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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Unhealthy? Well, it all depends on the amount. I guess I'd need a lot to mask the kale, flax and chia
  2. I still keep the RPX-100 on the TV set to watch movies and concerts. The HD800 sound more than decent with it for that purpose. With the B22, to my ears, the combination is acceptable, very clean and detailed, in the clinical side of things with poor recordings but not to die for even with good recordings. The Luxman or the Gilmore Reference make a better match for my taste. Around these lands there're lots of people who love them with the Leben CS-300X. But heck, what do I know, I'm a Stax mobster
  3. No booze into that?
  4. I can't say welcome, but I can say welarrived to California, Steve. I wish Susie gets there soon
  5. Sorry for the fuck up, Birgir. Very nice amp, Wachara
  6. This.
  7. CJ, which of the 3 pic looks closer to what you remember?
  8. Torpedo

    Top Gear

    At some spots that's true, whole urbanized areas are almost empty. There're a few airports that are not being used, they weren't even inaugurated. Some people went really nuts thinking they could sell everything they built at crazy prices. More nuts were the banks giving the credits to build them. But the worst offenders are the politicians who got commissions from our taxes money to give the permissions to build all that crap. We have yet to see a huge debacle on politics and politicians here
  9. They're true friends who hold his hand in difficult (hard) times
  10. Looking awesome, Rodrigo. Congrats!!!
  11. This again Joseph Joachim Raff: Violin Concertos 1 & 2 - Michaela Paetsch-Neftel, Bamberger Symphoniker, Hans Stadlmair. It's a very nice album, this composer is way too underrated.
  12. It's the only sensible option
  13. Thxs for the additional comments, Brent. The fully portable system on batteries would come handy for the on call shifts, short trips and such, but for vacations, away from home for more days, perhaps sound quality is more important and transportable is light enough, the 003 would make more sense. Maybe I should consider the 002 then an adapter to get it working on the 212 or even greater amps... see what you did?
  14. It's the SRM-212 energizer actually, my bad. I thought you were suggesting me to get a pair of 002 to go with it. I'm not sure if these are any better than the 001, which I have yet to listen too.
  15. I see what you did there, Brent
  16. The previous one was very good, I agree this isn't at the same level, but still liked it quite a bit.
  17. Do it! this is the Case Now seriously, I'd love trying the JH13, mostly for all this pack raving about them, but custom earpieces aren't an option not living in the States, considering it's rather frequent some "retouching" is needed. I bet the JH13 with the PP is an awesome combo.
  18. ^Very nice album. Joseph Joachim Raff: Violin Concertos 1 & 2 - Michaela Paetsch-Neftel, Bamberger Symphoniker, Hans Stadlmair.
  19. Really? hahahaha
  20. I never learned to love the Etys I wonder if the Pico Slim can really juice up that bass and make them sound full bodied.
  21. Last year for vacation I took the iTouch with the Pico Slim, the PS-1 and ATH-ESW10. This year I'm considering going for a Stax system with the SRM-202 and the Gamma-Pro, though I might go nuts and taking the 009 which doesn't work that bad with the 202. 007 won't work. If not, then iTouch, Pico Power and PS-1 or perhaps the ATH-W3000, they're more comfy than the ESW10 and closed enough not to disturb the wife.
  22. As the season is progressing, it'd be cheaper for Ferrari to fire Massa and hiring a decent driver, than keeping him summing 0 points every race. This time he didn't total the car
  23. I beg to differ a bit with Nebby. I tried the combo when I received the PP and while "powerful enough" the sound to me ears was more in the cold and sterile side of things than when using the Luxman P-1 or the Gilmore Reference. Still a listenable combination. I didn't try both using a premium source though, just the iTouch with a LOD playing ALAC files, so this comment should be taken with a grain of salt, specially if Nebby used a high quality source. My intention was just to assess if the PP-HD800 could be a good portable system, so the source had to be the iTouch.
  24. Another entertaining race. Not that I liked the final result, but it could have been way worse.
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