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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. I for one like a bright~ish presentation. However I'm very picky because I am very sensitive to sibilance. To me there are cans that can do bright minus the sibilance (K1000) and then there are cans that are bright and bring sibilance from hell ('05 DT990). Yes, I use the term "sparkly" to describe the sound that I like. To me, "sparkly" means a nice extended top end that is both refined and articulate minus the sibilance + airiness and detail. Sibilance is a BIG NO NO to me. I love the K1000, and I consider it among the brighter cans; I love that it has soo much texture and detail in the treble region and also, it has awesome extension. I've yet to notice any ear piercing sibilance in the K1000. Then there is the '05 DT990. I really dislike this headphone, its treble is mostly unrefined and there was tons of sibilance that was immediately apparent to me in a matter of seconds after I put them on. Then there is the CD3000. Now, this little bugger, was kinda like middle ground, the treble was largely dependent on the up stream gear. Maybe the GS1000 is something like this(CD3000) just as Blackmore said? I dunno, since I have no experience with the GS1k; I can only speak for the other three headphones mentioned above. I guess what I'm trying to say is that bright headphones do not necessarily mean piercing treble. There are some bright~ish headphones that are well behaved. I guess, bass heads that want textured, clean and tight bass have to weed out the boomy crap (cough*darth*cough*) and treble heads that wants a nice extended top end that is both refined and articulate(minus the sibilance) has to weed out the sibilant crap (cough*DT990*cough)...
  2. Heh.... just buy a bunch and spend the afternoon sorting through them and try to match them as close as you can... I'm pretty OCD that way sometimes, but yeah, I could live with them being +- 5% too. Yeah, I get you, finding specific voltage/value resistors are a real PITA when you want them locally and when in a hurry. Been there before.
  3. The way I understand it, the bigger the wattage rating on the resistor, it just means that it can handle/dissipate more energy before it goes kaput or gets burnt out/destroyed. Hence why its a good idea to go with a slightly bigger/higher rated one than what's required. Drawback is that it will be bigger(physical size), as Justin already mentioned. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Happy Birthday Al! Have a nice Voltron~ish Birthday! There are two robots HC members celebrating their birthday's today!
  5. Happy Birthday Smeggy!
  6. Indeed. I'm listening to it now. Oooh... its a wonderful amp. Nice tight and punchy bass with tons of PRAT. Mmmmm... crisp and crunchy guitars.
  7. I may be crazy, but I actually like the way the Signatures sound with the 717... The T1 also sounds nice, but I like the way the 717 grabs the signatures by the neck and spoon feeds it extra details that the T1 can not bring to the table. Bright? Sizzle? Etch? meh... I have a T1 and 717, but my Signatures finds itself making sweet, sweet music out of the 717 more often than the T1. Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy them both just as much and can live with either one just fine.
  8. Warum? I like 'em too. Don't feel guilty... In a west end town, a dead end world The east end boys and west end girls In a west end town, a dead end world The east end boys and west end girls West end girls West end girls Also... Break the window by the town hall Listen, the siren screams There in the distance, like a roll call Of all the suburban dreams Lets take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight In suburbia You cant hide, run with the dogs tonight In suburbia
  9. 30s ? Ok, I keed I keeeeed... Sorry Vicki. Seriously though, I do have a few oldies in my playlist that I listen to every now and then; I do enjoy them.
  10. I listen to Alphaville and Modern talking.... 'nuff said... But damn, I can't help it, I enjoy their cheesy tunes soo much...
  11. @Antonio, Well, I wish that I have an R10, but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon so... FWIW, Craig (Kuboten) recently dug out his old MJ CDs and listened via the Lambda Signatures and T1 based on my recommendation, and he agreed with me, there is indeed something special happening there. I'm guessing he has had the R10s in the past too. Baby E, go listen to some MJ and get back to us. Yes, the man can sure sing. I'm listening to "Black or White" right now as I type this... awesome, just awesome, scheeweeet. @GPH, yeah, 80s and 90s pop ftw. Much, much better than today's crap.. uh.. pop... Most of today's mainstream garbage can't even come close. The Japanese are crazy over MJ, should be no surprise that two top of the line Japanese headphones (R10 and L. Sig) from roughly that era do soo well with his music...
  12. That's just gross and sooo wrong... I LOLed. Since you have them superglued to your head, I'm sure you won't mind giving me your W11jpn and K1000 then eh? Now THAT's a disturbing image... Eh, who am I to say, I'm dancing to Michael Jackson's songs right now... ZOMG, the Lambda Sigs are sooo ahsome! Go dig out your SRM-T1W and plug in your airbow sr-sc1 into it, then listen to "The way you make me feel" by MJ and then exclaim ZOMG! I tell you, MJ was meant to be heard via the Lambda Sig and T1... A little Stax God Birdie told me the SC1 is kinda close to the L. Sig. so you should have similar results with your sc1 and t1W. Dew eet. Really? Aww... that's kinda disappointing to me... Forward is good, but the darker part... **slowly slithers away back into the darkness(brightness)... ** If only the O2(both of 'em) had the brightness of the Signatures.
  13. It may be more forward, but would you say its darker sounding than the mk1? ZOMGBBQ! ROTFLMFAO! Spritzer, U totalleh ownz baby E! He admitted to liking the mk1 now.
  14. Its my niece's birthday today too and I'm leaving for her birthday party in a couple of minutes. Have an awesome Birthday Adam and have a nice weekend too!
  15. Happy K1K Birthday!
  16. Just saw watchmen recently?
  17. The moment I saw that thread, I put in my order. I didn't even think for more than a couple of seconds... The original pico(with DAC and AMP) made me go from not liking the CD3000 to actually enjoying them. To me, it removed almost all traces of sibilance and increased instrument separation a little. The CD3000 has since been sold and the pico has gone back to my friend (borrowed it for some time). I felt that the amp section of the pico was kinda "weakish"... but this DAC only version should be interesting, paired with a proper gutsy amp, would probably be really, really nice. In my eyes, it sure as hell is value for money at only $300 bucks... I can't wait to get my Pico Dac and feed my headphones a highly neutricious meal...
  18. Happy Birthday Nate! Have a good one.
  19. Happy Birthday Steve!
  20. Happy Birthday! Have a good one mate.
  21. I've always wondered, if i swap the + and -, technically it should make no difference right? Assuming the bias connection is left alone and of course this swap is carried out on both ear speakers. The + and - membranes are identical no?
  22. Happy Birthday Jay! Have a really nice one. Its a weekend too! Here is your birthday present: LOL VTG for life!
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