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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. Jacob, I only just finished reading all the posts since Monday that I hadn't seen yet. Things will get better, but there will always be ups and downs - that's the nature of the illness. But at least with the Rx adjustments and maybe adding something like Abilify the ups and downs can become "hills and troughs" not "mountains and valleys". Having the diagnosis right is half the way to treating mental illness, but I'm pretty sure meds alone are not enough for most mental health disorders and that therapy is usually indicated as an adjunct even when stable on meds. Some people don't get diagnosed, and are just treated as if they just have a personality disorder. I was in that situation for a while about 22-24 years ago. My 1st wife and I got married after only 6 months of engagement, and within 2 months of marriage she was beating on me. We did 22 months of marriage counseling but the therapist started seeing the ex by herself after the 1st month or so. Nobody would tell me what was going on, and it wasn't until after we split up after 2 years did I find out that she'd been molested by her father when she was a child and was having un-diagnosed and un-treated issues. I'm pretty sure she never got meds to help her deal with the issues while we were together, and I never learned if there was any additional underlying diagnosis, but she could sure act bipolar at times. Maybe if she'd been medicated she would have improved, as therapy alone will not treat some of these issues either.
  2. Tonight my teenage daughter informs me that she hasn't seen her wallet since 6:45PM Wednesday, and first noticed it wasn't in her purse when she got to school this morning (Thurs). She thought she'd find it at home, but after she gets home she looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it. She manages to freak out and sit in her room for hours in panic mode before telling me. First thing I did was search her car for it, and then go online to make sure nobody was using her debit card or my MasterCard that she uses for gas or groceries. But because she is studying for finals she's too upset about her AP Statistics test tomorrow to let me search her room because she can't concentrate, and she's still freaked out. I lieu of a room search I then get sent on a wild goose chase to the gas station where she may have left it, but no luck. So I back off for a little while and order the paperwork online for replacing her driver's license. I also call MasterCard to cancel my card but hang up, and call back, and hang up, over and over about 5 times because I'm worried I'll cancel prematurely. I really wanted to wait until I can search her room and convince myself that her wallet is really gone before canceling the cards. After 2 more hours of intermittent begging that I need to search her room, I give up and cancel her debit card and my MasterCard. So, MasterCard has to send all five of us a new card but it wont be here till next week (stupid cards all have the same #). This is just 2 weeks after my VISA card # was stolen, forcing me to go into all my online accounts and change the billing to another card - and now I have to do it all over again. I hang up the phone with the bank at 11:22PM and at 11:25PM my daughter announces to me that she found her wallet inside her blankets at the foot of her bed when she was going to bed. At least she doesn't need a new driver's license.
  3. Steve, that really sucks. RIP Jim.
  4. Amazon has 100 MP3 download albums for $5 - the following link doesn't have the head-case as referral link, so you might need to mod it a bit. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dm_6pk_a100for5?ie=UTF8&docId=1000371251&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=06B9V9XHBB0AHYBFDT88&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1546262702&pf_rd_i=163856011
  5. Interesting. We've been using a CalDigit USB 3.0 expresscard for our late-2008 Macbook Pro 15" for the past couple of years, and it seems to still be going strong. The expresscard slot has speed limits too, but it still seems to have doubled the speed over the built-in FW800 with the Seagate GoFlex portable HD (we have the USB 3 and the FW800 adapters for the drive). I'd still wish that the CalDigit had one FW800 port.
  6. Took this last evening, right before I went to Apple to have my iPhone replaced after autofocus died a noisy death (camera lens sounded like angry bees)
  7. That pisses me off, especially since it slipped in under the radar like this. It doesn't affect me much, but I stand up for the rights of content creators to not have their works exploited and robbed.
  8. Sucks that people like that still exist these days. Sorry you have to deal with that crap, crappy.
  9. I forgot about the 2009 CanJam in LA, where the number from the credit card I used at the event and hotel was lifted and used to make several $500 purchases at a Walmart in LA. My CC company didn't catch it at first because I'd used the card to buy 2 plane tickets and book the hotel in LA.
  10. About 10 years ago someone got my CC number and used it over the thanksgiving holiday to rent a TV, buy a pizza, and get a hair style (staying right under the $500 felony amount). I discovered it while doing internet banking, and went investigating. She picked up the TV and Pizza so no address (used a fake), but the Pizza place knew her name. Got it confirmed at the hair style place, along with a phone number and did a reverse lookup, and gave everything to the police. She got arrested and I went to court to testify, but they did a plea deal of 5 years probation and drug rehab before I had to appear.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Changed about 30 recurring monthly transactions from my stolen credit card number to another card that is rarely used anywhere, so it will be harder to steal. It was our mistake for using the same card in public as the card that pays for email, wireless data, satellite radio, netflix and everything else. Although the last card was fairly well guarded, here in Colorado at restaurants they do not bring a credit card terminal out to your table to pay for a meal, so any waiter or waitress has access to the card long enough to skim it. And I heard that some of the local gas stations had skimmers stacked onto the card readers, and my wife was using it to pay for gas. Someone actually made a new physical credit card with our data imprinted on it, and used it at the Sahara in Vegas. It wasn't some random person who just got the number, exp, and CCV2 and bought stuff online (although they did also buy an NBA live online subscription). I hope they catch the bastard.
