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Everything posted by Asr

  1. Actually I don't think he would've minded that either. His Last.fm library is the craziest thing I've ever seen - tons of metal music, and then out of nowhere, some film soundtrack or classical composer. Talk about polar opposites!
  2. Ok then, I went ahead and paid it forward today to two fine Head-Casers who will each receive 1 CD that I've selected for them (so I hope they like them, it was a bit of a gamble). 1 of the HC-ers is Iron_Dreamer, was tricky picking something out for him without asking him any questions that would've given it away...
  3. Accidentally got one of my Klipsch X10 ear gels stuck in my ear just now! I never thought it could actually happen, all I did was pull the left driver out as usual, but all that came out was the driver, the ear gel (the bi-flange tip) was still in my ear! A co-worker came to the rescue thankfully. Can't believe it... I think I might be using my Audio-Technica ES7 at work from now on... And if this ever happens again, not so sure I'll keep using IEMs...
  4. I meant I own the K701 and W5000 for reasons not related to bass, if that wasn't clear.
  5. Sold!
  6. The Qualia 010 is the best damn headphone I've ever heard, ever since I first heard it last year. Now that I own one (and have finally achieved a proper fit too), I love it even more. It's the best combo of treble and speed that I've ever heard, nothing comes close. The AD2000 is almost as fast but its treble has nothing on the Qualia's. The treble is just so delicious on it, I'm practically feeding on it. It can be a bit harsh without proper fit on metallic sounds but once you have fit, it really is like everything snaps into place. The one complaint I have about the Qualia is the general lack of bass quantity, at least in comparison to the AD2000. If the bass opens up in balanced mode (which I'm waiting to hear until my amp arrives), I definitely see myself selling off all my other dynamics - K701, AD2000, W5000, as the reasons I own all three of those would be negated by the balanced Qualia. (Well I still might want a full-size closed headphone tho...)
  7. Yup, here: Audio Cubes II - High Fidelity Audio Products
  8. Highlights for me in 2008 1 - Digital source journey continued with a descent into madness, as I went through the year with the Accuphase DP-500, Arcam FMJ CD33, Arcam FMJ DV139, Arcam FMJ CD36, Bel Canto CD-1, Classe CDP-202, dCS P8i, and Plinius CD-101. 2 - Owned the Grado HP1000/HP2 for awhile and picked up the Qualia 010, my dream dynamics. Aside from a few K701s (for comparing to my Equinox-recabled one), did not buy any other dynamic headphones... 3 - ...but I picked up four electrostatic headphones instead after being enlightened by the HeadAmp BHSE prototype at CanJam '08 - Stax OII MKI, OII MKII, SR-X MKIII, and SR-Lambda, along with the SRM-1 MKII amp, which is temporarily swapped with another Head-Fier's SRM-T1 for the time being. 4 - Also owned the last word in balanced dynamic solid-state amps, the balanced Beta 22, for awhile too. 5 - Created my final portable/ultraportable setup with the Klipsch IMAGE X10 (with iAudio X5) and sold off unused portable amps and cables. 6 - My journey in silver RCA ICs also continued from last year with the VH Audio Spectrum Ag & Symmetry XLR, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II, Silver Audio Appassionata, Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway MKIII+, and Analysis Plus Silver Oval. 7 - Attended five regional Head-Fi meets - NYC in March, Florida in May, SF Bay in June, Colorado in July, and LA in October. Also attended two audio shows - LA Audio Society in August, RMAF in October. I'll probably never eclipse my record of 5 meets in a year again. 8 - And I stopped posting on Head-Fi. Head-Case is my vengeance! Plans for 2009 1 - To own an electrostatic and balanced dynamic rig simultaneously, at least for a short time. I will not own both long-term and will be looking to pare down to either just the balanced dynamic or electrostatic setup within the first 3 months of the year. Whichever one I keep will be my final system, I will be absolutely done with headphone gear at that point. 2 - Save up for a mid-fi 2.1 speaker rig ($2K-$5K on the fronts). 3 - Maybe dip into vinyl, since I actually have a stash of old LPs in storage now from my parents. Mmmmm, vinyl...
  9. Let me know if you don't like what you get from the Indeed-atar, I could maybe get you something to compensate for this observed scroogeness.
  10. So I was confused earlier today when I got a notification at work that I received a package from Amazon.com, the only thing I'd ordered recently from them I'd already gotten, but now it all makes sense. I have to thank Jackson (Luminette here for the uninitiated) for sending me Nickel Creek's self-titled album and Shpongle's But Nothing Is Lost. I don't own anything by either artist yet so I'm looking forward to checking 'em out. I chose not to participate in this exchange so I'm mystified as to why I got these CDs, but thanks regardless Jackson. I don't know what to get in return now...
  11. Asr


