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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Happy birthday!!!
  2. Do the ported mk2 have the same amount of fart than the mk1 or the 009? I've only tried the modded mk2
  3. Happy birthday!!! Have a great one, Tyler
  4. Happy birthday!!!
  5. No issues here.
  6. I'm afraid that just proves the little faith Williams have on him, more or less the same I have But I agree, if Bottas hadn't the skill, or exceeding speed to overtake him, he probably wasn't fast enough to pass Button either. It was a pretty boring race. Looks like Ricciardo inherited Weber's curse. Ferrari won't have a competitive car this year either. I wonder if Fernando will stay in Ferrari the next season. On the other hand, where would he go? What a waste of talent.
  7. Happy birthday, Doug!!! May you have a great day, just a proper welcome to the 5th decade of your life.
  8. Happy birthday, Doug!!!
  9. Kind of envious here
  10. http://youtu.be/PvQ9InhEKu0
  11. You wouldn't say this out loud in Argentina.
  12. This. Feels more natural to me.
  13. Happy b-day!!!
  14. Shelly, I'm talking about the normal JJ E34L tubes. Never tried the blue glass ones, though I've been told they're not any better internally. Not completely sure about this.
  15. JJ had a drop in production quality about six years ago, but they seem to have improved in the last couple of years. For some time I relied more on Chinese tubes than on the JJ, so go figure. My recent experience is being good so far.
  16. Mike, if you can read this already, things went well I wish you can.
  17. Shelly, I wouldn't purchase SED tubes at this point. I've learned, after seeing a tube of a SED quartet dying on my BH and causing some damages which needed specialist care, that they're not in production anymore. Some quartets or pairs being sold as matched, are just put-togethers from leftovers. Considering I've had the chance to compare the SED and the JJs, I'd recommend you getting a good matched quad of JJ. Matched pairs also will do great, settings are completely separate for both channels.
  18. Happy birthday, Al!!! I wish you have an awesome day
  19. Awesome, Raffy! Way to go
  20. New beginning
  21. Listening to this one too out of curiosity. It must be good if Stretch loves it. It's available at Spotify
  22. I completely agree. Congrats.
  23. I agree with Justin, specially with the above. I'm getting one of those Pono things, chrome signed by Herbie Hancock, more for storage capacity and the hopes it sounds as good or better than my iTouch with regular 16/44 than for I believe the HD files are going to provide any better sound on the go. The store is a whole different matter IMO. If they aspire to become a big name among the online music retailers, they need to either focus in a niche market like HDTracks, or offering a huge catalogue at very competitive prices. Otherwise most of the market goes pirate or keeps purchasing at Amazon and iTunes for lossy files. Most people won't care shit about sound quality, I really don't see the Pono store being a success selling only to the device owners.
  24. Happy birthday, Adam!!!
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