  13. Shelly, If your budget allowed you don't need portable I would say get a used pair of Denon D7000 (much better than D2000/5000). I'm curious, what did you not like about the ATH-A900 LTD? I thought they were a little better than a stock Denon D2000 when plaidplatypus brought his over for a mini-meet, although bass detail still wasn't the greatest. I own a pair of modified ATH-A900 but not LTD, which are modded with an SPC cable and internal felt dampening, and I still think my V-MODA M-100 bass is faster and better controlled. Plus the ATH-A900 mids are not nearly as engaging as the M-100, although the ATH-A900 has a little more treble presence. From what I recall, my modded ATH-A900 were very similar to plaidplatypus's LTD, but they are still not as smooth and relaxing as the V-MODA M-100. I haven't used the A900 or compared them to the M-100 in several months, so my memory of how the A900 sounds is fading. Maybe we feel the same way about the A900, not sucky but more "meh..." than wow. You could consider the Sony MDR-1 as Tyll suggested. I liked the Sony MDR-1 over the Momentum at RMAF, but they both seemed a little boosted in the bass like the M-100 while at the same time not sounding as smooth and relaxing. I really wish I had been able to spend more time with them when I had the chance. Then there is the V-MODA M-100. I did spend a lot of time with these at RMAF and I was happy to pay full price to buy the demo pair after I did a review. While I really enjoy my M-100, they aren't what I would call neutral either - however, they still remind me a little of an HD650 with a slight veil along with additional bass extension and impact. I find the M-100 to be very comfortable physically for long periods, and not fatiguing in their sound either. Some people would say the M-100 are slightly dark sounding, but I don't think they are any darker than an LCD-2 rev1. I'm listening to them right now with iPad 4 and Amanda Palmer Sings Popular Songs of Radiohead on her Magical Ukelele, and I'm very happy with the sound.
  14. Yes, do what makes you happy and what feels right!
  15. Personally I'd still get an Apple Airport Extreme, and then sprinkle the property with an Airport Express or two as network extenders if needed. But I hear that Apple is about to support a new faster standard than 801.11n 5Ghz soon, and so that might mean a hardware update soon. We have been able to cover the whole 5,000 sq foot 3-level house with just one Airport Extreme router in the upstairs loft, but it got worse when we moved the router to the basement. The speeds are a bit faster now at the far reaches of the house after adding an Airport Express as network extender, especially two floors away and at the other side of the house.
  16. happy birthday!
  17. Our prayers are with everyone affected by this cowardly attack. I was meeting with a thoracic surgeon in Denver when this happened, and didn't hear about it until an hour later on my way home with my wife. My first thought was of my own kids, since BU was my daughter's second choice college and if she'd attended school there she would have definitely wanted to be watching the marathon in person for her first time. Somehow, with as little as I trust the government for invading our privacy and rights, I thought we'd be prepared to prevent an attack like this (or Benghazi). I'm hoping we figure it out soon, and sick our Seal team Six on the MF'rs that did this. There is never a justification for attacks like this, and it only makes people fight back harder instead of giving up.
  18. Tyler?
  19. The Fifth Element (soundtrack)
  20. This is the Trent Charge pack I bought recently which seems to have a good balance between capacity and price plus features. It's got a folding AC plug and can charge two devices via USB at one time, with enough juice to charge a typical iPhone 5 almost 4 times. It's a similar size to my son's Zagg Sparq 3100, but with an extra port and double the juice, for $25 less than a new 3100 (which was $5 cheaper at the time because we got it Black Friday) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BBMW8EM/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  21. Going home this afternoon on Omnicef and Zithromax antibiotics, and 60mg prednisone a day. Should be manic by the end of the week due to prednisone, unless that symptom was exacerbated in the past by one of my other meds. Good news is I've been off the Paxil since Feb 27 (5 weeks) with no adverse effects, so maybe no mania on steroids this time. My sleep apnea Dr thought Paxil would help energize me, but the Nuvigil helps more. I'll meet with surgeon in Denver later, but I'm not planning on surgery right now. They want him to get familiar with me, so when surgery becomes a last resort he won't be seeing me for the first time as a new patient emergency.
  22. My diagnosis Adenovirus
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