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Everything posted by Torpedo

  1. Now I can see one picture. The video kind of plays because the cursor runs and there's audio, like a background piano, but no image. Probably some missing codec in this browser. Whatever.
  2. So in the end, either before or after the surgery you must stop eating. I'm no general surgeon so I won't criticize this new approach. Just skeptical.
  3. What food were they giving her with the broken appendix leaking into the peritoneum?
  4. Not working for me. Neither the video nor the jpg.
  5. Happy Birthday, Nate!!! ¡Feliz día!
  6. I had watched that short a few weeks ago, it's very good. What I find puzzling is that I was able to watch it using my "normal" connection, but your link showed as "not available in your country" so forced me to start the VPN to know what it was
  7. RIP, Karen. My deepest condolences, Todd. Truly heartfelt.
  8. Have a wonderful celebration day. Cheers!!!
  9. Navigating through the first season of Fringe, by recommendation of a half relative. The fringe science is laughable but the implied conspiracy theory involving big corporations is premonitory in 2009: "how are we going to do our job if we have lower security clearance than this company's employees". Having fun so far.
  10. I wish you're having a good day despite the mask
  11. This seems good material for a podcast too. Not that I'm into them, I haven't listened to a full one ever, but they're as fashionable now as radio was in the 40-50's of the past century. The wheel spins...
  12. Steve, IMHO more important than finding ideas to bring to the tattoo artist, it is finding the artist that speaks to you. Once you find him/her the right design will appear.
  13. The images are sad, but I like the photos.
  14. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Colin!!!
  15. Happy Birthday, Steve!!! I wish you have a great day
  16. Just finished the second season of SAS Rogue Heroes. Pretty good. Obviously there will be a third
  17. Happy Birthday, Jeff!!!
  18. Just finished S02 of Silo I think it's slow at times, but overall the story is pretty interesting. Maybe I should read the books, this season's end is the epitome of a cliffhanger.
  19. Happy Birthday, Mike!!!
  20. Happy birthday, Adam!!
  21. I must be imbecile, I didn't see the prices. How much?
  22. Happy Birthday, Grahame! (toasting with the usual)
  23. Torpedo


    I thought it was a joke.
  24. Nice picture, that looks familiar 😉 From times that I was a kid, or perhaps not even born.
  25. I like her a lot more on her own than with the epileptic drummer.
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