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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. FIFY
  2. You mean the Hifiman, right? I'm somewhat allergic to that brand. Prejudicious dick thinking on my part.
  3. Kinda little bit expensive for a portable thingie
  4. Torpedo


    Oh, this reminds me of a Fender which was somehow digitized and could change its tonality and do a whole lot of interesting things. No idea if that got any acceptance or success, or how it sounded.
  5. This. Your storms get here a few days later, but no snow, just rain and wind, fortunately temperatures don't drop below 0ÂșC.
  6. Torpedo


    Very nice, Jeff
  7. Yep, I liked it pretty much, especially your talkie by the end, though too many tracks to follow. Loved the farewell
  8. Very clarifying. Thanks, Ken!
  9. Sounding good so far, Dusty. Thanks!
  10. Fumed as in smoked? I've heard of smoked wood, the technique more than to provide a certain finish, is used to dry the wood so it won't camber with time.
  11. Thanks. That line out may be very handy to feed a Stax rig
  12. Listening to your birthday's show right now. We'll see if it manages to get me engaged to the ambient-downtempo
  13. I see, one of those a lot of work for a small fix kind of things. Having the problem spotted is great news though.
  14. Does it have a line output to be used as a source in a "big rig"?
  15. What was the issue?
  16. Jacob, can you get pure aloe vera? it's a great aid for skin burns and other lesions. Best results are achieved opening a leaf and applying the jelly inside it onto the wound.
  17. I can imagine, the Capitole must be a very good sounding player, thinking of it as died doesn't sound like a good plan. I wish it's helping your back to feel better
  18. Good news!
  19. Torpedo

    Audeze LCD-X

    Thank you, that was really helpful
  20. That list seems very interesting. I didn't know there's a station broadcasting at uncompressed PCM, and several doing at 1100 and 1200 Kbps
  21. I went to bed before you started your slot One of these days I'll catch you, I promise. I guess Talisker or Lagavulin make for as a good listening companion as Laphroaig.
  22. Torpedo

    Audeze LCD-X

    Oh, I was asking about both, LCD-X and LCD-3 being an improvement over the LCD-2. Just wanted to see if they match the things I'd like to have improved.
  23. And this surprises you? We have guys selling coated opamps making that living to top gear cars
  24. Happy B-day!!
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