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Everything posted by malldian

  1. Finishing Outliers, not that great. Probably reading "Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction" by Camerer. Some light summer time reading!
  2. malldian


    Continuum Not sure if anyone here has heard this, I started playing in 2001 and still log on every once in a while, it's that kind of game. Either you will hate it or want to get good - there is a fairly steep learning curve. Try playing in the zone Extreme-games. Figured I have enjoyed this for a while, might as well pass it on.
  3. such a wrong forum
  4. Why would you be against rockboxing?
  5. Subscribed. This is very interesting.
  6. Hey HA, does your son want to sell his Lambda? ;0
  7. Hell I don't even DIY (yet) and was getting a bit weepy. Very cool thing you guys did.
  8. Incredible show but as usual the crowd at the Electric Factory got a bit rowdy. My girlfriend is pretty short (and I am pretty tall). Went with a bunch of friends and in about 5 minutes got pushed from half way back in the crowd all the way to the third row. Very cool being that close but all the "moshing" started scaring her and I had to play protective boyfriend and help her out of the crowd enjoying the last 40 minutes of the concert from way behind the whole crowd.
  9. Tommy. Been going through a Who binge lately.
  10. malldian

    NJ meet

    I am just hoping we get a bigger room this year and it is less MOT focused (not pointing at you zach)..
  11. malldian

    NJ meet

    At least a few..
  12. I will be seeing them with the Roots and the Black Keys in a couple weeks... very excited. Last show I saw was Animal Collective... its a show you don't bring your girl friend to as I unfortunatly found out..
  13. Similar thing happened to me with a Dual table. They don't make the replacement part any more..
  14. malldian

    NJ meet

    Had a good turn out last year... looks like this one should shape up well too. Northern New Jersey Meet 2009 IC - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  15. CanJam seemed a bit strange to me until I started lurking here more... now I wish I was going. Ah well, next year.
  16. I am.. I thought the only decent radio in the area was WPRB Princeton. Funny thing is that I do a show for 91.1 WZBT for Gettysburg College during the school year.
  17. blessing thanks for the link to WFMU, looks very interesting.
  18. Not that I am that interested but how much do you plan on charging?
  19. Have they ever done that? That would certainly be interesting.
  20. malldian


    4mm Flat Tungsten Wedding Band (Available sizes 4 to 13) : TR10-12 - Buy.com haha SanDisk Sansa Clip MP3 Player 1GB Recertified - Clip 1GB Black - Buy.com http://www.buy.com/prod/belkin-mini-stereo-audio-cable-6-ft-belkin-audio-cable-white-g68604/q/loc/111/201644310.html I like Buy.com - What's Shakin
  21. Don't do it. I have a Spanish test today... wtf.
  22. malldian


    Links to some of the projects you found?
  23. Heh didn't think I was. Didn't see any reason for his negative comments and responded appropriated. I agree with your other comments and think that this is a kind gesture but FWIR the complaining back after the HF1 prices started going up seems pretty silly. It has to be expected when its a hyped up, good sounding, limited production phone. Hopefully I will get my ears on one some time this summer.
  24. I am sure they were pissed but if they wanted to keep the resale value at a normal price they would continue production for a longer period of time, simple as that. Would I expect them too? Not at all. While I am sure that there is a lot of generosity at play here from both Grado and Todd you can not say that both the information and the manner in which it has been released so far is doing anything other than playing into the hype of these phones. Oh, and thanks for allowing me an opinion.
  25. If Grado wants to keep the HF2 within HF (okay and HC) he would continue to sell in limited batches at the same price. For some reason I feel like Grado would rather keep the hype going than keep the prices from rising later. It will be interesting to see the comparisons between this and the PS1k. At the very least this should be a small insight into their market strategy.
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