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Everything posted by Asr

  1. Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue
  2. The Smashing Pumpkins - Adore
  3. I managed to try Giordano's, Pizzeria Uno, Edwardo's, and Gino's East while I was in Chicago (and in that order too), and I have to say Pizzeria Uno and Gino's East were the best ones. The other two just weren't as good IMO.
  4. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
  5. Disturbed - Indestructible
  6. Asr

    Canjam 2010.

    I forgot to include Dr. Gilmore in the CanJam team that deserves kudos in my previous post, sorry about that. Pics for the Head-Case crowd below. Couldn't be bothered to deal with all the pics for HF yet, did not want to process 40 more pics tonight. I don't think these pics need captions so I won't bother. I think this was the point when Reks proclaimed "Guys, I'm dissolving Head-Case!"
  7. Dang this thread is turning out to be quite the coming-out party. I almost have to wonder who'll be next. Fitz, I definitely caught more positive vibes off from you than at the last time we met. You're a cool dude too and I look forward to the next time we meet. We'll have to re-assemble with Justin (MPI), Scott, & Colin to re-create the drunken ramblings next time. Make it happen!
  8. ....Suddenly this seems to explain a lot of things. Gotta say you were already a cool dude in my book Steve, and your post doesn't change anything for me. Sexual orientation doesn't really matter to me one way or another, well at least as long as I'm not on any receiving ends because I just wouldn't know how to react to that. The refreshing honesty & camaraderie on HC is just one of the things I love about it and no matter who's what or where one has been, or whatever one has done in the past, I consider just about everyone on here to be someone worth knowing and/or getting to know better. All you guys 'round here rock. The HC collective is the best damn collective of people anywhere!
  9. Asr

    Canjam 2010.

    Back home, whew. Do not want to go to work tomorrow but it pays the bills so I guess I should. 155 pics on the camera (including both gear and people) but I'll be deleting quite a bit due to repeats, camera shake or motion blur, or pics that just didn't come out good - maybe about half of them I'd guess. I should post one of them. Here's one with Reks and Peter when the two shared a private moment (while Reks was going around picking random people up to outdo Birgir):
  10. Asr

    Canjam 2010.

    So, CanJam 2010. Like all others that have come before, this was a blast and big kudos to the team that pulled it off - Jim, Ryan, Bryan, Mike, Chris. As usual I'm sad it's over but it was a smashing time from start to finish. So many things to recap and I don't have time to process pics until after I get back home (which will be tomorrow night, 6/7), and the pics include all sorts of good stuff - some gear (which I'll post over at HF), and pics of random unkempt people in suspicious poses (those of course will be posted here). It was great to see old faces and lots of new ones, even if only briefly. Things I learned at CJ 2010: - Birgir really does look like an Icelandic viking, and he can lift up anyone like a bag of potatoes to throw them halfway across the room. Definitely the kind of guy you want on your side in a fight. - Doug/Duggie/Duggeh is as cool in person as his online persona makes him out to be, though he can't do an American accent. - The Gilmore/Birgir T2 amp is the hottest headphone amp that has ever existed on the planet. - Tyll's headphone measurement system is the slickest thing that's ever been created. - The Michael Arnopol Trio is damn good and man do they have that musician-camaraderie intensity thing going. - The Monkey is really 6'2". - Not only can Birgir pick up people, but so can Reks (but not quite as successfully). I even had the pleasure of being picked up by Reks. It was: - Putting alcohol into Justin (mypasswordis, not Wilson) results in incoherent babbling about babies, tumors, babies w/ tumors, and how the BP oil spill situation could probably be rectified by -==-. - Just about anyone will take a swig from a vodka/cranberry juice mix, even if the mix is disproportionate with the vodka on top and the juice on bottom. - Justin Wilson secretly carries at least one bottle of whisky to CanJams and often places nuts on his vendor table for eating consumption. - HC-ers will always clean up at the raffles at CanJam. It's just a given at this point. More in about 1.5 days from now (or maybe sooner, we'll see).
  11. Asr

    Canjam 2010.

    If there are any plans tomorrow (Thursday) night with the HC travel team, someone let me know by calling me and I could maybe try to make it (a few people here have my cell number and they know who they are), pending some plans that may or may not be happening tomorrow. If the plans go through, I'll catch the HC collective on Saturday morning bright and early for CJ.
  12. Asr

    The Live Music Thread

    The Chicago Symphony Orchestra performing Beethoven's 8th and 5th. Man they were good. I was amazed by every musician's playing ability and they were all in perfect unison. The 5th felt a bit too fast overall but they delivered on the bombast.
  13. Asr

    Canjam 2010.

    Sounds like just about everyone is going to be at CJ, cool. The anticipation is building and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. All packed up now for my flight out tomorrow morning. First the Windy City followed by CanJam 2010, whoooo!
  14. You didn't say if you have the MKII or the MKI. With the sound you're describing, it seems like you have the MKII. The MKI is more balanced-sounding.
  15. Asr


    Ok I just need to get this out of my system: TIT-ANUS Which kinda begs the follow-up question, what is its definition?
  16. Asr

    Audeze LCD-2

    I think swt should make a tice measuring stick to clear up this confusion. Alex I'm definitely quoting part of that post in my next sig. "How you roll the dice when inside the pies" is a great euphemism!
  17. Asr

    Audeze LCD-2

    Dang, a meter? That's like, the average length from the waist to the feet! That's unfathomable!
  18. Asr

    Audeze LCD-2

    So how long is 1 tice then? You can't say it's a unit of measurement and not say how long it is!
  19. Asr


    Memorial Day weekend sales: JR.com and JR New York $15 off ($150 purchases or more) - NY in-store coupon available here: http://www.jr.com/media/pdf/couponMemorialDay--2010_v1_m56577569833757651.pdf - Or use coupon code MEMORIALDAY at JR.com checkout. Offer valid through 06/01/10. Elusive Disc Music Direct
  20. Hey thanks for the info, now I have even more incentive for greater variety of trips into the mountains! But with only up to 3 photo submissions I guess I'm going to have to be picky on the locations, too many national parks here. My D80 body is still for sale here on HC: http://www.head-case.org/forums/general-sale/7828-fs-nikon-d80-body-sb-400-flash.html. For you I'd ship to the UK too. I've since taken more pics with it so the shutter release count is out-of-date now, but it hasn't been that many.
  21. Asr

    Beyer T1

    FYI: the T1 price hike occurred before the LCD-2 Head-Fi hype. Grasp at straws much? Like Reks said, Audeze is most likely unknown to Beyer. As for "ironic":
  22. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane ....add me to those who are worried about you Matt. Timberlake?! All I can do is shake my head. This must be corrected!
  23. Gamma Ray - Land of the Free
  24. Asr

    slow forum

  25. Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite
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