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About DocHamm

  • Birthday 03/25/1961


  • Biography
    Frugal-phile & Critial Optimist
  • Location
  • Interests
    Music, Nature & Woodworking
  • Occupation
    Computer Engineer
  • Hobbies
    Music, Reading, Hiking, Camping, Nature, Movies, Photography, Travel, Wine & Dine.
  • Headphones
    Altec Lansing inMotion iM616; Audio-Technica ATH-Em7 GM [Gone]; Bose TriPorts [Gone]; Cerulean SE XLRs; Crossroads MylarOne x3; Koss PortaPro; Koss KSC35; Koss KSC75; Koss KSC19; Koss "The Plug"; Koss UR19; Koss HP3; Lafayette [Gone]; MB Quart QP55x; Philips SBC-HS303; Philips SBC-HS310; Sennheiser PX100; Sennheiser HD457; Sony MDR-V150; Sony MDR-Q33LP; Sony SHR-M1; Sony SRF-R5
  • Headphone Amps
    Audio-Technica AT-HA20; Shellbrook Audio Mini Head Signature
  • Sources
    Adcom GCD-575; Apple iPod Video 5G 60GB; Koss PP106; Pine D
  • Other Audio Gear
    Adcom GFA-535; Adcom GTP-500; Adcom GSP-560; Adcom Lite; Aiwa P-50; Aiwa R-50; Aiwa C-50; DBX 200XG Program Route Selector; DBX 3BX Series 3 Dynamic Range Expander; Sony STR-DE985; Sony TC-WR710

DocHamm's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. x2 ... Happy Birthday!
  2. ... and wishing I had some Grados for Yo-Yo.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Definitely some good desktop deals out there. However, I've never bought a desktop, always build and that's the way I'll always do it unless I switch to Mac. Heck, that may be even sooner than I think at the rate MS is frustrating me. I'm giving them till Win7 is released to see what they do. It cost me $300 for Vista and Macs just got Snow Leopard for $29. Gotta love that in tough financial times.
  5. DocHamm

    slow forum

    Hmm ... that sight might even frighten a few Kurgan.
  6. Koss PortaPro 26th Anniversary Edition. My first pair was lonely.
  7. DocHamm

    slow forum

    I saw this a couple days ago and posted in a few places. Uh ... interesting art work. I'm not sure about the nose piercings either. Artist's fetish? Or is there some secret piercing group of amazons living somewhere??
  8. DocHamm


    I share the frustration. I've been contemplating a RS-1 myself but can't seem to get there. The info in this thread has been helpful. I considered the HF-1 as a lower cost alternative but the price on them has gone up and I find it difficult to hand that money out for them when a used RS-1 is only a bit more. So in regards to serials, when did Grado start using them? Do the RS-1 sound that different from an MS-Pro? I like classical and acoustic guitar and what I've heard hear sounds like they may not be the best choice for those types of music. I can't audition them either as the only place that did carry any would only do the SR125 and SR225 and is now closed up. Any recommendations?
  9. Just as an FYI ... I've lost two computers and a TiVo to storms and all were on surge protector/filter. Sometimes it still won't matter what you do.
  10. Nice looking unit. Wish they were that cool looking and fibrous when I actually had LPs.
  11. I recently ran across an article entitled "Speaker Wire A History" by Roger Russell at McIntosh Labs. His article Wirebusters is a good read. *Note: The above information in no way reflects the opinions of any persons associated with Head Case, or its members, unless they state so.
  12. I've used an Adcom switcher in the past and experienced no degradation. They go on eBay fairly cheap in both a 3-speaker and 6-speaker models. As a side note, I have also used a DBX program route selector with no sonic changes. Now I use a manual switch .. I get up and input or output the headphones.
  13. I'm still looking for a $30 pair of Grados. The only ones I've seen are in need of repair.
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