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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Torpedo

    Audeze LCD-X

    So it looks like they're "more of the same". Why do you think they're more comfortable? Better pads or headband? Is it lighter? Better cup ventilation?
  2. Torpedo


    Awesome! Thank you
  3. I'm playing safe with a rubber. No screen protection. A friend of mine and my cousin use this I'm using this other one this might be the next one They're all available at Amazon and are really cheap.
  4. Yes you are, the HD800 isn't a bad match to the Dynalo-Dynamid at all. Depending on your source, I'd eventually upgrade it before getting a different amp.
  5. The music stand covers your instrument, so instead of playing it you seem to have your right hand on your crotch
  6. Noice!!!
  7. Torpedo


    IMHO mass produced guitars aren't what they used to be. These days they not even come properly adjusted and octaved. It's on small luthiers where the true value is, plus they have the personality that Dan is missing. Once they become famous and greedy, good quality is gone. Like on boutique audio amplifiers. Regarding the amp, Jeff wants a Mesa or something like that
  8. Torpedo


    I'd like to have that trouble of choosing a new hobby to blow cash on I haven't played the rocksmith, though a friend of mine is using GuitarBots to get his six year old son into playing guitar. It seems kind of fun, you may wish to try it.
  9. Viktoria Mullova, Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Bach Concertos It's been recently released. Enjoying it a lot so far. The Stax Lambda Signature sound pretty good doing this stuff.
  10. Torpedo


    If you want an acoustic with beautiful tone, good sustain/resonance, and high playability, you may wish to try a Martin from the 000 series like any of these four. I played the EC, it felt great and sounded wonderful. My advice is that you go to a luthier shop and try a few ones. One needs to feel the guitar, see how soft or tough is playing it, and above all, how one likes its sound. The Ovations play just OK for me, but I really didn't like their tone unamplified.
  11. Funnily enough I listened to it this morning. Nice album.
  12. As usual every year on Christmas, it's our mates Ric (blessingx) and Guillaume (GPH) birthday. May they have a great one! Cheers
  13. Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate and like to feel happy about!
  14. RIP Yusef Lateef. Wonderful musician. I'll be playing later his Eastern Sounds, one of my favorite jazz albums. I wish there's some sort of wonderful place for people who have brought beauty and some happiness to others in this otherwise pretty fucked up world. Maybe that's just resting in peace.
  15. I hope you have a great one.
  16. I thought it worked fine back then
  17. Congrats! My brother in law has got two daughters. Now they're in the adolescence. He has coined a new term, which in Spanish sounds a bit better, but it's also usable in English: abhorrescence.
  18. Yeah, you may end up photographing your crotch.
  19. do nothing with your pupils dilated
  20. Happy birthday!!
  21. Yes!!! with something in the mouth Congrats, Brent. I'm sure that was a wonderful moment.
  22. Torpedo


    Wow, very good indeed. Thanks for sharing, Peter.
  23. Joan Fontaine died today. She was 96.
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