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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Dusty, have you tried the '05 DT990? ZOMG, those made my my ears bleed. Within the first 5 seconds. They sssliced and diccced my ears. For those of you who are masochistic, try Jesse Cook's or Kylie Minogue's songs on the '05 DT990...
  2. Ultrasone.
  3. DON'T dew eet.
  4. Its the Audio Technica carrying case for the ES7/ESW9 and (not sure if it fits) ESW10JPN. There is also a smaller HPP3 for the folding AT headphones, IIANM.
  5. Not awesome, but lame.
  6. Meh, who cares. Its CNet ffs and one guy's opinion.
  7. Oh, oh, he got you bad there Elephas... Heh... So, when are you gonna dew eet? Bonus points to Elephas for getting Spritzer to admit the HD600 ain't horrible... A dynamic! GASP!
  8. I've been sick with the flu and sore throat for the last week and a half too. Damn thing almost went away but then I got a friggin' relapse during the weekend.
  9. If I did that, they would probably kill me. Shhhh... this place has eyes and ears all over the place. Especially ears. Dunno (and don't care) about sovkiller. I never paid too much attention to his posts over at the other site anyway. I have always felt he was a very strongly opinionated person; was always his way or the highway. Meh. He and Peter Pinna(sp?)... ugh... [advice] Anyway, to survive this place its very simple. Think before you type and post. Spew bullshit over here and you're dead. Seriously. Other than that, the guys over here are a bunch of intelligent and witty fellas. You mostly won't find inane shit over here. Get to know the guys/gals, be part of the community here and keep bullshit to a minimum and you're good to go. [/advice] You'll either love this place, or loathe it. I love it here; I spend more time over here now. END of TOUR. Now go dig in and read, read, read.
  10. I'm not just a piece of meat.
  11. Welcome to Head-Case, Sorry About Your Thin Skin! Nice to meet you(again) too!
  12. Well obviously it was Ray.
  13. Heh... 800++ for a CD of "whole sale dealers"... wtf. Best part is he put a pic of the LCD TV in many angles... It is indeed going to suck.
  14. My bad Dusty. I read it wrongly. Damn boobies, got me all distracted.
  15. My God. WTF? That's a really nasty email. What a sicko.
  16. If you stand it up, it already has big boobies.
  17. @Justin, That's a rather depressing smiley.... Its probably what those of use who don't have a BHSE to enjoy this Christmas should be doing.
  18. As long as you both don't hit me on the back of my head and shave me half bald while I'm out cold, we're good. So, have you found an IEM for your bro yet? Maybe you should get the Darths that were going for tree fiddy on the other site. Let him bask in the thick, creamy, muddy, goey bass "goodness" of the darths. I know it will cure this craving for bass. It worked for me(once upon a time in a land far, far away); as in I'm now very cautious of headphones that are known for bass. Except the L3000 of course...
  19. x2 what they said. Of course, completely taken out out context and manipulated to say what I feel. Dammit, those are soo purty. Anyone wants to buy my right kidney? I'll throw in a shovel for free.
  20. Sorry, I just had to dew eet. Couldn't help myself.
  21. Eeeew... now that's just gross! Spill the beans Birgir! (Dan, don't get any funny ideas... eeeew)
  22. I was thinking along those lines too. Hit him with a shovel (multiple times if you have to), then tie him up and force him to listen to your SR-007 until he appreciates clean, clear bass. Edit: Oh wait, yours is an MK2... On a more serious note, how about some Mylar Xbi? that might go bOOM BooM bOoM enough for him?
  23. *shakes head* Yeah, I hate hearing about this kind of stuff too, gives me the hibbie jibbies. We should round up all these and stick them in a cage where they belong.
  24. There was also that Trose:asshat: guy...
  25. Yeah, its just to be used as a rough indicator. But still... From perfect feedback to this? I'm also interested to see the details when the dust settles.
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