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Everything posted by Asr

  1. I was actually referring to when I took the CDP to a local meet some months ago and when I brought it back home, some kind of mechanical issue had developed with the transport. (Not sure if it was due to someone at the meet or transporting it.) I went in and DIY'd it myself and while it works fine now, I wouldn't want to chance it happening again by shipping it. It's built like a tank on the outside and all, but I don't think the CDP will ever be going outside again...unless I ever sell it, of course.
  2. I kept listening last night after my post and I slowly ended up really liking the sound a few hours in. Sure there were some deficiencies to the sound but overall I started to really enjoy it. Amazing fluidity, a presentation that brought forth every layer, and a strikingly involving mid-range. I didn't feel the soundstage was too small (AD2000) or too large (K701), but rather a nice balance between. The more I listened, the more I came to think that there was a lot of potential to be gained from the MKII. It may be a step down from the MKI as spritzer and catscratch report but I think it sounds good on its own, so far. If the MKI is even better then I think I might want to try that one too. Also, the SRM-1 MKII gets really hot. It felt about as hot as my previous Beta 22 did which is saying something! Haha...I'm not so sure I want to ship the Plinius again due to potential mechanical issues...
  3. OII MKII & SRM-1 MKII impressions Just got the amp today to go with the headphones that I've had since July. Disclaimer #1: this is the first time I've really been able to listen to the headphones, previously I only heard it with the Singlepower ES-1 (and WA GES prototype, and a Head-Fier's SRM-1 MKII) under meet conditions. First, I have a problem with the amp. The left-side RCA inputs don't seem to work right - I only got sound out of the Left driver at first, then I realized the volume pot can be channel-calibrated which helped a bit but not really. No matter what I did I couldn't get channel balance between the drivers. Figured I'd try the other set of inputs which worked right away. Is this a known issue? Disclaimer #2: As this is the first time I'm listening to the headphones, and the amp with them, I have no idea which to blame for any sonic issues. That said, I'm not really overly impressed with this combo, as much as I was with these headphones off the Blue Hawaii SE. Now I don't know if the OII is susceptible to burn-in (and the pair I heard with the BHSE was Justin's), but I can't say it's a stellar combo. It sounds fine and makes music, and is pretty good at that, but not much beyond. The closest dynamic equivalent to this combo I've heard is the Audio-Technica AD2000 on the HeadAmp AE-2 - which comes maybe half-way in some areas, not even close in others. I've read of bass complaints with the MKII and I'd have to agree - this bass isn't that good. The AD2000 has better grip and lower extension. It's certainly nice to hear some mid-bass boom & thud after a long time of owning headphones without that quality, but there's a reason I moved away from such headphones and I don't really appreciate the quality from the MKII. From my starting impressions of the MKII with the SRM-1 MKII, it's a nice enough combo that'll hold me off until my BHSE arrives - but, not outstanding. It does sound "good" though - there's definitely an innate musicality, it's fast, and it doesn't really do anything fatally wrong with my favorite music. I want the BHSE! Btw, my source is the Plinius CD-101 (DACs: PCM1704).
  4. If we can put in requests for bans on Head-Fi, I would like to be banned. Seriously. I don't post there anyway and will never post there again. That is definitely some good-to-know info. I might have gone through with my 007t plan and would've regretted it.
  5. Is the 007t not a good amp for the OII/MKII? I was remotely entertaining the thought of buying one.
  6. Thanks for those tips and the info Peter, I definitely will have to start trying those out and experimenting. I forgot to ask earlier, what lens (or lenses) do you use for your outdoor shots?
  7. Outstanding pics Peter, as usual - and Al, on the previous page, especially those cloud pics. I would've liked to see what aperture and exposure you were using on those cloud pics, I find them tricky to properly catch at any time of day. Here are mine from a trip into the mountains over the weekend: I-70, shotgun view Snowmass Village Grove of aspen trees Maroon Bells Lake @ Maroon Bells Creek @ Maroon Bells More aspen trees Downtown Aspen Obligatory barn pic At US-82, on the way back down
  8. Reminds me of the "deceptively" simplistic Xin SuperMacro IV when I was loaned one and opened it up. I can't imagine that it sounds great with that sparse of a board. The best-sounding amps I've heard have a nice chunk of electronics.
