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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Really?? Well, congratulations then.
  2. I have the ESW10 and I'm using the HPP5 hardcase. They fit inside very well, I'm glad I bought them together.
  3. I have no defined rig so far. Have bought some amps and cans, and I'm still waiting for the B22 this year. Still learning how I like my old cans vs the new ones and what amp suits any of them best. The main purchases: - R10 bass heavy - PS-1 - HP-2 - L3000 - Modded D5000 - ESW10 - Klipsch X10 - Gilmore Reference Balanced - Rudistor RPX100 - Beta 22 No plans for 2009 as for now. Maybe once I learn what I think I've got to, and eventually deciding if selling some stuff, I'd try the O2 route, or maybe tube amps for dynamic cans. Perhaps some EAR HP4 or a TTVJ-Millett 307A is something I'd like to try.
  4. To be honest I don't know either for sure. I know some use chicken embryos to grow the viruses and others mammalian cell steams, but not sure about what they do once they have the viruses in the needed amount. I think they just use some antigens from the virus, however I don't know what's the process used and how sure they're that the final preparation doesn't include some live viable viruses.
  5. Indeed, I'm here to tell Dusty, as Deepak said, you can get the disease from the own vaccine if it's not properly made and is based on attenuated live viruses. Obviously it's impossible if the vaccine uses just proteins, parts of the virus or completely dead ones. Also having received the vaccine doesn't necessarily mean your body is capable to make the antibodies needed to make you immune. As a matter of fact I received 4 doses of B-Hepatitis vaccine and I didn't reach minimum antibody levels to consider me protected... I should donate my body to science hahahaha.
  6. Yep, however I don't know if that year they were using that type Whatever, be it just coincidence or a bad batch of vaccines, I had my worst flu ever after being vaccinated hahahaha I only felt worse when I had the measles for the second time (I swear, it's true, quite rare but happens and it had to happen to me) at 17, and when after they operated my Achilles tendon for it breaking, it got infected by S. Aureus and it went worse leading to septicemia I've had more painful conditions, but the overall feeling of "just let me die" for a disease, only on those 3 occasions. Flu can be really distressing.
  7. Hahaha, I got the shot, then about 24 hours later fever raised over 40
  8. Same here, it's free for any risk population. For working at a hospital I can have the vaccine, but the only year I got it, I passed the worst flu in my life, so I haven't dared to repeat At this moment passing a strong cold
  9. Anna Troy - Ain't no man (2006)
  10. Yep, I posted those graphs at HF too some time ago. We didn't have an adapter, so we needed to swap the wires at the headphone's end. We put much care to place the phones in the very same position, if you look at the curves, they are very well matched being the only significant difference the 1-2KHz dip in SE mode, so we assumed we didn't a bad job. Otherwise there had been other greater differences at other frequencies too. Your Behringer mic is widely used for this type of measurements, however its quality isn't comparable to the Earthworks' M30 my friend uses for his field measurements. BTW it's an omni, not a cardioid as I stated previously. I think the Behringer would take less accurate distortion measurements for its own distortion products being added to the signal the computer analyzes. Grawk, measuring using a musical signal would be too complex to be practical and meaningful, that's the main problem with it. If you apply averaging and statistics, you spoil the "real time" part of the signal, and if you try to measure in real time, the signal is too complex to let you know for sure if you're comparing the original signal to the measured one or you're also measuring spurious signals added by the environment, the own cans or measuring devices... However I agree that these measurements don't say everything we can hear, that's sure. It isn't a bad starting point though. In any case I rather trust my ears than a measurements set. I mean that I can hear the HD600 don't sound the same in SE than balanced and were measurements all equal, I'd still trust my ears since they'd be probably finding something that we still haven't learned to measure.
  11. He also measured impulse response and energy storage-liberation, but those measurements were virtually identical in both modes. The program he uses is not RTA, so it takes some time to process the data, but the whole procedure seems quite "kosher". As a matter of fact I rely more his measurements than Headroom's, not only for the quality of the microphone, which costs about 3000 euros for its extreme frequency accuracy and balance, but also for not using unknown ponderation dBs, but just the ole good SPL ones. Let's see if your findings on harmonic distortion match ours. Distortion products are frequently overlooked, but they can explain a few things we can hear, just have a look at this graph from the K701: That 2nd harmonic peak at 400-600Hz...
  12. I've just received a package from Ken. I'm hesitant to open it, I'm full of shame since I haven't even shipped his yet. I'm waiting for his disc to arrive, but looks like it will get way longer than I expected Maybe I'll need to change my plans. Thanks mate
  13. Very interesting Dreadhead. To support your findings, I paste here the measurements we got using a calibrated Earthworks cardioid placed into a dummy ear, driving the signal into an Apogee Duet and using a Macbook Pro with some software which I don't know. It's a friend's system. The signal was fed into a Rudistor RPX-100 (the only balanced amp I had at that moment) driving the HD600 in Single-ended (black trace) and in balanced (clear brown trace). The main difference is a bit more than 1dB in the 1200-2500 Hz area, and also in the harmonic distortion levels (second harmonic is the top pair of traces at 40-50Hz, third harmonic is the lower pair) specially the second harmonic in the whole treble, which seems lower using balanced mode.
  14. I'm starting with it now, my wife is passing it for three days. Yours sounds worse. Take care and get better soon.
  15. Charlie Mingus - Blues & Roots (1959)
  16. Hi Red, welcome to this mad case
  17. Torpedo

    slow forum

    Mmm in a strict sense a vibrator isn't the same as a dildo
  18. Oh Deepak, I'm sorry for you. Good luck, I wish you get your power back soon. I wouldn't stand being at the hospital that long
  19. I have no basement, but there's a quite big park in front of my building. Send him to me I know well how to cut a corp in pieces, and I have the tools. The trees, flowers and grass in the park will love the extra manure.
  20. Sure. I'm glad I've got a couple of friends with the gear and know how. From time to time I "cheat" them to measure some phones. I've been trying to get the one having the better system to measure the PS-1, R10, L3000, MD5000 and CD3000, but he's very busy so we can't find the right moment. However none of them has critical sealing demands, so they're not as difficult to measure as the O2 would be. Anyway, I own none of both, so no worries
  21. I agree, however, measurements even very elemental ones but using proper microphone and a decent dummy ear, if made under the very same conditions, would give a hint about the differences among mk1 and mk2 in the midbass and other areas. It's not that much knowing the exact response on each phone, as knowing where the differences take place and their relative importance to the rest of the frequency spectrum response.
  22. I'd like to see some well measured frequency response graphs, using a competent amp, comparing the O2 mkI to the mkII. Therefore we'd know which of them is more accurate and how our brains "understand" that.
  23. Fantastic Nate, I was concerned you were going to freeze shortly Take care.
  24. I find it interesting nonetheless. If they managed to produce headphones with the flat response of the HD600 or better, and with the lower distortion levels of the HD650, with improved impulse response and eventually more sensitive, they could be monster cans. Moreover, add to that package that they were closed or in the least provided more isolation than the current open design HD6xx, selling at some price point below $600, and I'd be scared if I were AKG, Ultrasone, Grado and the other competitors in the dynamic phones market.
  25. Fabulous Pete, congratulations for your purchase. I hope you like it, it's a very good amp for the price, let's know how you like it.
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