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Everything posted by Asr

  1. I don't suppose anyone would be willing to build a Dynafet for me? I'll pay for parts of course, and labor too.
  2. What's the going price of the Normal-bias SR-Lambda (by itself) these days? I did some Google (and HF) searching but didn't turn up anything other than a general ballpark of somewhere <$200.
  3. Both, of course, if you can get both. Sell the one you don't like.
  4. Justin posted an update on his Web site today - 3 weeks until the first BHSEs ship! And he posted more pics here: HeadAmp - Audio Electronics (Blue Hawaii SE Electrostatic Headphone Amp)
  5. Nope, haven't heard of that album or those guys either. I discovered EoE by randomly browsing around eMusic, the way I usually discover new stuff. Will be looking for more stuff tho since you mentioned those.
  6. I will donate cash to this cause!
  7. Redbook CDs Kate Walsh - Tim's House (folk) Sandrine - Dark Fades into the Light (pop) Shrift - Lost in a Moment (trip-hop) eMusic Downloads Equations of Eternity - Equations of Eternity Equations of Eternity - Vevh Felix Laband - Thin Shoes In June Rapoon - Raising Earthly Spirits
  8. Nice-looking CDP on the inside, except for that small power transformer. Kinda interesting to see the same transport as my CDP too. Are there also 4 DACs in there, as in 2 per channel? Kinda hard to tell from the pics.
  9. The X-Fi is a decent sound card for general computer users but it sucks for audiophile applications. There are better sound cards for audio, but if you want truly high-end sound on a computer, it's better to use a USB DAC than involve the sound card because even the best ones are still susceptible to the internal electromagnetic interference inside the computer - it's best to do the D/A conversion outside the computer, not inside it. Sound cards do actually put out a line-level analog signal, whoever told you that is misinformed - most computer speakers are powered (have amps), they have to be so you can actually hear stuff since the sound card output is generally fairly weak. And you should definitely get a USB DAC because trying to use a B22 without one won't do you any good. The minimum I'd suggest would be the upcoming HeadAmp Pico DAC (yet unreleased, not to be confused with the product currently being sold). The next most interesting DAC options would be the Electrocompaniet ECD1, Northstar M192, or Peachtree Audio Nova.
  10. Asr

    Packing Stuff?

    You should be able to get free boxes at a supermarket or other similar large store, just ask if they have overstock. You could also try a local business that you know ships or receives a lot. IT/IS companies receive boxes routinely (like from Dell for example, or other OEM hardware vendors) that can work great. For packing tape, foam peanuts, or bubble wrap, I've always used Office Depot or OfficeMax. They have boxes too but the selection is pretty limited.
  11. I do it only because Justin is full of win!
  12. OMG, I'm in love with the BHSE. I can't stop drooling. And who needs laser engraving with the HeadAmp aesthetic, it looks pure awesome as-is!
  13. Justin said the Pico has a 8.4V li-poly battery pack and drives up to 250 mA.
  14. ^ Did you know Arcam recently put out a new CD/SACD player, the FMJ CD37? It also uses the latest Wolfson DAC, the WM8741.
  15. Unveiled at CES and almost no one noticed, where was all the press? I demand impressions even if they're only visual! Accuphase DP-600: Accuphase Laboratory, Inc.?DP-600 (MSRP unknown) Luxman D-08: On a Higher Note :: D-08 Stereo SACD / CD Music Player ($14K) And even Denon's new DCD-SX: Denon unveils Flagship SACD player, DCD-SX - SlashGear Zero chance I'll buy any of these but Luxman's other new D-06 CDP is only $8K which is kinda awfully tempting... (and I gotta say, these new Luxman CDPs are very nice-looking)
  16. Despite the low price this looks interesting. Those HF-ers will probably be all over this one given its price. Can anyone provide some insight on the selection of parts? Stereophile: Oh Nose, Not Another One! "The Music Hall dac25.2 ($600) uses an Electro-Harmonix 6922 tube, a Texas Instruments PCM1796 24-bi/192kHz DAC chip, a TI SRC4192 Asynchronous sample-rate converter (with a high-precision active crystal oscillator master clock), and four digital inputs (S/PDIF, TOSLINK, XLR, and USB). It sports re-clocking and user-adjustable upsampling (96kHz or 192kHz). It outputs analog via XLR or RCA."
  17. Back when I owned the Accuphase DP-500 and Arcam FMJ CD33 simultaneously, I compared the Accuphase's "one-box" output to its output as a DAC only (Arcam as transport) and found a definite sonic difference. I wasn't sure which was sonically better but there was definitely a difference (though very subtle). Also given that there are several vendors who make dedicated transports (dCS, EMM Labs, Esoteric, et al), there has to be some merit to their advanced (and very expensive) mechanisms.
  18. Well I hope there are some decent deals eventually cuz I would probably buy stuff. Loss-leader items ftw. I bought some assorted stuff at an Office Depot the other day, the store was closing and they had 50% off on all items, probably happening all around the country...
  19. I give credit to DannyB for his effort at publicizing the meet at least, haven't seen anyone been this proactive before. Apparently he finally submitted the news to Stereophile recently too since it's listed in their regular feature for events in the Feb '09 issue. He could've submitted earlier (like a couple months ago), since just over a month out isn't really that much advance notice for non-regional people who might want to attend.
  20. I just put in my pre-order at TTVJ, with $28 discount for newsletter subscribers. I'd better be getting my pending-order dynamic amp sometime before it arrives, or I will not be happy.
  21. http://www.head-case.org/forums/meet-impressions/5313-c-e-s-vegas-baby.html
  22. Think I'm going to go ahead and pre-order, since I trust the ears and impressions from Tyll, Ed, and jpnums & Voltron. I look forward to comparing with the Qualia 010, it'd be great if the HD800 could supplant it for me because as great as the Qualia sounds it's just really too much money for me to have tied into one headphone.
  23. Dammit, I should have taken a pledge to not open this thread until I got mine. In the event that any more pics will be posted, I might as well take this pledge now and just continue to wait it out. That said, the heatsink design is just pure awesome.
  24. Hansen's been hinting at this for a long time (for the past several months) over at AA. Looks cool, and with Ayre behind this, I have high expectations particularly on the technical side. Going to try and secure a local auditioning session when it comes out.
  25. James Serdechny (SAA) is a former Sennheiser employee, so it makes perfect sense.
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