  9. My Stax collection will soon be growing. Just bought the Lambda and SRM-1 MKII off tyrion, which my OII MKII will also be fed by for a while. Still waiting to get my SR-X MKIII and SRD-7 back from [AK]Zip too, which I'd sent to him for a headband fix. The SRM-1 MKII is a temporary solution until my future BHSE tho, since it'll be coming with Pro and Normal jacks. Who needs a Senn electrostat? I didn't like the HE90 that much anyway when I heard it at the Colorado 7/26 meet, off the Singlepower ES-1. I don't know if I'm going to keep bidding on the SRM-717 on eBay right now...
  10. Redbook CDs Bowery Electric - Beat (electronica) Priscilla Ahn - A Good Day (folk) Thievery Corporation - Radio Retaliation (trip-hop) (NEW - releases tomorrow) eMusic Downloads (all electronica) Kammarheit - Asleep And Well Hidden Kammarheit - The Starwheel Matthew Florianz, Erik T'Saz, & Joris De Man - Electronic Forest Rapoon - Errant Angels Terra Ambient - The Darker Space Previous updates from Head-Fi over the past 12 months in reverse chronological: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/4515003-post2879.html Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs) Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs) Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs) Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)
  11. Can anyone say if the SRM-1 MK2 is a decent amp for the OII? I'm thinking I need to start trying another amp with my OII MKII before my future BHSE comes in. I could try the 727tII or 007tII but those are too expensive.
  12. Signal Cable's Analog Two can be had for $54 at 3' with the standard Neutrik plugs. And their Analog One is $40 for 3'.
  13. I'll take the girl, you can have the headphones.
  14. And in true Audio-Technica tradition, the ESW10 will probably sound markedly different than the ESW9...
  15. No pics? I demand pics!
  16. What's the advantage of a prime lens, and this new one specifically? I wonder if I should get it. Also how do you blur out a background in manual mode with a large object filling most of the frame? I know how to do it in non-manual macro mode of course but I still haven't figured out how to do it in manual. I'm using the Nikon D80 if that's relevant.
  17. More hiking pics - NCAR to Chautauqua Park (Boulder, CO)
  18. Audio Cubes II - High Fidelity Audio Products
  19. Stereophile added the Predator to their ongoing "500 Recommended Components" list - revealed in the October '08 issue. Along with the MF X-CAN V8. So an enthusiastic review from Sam Tellig qualifies a product for inclusion in this list?
  20. SR-007 MK2 for sale on Audiogon for $1600: AudiogoN ForSale: Stax SR-007 Omega 2 Mk2
  21. The US distributor is selling one for $870 here: AudiogoN ForSale: Trafomatic Audio experience head one Last one they're going to sell at $870 before the price goes up to $1250! Someone should jump on it!
  22. You've gotta be kidding me with this statement if the 3 people comprising SARN-Industries are currently college students. Students are NOT "trained engineers." Until at least one of you has graduated with a degree in engineering AND has been working in the field for a while, none of you are engineers, because being a graduate doesn't mean one is a trained engineer either, it takes work experience. Academic experience is not the same thing as "training" when it comes to this field. Someone needs to get off their high horse and call this group for what it is, a group of engineering students, not "professional engineers." FWIW I have a CS degree myself and have been working in a software company for almost 4 years now but I still wouldn't call myself a computer scientist or a software engineer, since I haven't been doing applications development in my line of work.
  23. So inquiring minds want to know, is there a particular reason you registered to post on this site after a couple years? Because as one who also lurked for a while before posting, I can tell you there's really no benefit to registering vs lurking, unless you're looking to participate with the community here for whatever reason. Also, I demand an in-person impression of Dr. Kevin Gilmore if you've met him.
  24. Wow, it is true! GreekChat.com Forums - View Profile: ChildoftheHorn@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: ChildoftheHorn</title>@@AMEPARAM@@ChildoftheHorn ChildoftheHorn's Xanga Site eBay My World - childofthehorn ChildOfTheHorns Profile ยป SomaliLife.com childofthehorn's profile - StumbleUpon iPodWizard.net - View Profile: Germania@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: Germania</title>@@AMEPARAM@@Germania
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