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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Best wishes to Suzy, Steve.
  3. Happy Birthday, Gene!!!
  4. The patch has been already installed, they delivered it yesterday.
  5. RIP Charles!
  6. I've needed to refresh my knowledge. I haven't found the name for that frequency, which is around 500-800Hz depending on the distance between your ears. It's said to be the frequency whose half wavelength equals the head diameter. Brent probably can locate sounds of frequency as low as 30Hz.
  7. Happy Birthday, Bryan!!!
  8. The Sinner on Netflix.
  9. Definitely this.
  10. Before getting into Mac territory I used to recommend staying away from HP too and recommending Toshiba, but it looks like it's not so well considered these days. I keep a 1997 Satellite which still works, it'd need a new HDD. By its time with a 1GB HDD it was considered "huge" Windows 95 came in like 8 floppy disks.
  11. Happy Birthday!!!
  12. Have a great day, friends
  13. Happy Birthday!!!
  14. Happy Birthday!!!!
  15. Happy Birthday!!!
  16. Yup, most likely. On my SE I'm at 51% charge after 36 hours from the last charging on iOS 11.1.2
  17. Pff, moronity doesn't improve over the years, you're born an undiscerning moron, you die as such.
  18. RIP, Malcolm
  19. Not iPad, an iPhone SE. My iPad is Gen2 or early Gen3, and won't take iOS 11
  20. In 12-13 hours it's spent 20% of battery slightly using WhatsApp, updating a couple of Apps and being Wifi and 4G connected, no bluetooth. I'd say it's better than 11.1.1, but not 10.x good.
  21. I didn't know the brand, it looks terrific
  22. 11.1.2 is ready, I'm updating as I write this
  23. Wait, new turntable? What did I miss?
  24. I'm on 11.1.1 in the SE. Worst battery lives since I got it in May or June
  25. Congratulations, Jacob! Best wishes
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