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Everything posted by HeadphoneAddict

  1. He wouldn't have recommended it otherwise.
  2. I'm confused, wasn't the PWD Mk2 list price about $3995 recently, and now it's half price? If so, that should piss off a few people who paid $3-4K for a Perfectwave DAC recently.
  3. I can't advise you on what option to choose, but I wanted to remind you that at 60ppm or 25ppm, someone is still going to have to name each file and organize them, and that will be a much slower process. It sounds like you have a big job ahead of you. So, assuming you hire someone to scan and document things, renting the faster one for a month could cut the total scanning or input cost in by 30-50%. But will it also save you on the naming and organizing part of the process? Personally, I'd rather own the scanner than rent it, if I thought I'd use it again later. (I used to use a PaperPort scanner on my old PC that would suck in a page very quickly, and I could sit at the kitchen table and feed it 20 sheets a minute, but then the files were saved with a date and time and needed to be renamed and moved to folders which took about 10-15 seconds a page.)
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Looks great to me...
  6. In addition to the advice above, sometimes the laptop will access the standard 500GB second drive even when you don't try to access files there. That access and spin up time slows down the laptop's responsiveness. I would lose drive #2 completely and replace #1 with the 480GB SSD.
  7. If you are still in your return period, take them back.
  8. The Best Squirrel Feeder Is a Horse-Head Squirrel Feeder
  9. It's funny but I bought the Mk2 upgrade in November 2012 and didn't get it installed until Oct 2013 because the Mk1 sounded so good, and I'm lazy. I'm happy with the Mk2 upgrade and latest firmware, so I think I'll just take a pass on the next upgrade at that price. I think I bought Mike's PWD Mk1 for about $2K and added the Bridge for about $800 + another $800 for the Mk2. It would be crazy to spend another $3K to upgrade this, vs buying a second DAC or replacing it. I'm also disappointed in the unstable eLyric app for iPhone/iPad that controls music playback on the PSA PWD Bridge. I was running Twonky Server on the iMac to serve my iTunes Music, and using a LaCie NAS to host FLAC music for when the Mac was off. But eLyric 2.1.1 just crashes upon launch, and while rev 2.0.9 sometimes works it's a pain to avoid updating it by accident. Now I have to use JRiver Media Player 19 and JRiver remote app for playback with the Bridge, and I can't control music that's on the NAS with JRiver remote.
  10. This might help others who run into this issue - it seems to be a common issue in Mavericks with Spotlight continuously trying to index the hard drive, using a lot of CPU cycles (and disk space for error logs). I developed the issue over the past couple of days and I tried removing and rebuilding the Spotlight database but it didn't help. I tried turning off Spotlight for all the drives (Spotlight privacy) as recommended at Apple discussion forums, and then re-enabling spotlight for just the main drive. People on the forums had said that eXFAT drives (like my SD card) can't store the Spotlight data and could be the culprit, so I excluded mine plus my boot camp partition. This didn't seem to help. Leaving Spotlight off for all drives helped, but disabled search on the Mac. So, I booted into recovery mode and tried a "disk repair" and "repair permissions". But the issue came back, and when Spotlight was grinding away my computer would be slower and time machine backups would run at a snail's pace. Finally, I decided to boot into recovery mode and re-install OS X Mavericks back on top of my existing installation, and that fixed the problem. I was very surprised that the recovery process installed 10.9.1 when I checked, so I updated to 10.9.2 before running important apps or backing up again. It's still working fine with OS X 10.9.2 now. I also checked, and I'm not one of those with Airplay mirroring problems after the 10.9.2 update. Whew... Hope this helps if one of you catches the bug.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. All backed up (clone and time machine) and downloading now. Thanks! Mac hadn't warned me yet, until I ran Mac App Store.
  13. WTF Apple - iOS app devs can sneak in an iOS key logger through App store via bug/hole http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/02/new-ios-flaw-makes-devices-susceptible-to-covert-keylogging-researchers-say/#p3
  14. The bug isn't in Mountain Lion? I hadn't heard that one. So, are you saying that Lion is safe? I have a bootable external clone of my Mountain Lion install from 2/6/14 that I could still use if I have to use a public network. But more likely I'll use my iPad as a hotspot to tether my Macbook for now or I can use my updated iPad instead of the Mac. I'm the only one in the house on Mavericks because my new rMBP came with that, and I spent a week cleaning out all of the non-Mavericks compatible software and drivers to get it stable. The rest of the family is still on ML at my insistence, since we wanted to wait for 10.9.2 for more bugs to be worked out first (gmail, mac mail refresh, etc..). There was nothing in Mavericks that was compelling enough for any of us to update yet, certainly not just for the new and un-improved iWork apps.
  15. I'm not sure I understand - do you mean mifi as in MiFi hotspot on a cell provider? The cell providers are safe in this case? Why is that any different from connecting via ethernet or secured wifi at home?
