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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Torpedo

    Oppo PM3

  2. Thanks. I gave my CD3000 to a friend. It's a very good headphone, but the R10 is better on every parameter I can think of. However the Z7, probably due to my own stupidity, look interesting, perhaps for those occasions one is away home and needs not to disturb the people around.
  3. I know about the CD3000 pretty well, just wanted to know how does the Z7 compare to it or to the R10.
  4. This
  5. Torpedo

    Oppo PM3

    why OMG, why?
  6. So these compared to the CD3000 and R10, how do they fare?
  7. It's great you're alive I hope they control that pain soon, there's no need to suffer. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  8. Happy birthday!!!
  9. Torpedo


    Join the dark side, Ryan
  10. Listened to it this afternoon. Kind of underwhelming. What do you think? Definitely wrong thread
  11. Torpedo


    Sound wise I slightly prefer the black walnut one too. Not sure about which one I like better aesthetically. Probably the Myrtle, but I'm rather sure that if seen live I might think otherwise.
  12. Best wishes and good luck, Marc. Those surgeons are lousy people, take care
  13. Probably belong more to Europe than Azerbaijan or even Russia
  14. Laughing my ass off out loud. There're some characters there
  15. Happy Birthday, dear Biscuitman!!!
  16. Happy birthday!!!
  17. Happy birthday!!!!
  18. Larry, I have no scientific evidence of any of those really working on the long haul, however hypnosis might help to get you going by better controlling your pain. You're a lucky man, you're alive, your daughter is too, and you should be able to enjoy life completely.
  19. Why not, if there's a market for 150,000-300,000 USD watches, there can be a market for 50,000 USD high resolution audio players.
  20. Happy Birthday, Chris!!!
  21. RIP BB
  22. Joan Chamorro presenta a Andrea Motis You may listen at Bandcamp She's 20, from Barcelona. Plays the trumpet and sings.
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