    I'm pretty sure you meant redshifter there Al, cuz I can't remember the last time RedLeader posted on HF. I used to find the three pretty entertaining myself if nothing else, their humor usually was a hit-or-miss for me tho. That said, I too hope Rednamalas doesn't continue the post-whoring here...
  12. SR-X MKIII impressions update A crushing disappointment from the SR-X after some extended listening - it's really uncomfortable. The supra-aural design just kills my ears, I can't wear them longer than an hour before having to take them off. Oh well, it's a good thing I always have a backup plan. They do sound really nice though despite the discomfort, if only they were circumaural...
  13. Skiing for the first time this season @ Loveland Pass. I love snow! (Except when I'm driving in it.)
  14. HeadAmp GS-X also the HeadRoom Balanced Desktop Amp
  15. Stax SR-X MK3 and SR-007 MKI - impressions The SR-X is definitely my favorite of the Stax headphones that I own, which includes the SR-007 MKI and MKII and SR-Lambda. I wouldn't say it's perfect for all of my sonic preferences though, as the bass doesn't have the snap or agility that the Audio-Technica AD2000 does, but it's still very decent quantity. Its treble is good, it's fast, and it's clear-sounding, which is pretty much what I look for from headphones (minus the bass part). I jumped on the SR-X MK3 after I heard the SR-5NB at the NorCal 6/28/08 meet, since I liked the SR-5NB a lot and I read that the two headphones have the same drivers, and it sounds really good on my setup, amped by the SRM-T1 right now (Sherwood has my SRM-1 MKII). The SR-X sounds so good that it's completely changed the game for me actually - I was thinking about not keeping an elecrostatic system long-term but will have to reconsider now. As for the OII MKI, it sounds really good too, off the SRM-T1. I like it more than the MKII, there's less of that annoying mid-bass bump and the treble is clearer too. There's nothing about its sound that's an instant "wow" factor, which is why I originally wrote it off after a 5-10 minute audition at the NorCal 8/25/07 meet (it was amped by the KGSS DX at that meet), but after some extended listening, I can tell there's definitely a lot of subtlety packed into it that only further listening will reveal. I'm really looking forward to hearing all four of my Stax headphones on my imminent BHSE now, especially the Normal-bias ones.
  16. Just got them, doesn't feel like the headband has any padding inside. Doesn't really seem like I'll have any comfort issues though. As for earpads, I have no idea, you can ask him about that though. I imagine he might be able to do something since the leather he sourced is good-quality and the sewing job is good too, very professional.
  17. No idea, I'll know when it arrives, it just shipped yesterday.
  18. Well Alex didn't mention that it was, I took it to be more of an under-the-board type thing that he simply isn't going to advertise on his site for a while. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to ask him about headbands and he did it anyway, so if someone else asked him, I'm sure he'd do it again. And I'm sure it'll be ok as long as no one posts about it at the other site.
  19. Well not yet officially, but Alex can do headbands now. I sent in an SR-X MKIII that looked like this: (click for larger) And this is the new headband: Alex actually held my SR-X MKIII hostage for about 3 months (!) so I wound up getting the new headband for free, thanks Alex! He also informed me that sometime next year he'll have a person on staff who will do headbands exclusively, but you didn't read that here.
  20. From Justin's 12/2 update on his Web site: wahoo! The Order page also lists the 2nd run at $4995... (and incidentally, it looks like he also has AE-2 and Gilmore Lite amps in stock atm)
  21. Asr

    Perfect pitch

    Shenanigans! I have no difficulty enjoying music and I have perfect pitch...or do I...
  22. I know nothing about this amp but it meets your budget: Lunch Box
  23. I go for only the finest equipment and nothing less!
  24. Sony Qualia 010, Stax OII MKI, and Arcam FMJ CD36 (in place of a former Bel Canto CD-1).
  25. Two more dogs I felt like sharing:
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