  16. I thought APS was on the watch list for not providing paid for services, or something like that?
  17. I use wifi at the local coffee shop a lot, as well as whenever I'm visiting my daughter for a weekend at CU Boulder or at my mother-in-law's house, to name a few. I just worry about random people with wifi sniffers or packet sniffers (whatever) and them being able to steal my logins and such. The thing is, I thought that anyone who can insert themselves into the pipe between you and the encrypted site you visit can get you, without targeting you by trying to get into your local network. Do they have to be on the same network as you and target just you, or can they be out in the ether like the NSA and scoop up everything? EDIT - link http://appleinsider.com/articles/14/02/24/apple-nearing-release-of-os-x-1092-with-support-for-facetime-audio-fixes-for-mail-safari
  18. Will using a VPN like HotSpot Shield help protect the Macs until Apple fixes this?
  19. PS: the above mini-review was my acknowledgement to Jon L that one amp might suit one headphone better than another. But it doesn't take away from the fact that my KGBH is perfect with 009 and still quite good with 007, without needing a tube change. The 007 seem to tolerate a more forward or brighter amp like my KGSS better than the 009 can, but the more laid back and refined signature of my KGBH still suits them quite well.
  20. They did a good job singing this at the Olympics. The olympic versions keep getting pulled for copyright. Sucks that it has to be played at double speed to avoid takedown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chfDf01RBi8 Somehow this one is still up:
  21. SSL bug is much worse than we expected: Would using my HotSpot shield VPN account on my Mac help? http://www.macrumors.com/2014/02/23/apple-fixing-ssl-bug-other-apps-affected/ Apple Planning Fix for OS X SSL Bug as New Research Reveals iMessage, Other Apps Affected Sunday February 23, 2014 7:18 pm PST by Richard Padilla Apple has confirmed that it will issue a software update "very soon" to patch the security flaw found in OS X that allows attackers to capture or modify data protected by the SSL/TLS protocols in Safari, reports Reuters. The vulnerability of OS X to the bug was detailed by security firm CrowdStrike and a Google engineer last Friday, and came right after Apple released iOS 7.0.6 to fix the SSL-related issues on iOS. However, the security flaw, which has been termed "GoToFail" by security specialists due to the improperly used "goto" command that triggers it, may be affecting more than just Safari. Independent privacy researcher Ashkan Soltani has pointed out on his Twitter (viaForbes) that Apple's vulnerable SSL library is also used by apps including FaceTime, iMessage, Twitter, Calendar, Keynote, Mail, iBooks, Software Update, and more. A list of apps deemed vulnerable to the SSL bug found in OS X and iOS by security researcher Ashkan Soltani Soltani does point out that apps such as iMessage and FaceTime have addded security measures that weaken the effects of the security flaw, but also added that the initial iCloud login used to authenticate such apps may also be compromised. The researcher states that other parts of the protocol such as the handshake between a service and a device are vulnerable to an attack as well, and will need to be secured by Apple. Currently, users can check whether or not their computers are affected by the vulnerability by visiting gotofail.com in Safari. As users wait for a fix to the flaw, CrowdStrike recommends avoiding untrusted and unsecured WiFi networks while traveling. The site also recommends that users update to iOS 7.0.6 if they have not yet installed it on their iOS devices.
  22. Shelly, sorry I think missed this before, but with the thread resurrected I wanted to update my thoughts in amps for SR-009. Previously I posted a little about my KGBH with 009, and wanted to elaborate with some specifics about bass, mids, treble, and soundstage differences in my amps.. I've got both a hot-rodded DIY 400V KGSS and a KGBH with Custom CCS and Mullard XF2 (both built by Marc) which some people think would fall between a KGBH and BHSE. With the SR-009 I experience noticeably better bass performance with the KGBH, as in more impact, slam, and depth. The KGBH also has a smoother and more refined treble response, while the KGSS is slighty more aggressive in the lower treble and slightly more forward in the mids which would suit my 007 Mk1 better. Lastly, the soundstage of the SR-009 is even more enormous and deep with the KGBH vs the KGSS. If I had to part with one, it would be the KGSS, but it makes a great spare amp for the bedroom and kills the HEV-70 with any stat. I've heard the BHSE and 009 at a few RMAF CanJams, and with Justin's newer Oppo source it was very good with 009 (not so good with the brighter Sony source he used before). I've not heard the KGSSHV with 009, but with what I have here at home I think my KGBH is a better match for the 009 than the KGSS. If I had never heard the KGBH with the 009 I would have few complaints, but the tonal balance of my DIY KGSS is more suited for the 007 Mk1. The Woo WEE is inadequate with the SR-009. It's much better suited for the 007, but is too bright and forward sounding with the 009 and HE-60. I drove the WEE with an EMOTIVA BDP-1 75 watt amp, but haven't used it in about a year.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. For isolation and sound quality I would seriously consider the Mr Speakers Alpha Dog 3D (whatever they call the 3D printed ones). I was very impressed with them at RMAF for the price. These may be slightly above your budget but they are true audiophile headphones. I did not like the non-3D printed ones at all (lacked warmth and body). At half that cost you could consider the V-MODA M-100 which has a similar warmth ,tone, and slight veil of the HD-650, but so far they're very enjoyable. Isolation is pretty good. The Sennheiser Momentum over the ear, on ear, HD25-1 II, or HD25 aluminum were all nice sounding, but I don't really like the flat soundstage on my HD25-1 II and they aren't as good as the V-MODA. The momentum over-ear were a little more v-shaped frequency response than the on-ear. Isolation of the momentum [edit - on-ear] is slightly below the HD25 but I liked their sound more.
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