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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Just finished the second season of SAS Rogue Heroes. Pretty good. Obviously there will be a third
  2. Happy Birthday, Jeff!!!
  3. Just finished S02 of Silo I think it's slow at times, but overall the story is pretty interesting. Maybe I should read the books, this season's end is the epitome of a cliffhanger.
  4. Happy Birthday, Mike!!!
  5. Happy birthday, Adam!!
  6. I must be imbecile, I didn't see the prices. How much?
  7. Happy Birthday, Grahame! (toasting with the usual)
  8. Torpedo


    I thought it was a joke.
  9. Nice picture, that looks familiar 😉 From times that I was a kid, or perhaps not even born.
  10. I like her a lot more on her own than with the epileptic drummer.
  11. Just finished season 1. Loving it so far. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Happy Birthday, Knuckles!!! I wish it's a good one and that your mom recovers fast.
  13. Happy Bday!!
  14. I for one I'm waiting for something like the extinct Google glasses with video features, so I can wear them while operating or attending a concert, or walking the city for pictures. While discreet, the mouth camera won't be so convenient
  15. I don't know, Ric, I'm just an old grump wondering if his whole life has any sense after 40 years caring for people that most likely don't deserve it. I'm not "judging" Ann Hamilton's art or 40 years of career, just her idea of taking pictures from an in-mouth camera. But I swear that one of the things that I find most difficult these days is not being judgmental. Even not being opinionated it too hard.
  16. Happy New Year!!!
  17. People are so eager of relevance and notoriety that can develop the craziest pinnacle of absurdity. Come on, really?
  18. That could be Spain, I didn't manage to see the letter to the left over the blue ribbon in the license plate. Besides the acceleration I didn't find it especially unique.
  19. Jon Batiste - Beethoven Blues You can find it at most streaming services and Qobuz (I still don't get why Odesli won't link Qobuz pages). TBH I listened to it yesterday and mostly to please a friend who had listened to it and thought it is awesome. I always have certain prevention against jazz or pop albums trying to make something worthy from classical music, especially the one that I find the work of a genius. As much as I tend to dislike pop/jazz/rock played in a classical arrangement, like those abominations of The Beatles for string quartet. This album is something else, yet not fully to my liking. I enjoyed very much a couple of tunes, others were just fine and there were like three that could have been not recorded. If someone listens to it, I'd love reading your thoughts.
  20. How do you see/check that? Thread and comment Id numbers are much larger. If that's because my opinion is anathema... it's OK, I like Keira as an actress in other roles and she's kind of pretty.
  21. I watched two episodes, sometimes shows need the benefit of the doubt for they get better into the season. This wasn't the case. For me one of the failures is that I can't believe Keira Knightley delivering such tough punches and kicks. I didn't make through the second season of the Diplomat either. The first season was just OK and had hopes the second was going to be entertaining, but I got bored by the end of the first episode. I'm getting old I guess.
  22. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Ric!. I wish you're enjoying this Christmas day and your own birthday as thoroughly as the date deserves. I guess the age displayed in the front page reminder isn't really the truth
  23. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. I hope the celebration is huge. ¡Felicidades!
  24. They seem drunk before starting.
  25. Looks like there was a Black Friday release on CD in 2016 that can be found "elsewhere".
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