have disassembled it to put inside the car, and put it back together at home.
  22. Huh, page 501 never showed up as unread, but I missed a lot there. Get well vicki, maybe an air splint will help and still let you ride with proper shoes and all? I tore two ligaments in my left ankle once and was able to walk within two days with an air splint.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Why is okay to put this much effort into alcohol, cars and headphones but not watches?
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