I hate to hear all this stuff about SP, it is truely sad for a talented designer/mfr. to go down in flames like this since he a supporter of this particular subculture community. If it is any consolation, another subculture community is just like this, custom gun building, gunsmiths (ampsmiths?, I might be on to something here) get cussed the same way. Promise way more than they can deliver, are not good business men, lie about delivery time, etc., etc., etc. I had $2000 in a pistol, in a shop in PA. I am in NC. My wife was going to Philly all the time on business, I couldn't get my gun back, tagged along with the wife on a biz trip, free flight with flyer miles, surprised said gunsmith by walking into his shop one morning and demanding to see my gun and see him work on it or give it back. I got the work done on the spot and a bunch of free tee shirts and other crap to get me out of his shop. If I had the money in amps sitting in Mik's shop that some of you guys do, I don't care what it cost to fly to CO, I would be there in a NY minute to get my amp back...with interest. Good luck to you all.
PS...I have heard the PPX and MPX, SP amps and thought my Woo 3 sounded much better. Moon Audio is just the other side of town from me and he is a little shakey too! Caveat Emptor