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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Indeed. Many people have wanted to buy my 717, but I ain't letting it outta me sight. Its a really, really nice amp.
  2. The Lambda Sig, shrill? Etch? nah. Edgy, exciting and energetic is what I'd call them. It be mah favourite headphones. Been driving them outta the T1 and 717, been loving every second of it. I even ditched the O2mk1 in favor of the Lambda Sig. Birgir, thanks for the pics, I've seen and touched that kinda material somewhere some time back but I can't, for the life of me, remember right now where I saw it. Don't wanna mess with mah L. Sig sound though. If I were to mess with it, I'd wanna bring out a little extra separation and texture in the bass region. If you find a way to do that on the 404, let me know, I might try it on the Lambda Sig.
  3. Please make that a smiley! One can never have too much .
  4. Thanks Jacob. That made my day. I love this place, including the basement.
  5. Would this paper mod work on a Lambda Signature? Is should right? Could you post a pic of that paper thingy please? Thanks.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VTYtyhmkDs
  7. Ahhh... I love the smell of fresh shovel in the morning.
  8. I nearly died laughing watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUZuV0xce3A
  9. Indeed. Read what luvdunhill said over and over again until you really get why that analogy is teh sux. @posty, the last.fm signatures ain't working for me too.
  10. You sicko! But yeah, he needs to stop bitchin' ! Maybe in poem form it would be cool> of course it haz to include something about spooning lol catz.
  11. You know what you should do? You better duck the fuck down before you get hit on the head with a shovel repeatedly by some shovel wielding people! Seriously...
  12. Yeah, if any nooB misbehaves, he/she will have to kneel before Zardoz... eeew indeed. Zod is awesome though. He kinda got Lex to stfu. Lex was soo noisy in that movie.
  13. No, no, not zod, but Zardoz. Welcome to Head Case TzeYang, sorry about your thin skin.
  14. Pharrell with the Sony Qualia 010
  15. This happens with the Lambda Signature too right? Whenever I push on with reasonable force and speed while music is playing, a momentary loss of output. If, so, then not much of a problem because how often does one push the phones towards one's own head while listening? Of course, that is if I understand correctly what you're saying here.
  16. If you guys think that songs by Katie Melua and Diana Krall are really sibilant, you should try Kylie Minogue and Jesse Cook. I like all four artists mentioned above and I hardly think that Katie M or Diana K are sibilant when compared to Kylie M and Jesse Cook. I listen to these artists pretty often and I've tried all four artists on the CD3k, W11jpn, O2mk1(717 and T1) Lambda Signature(717and T1), DT880, DT990 and a few others... I tried Jesse cook via the '05 DT990 and nearly died within 5 seconds of putting it on my ead. Yeach~! Dusty, if you're using the Leather head, try "Cant Get You Out of My Head", "Red Blooded Woman" and "I Believe In You" by Kylie Minogue... the bass will pound your head and the sibilance will kill you... I know you're pretty tolerant to sibilance but... try those. On the smoov Leatherhead it might not be soo bad though, but I dunno since I've never tried one. EDIT: Ok, I just remembered this one, its from Cafe Del Mar Vol 14, artist is Tape Five and the song name is Longitude; listen at 1min 30s... I think this one of the worst in my collection, if not the worst when it comes to ssslicing sssibilance.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday Doug! Indeed!
  19. Part 1: Part 2:
  20. Shit... Some things can't be unseen... I should have NOT clicked that... Why was such a pic posted in the first place?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8gP8qgzp5k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmk1dToZYGo
  22. Yeah, the JVC thing is worth looking into. I saw two guys bickering about it on HF, their posts got moderated. One guy was selling his HP DX1000 in the FS forum and another guy came in and made a comment about how it could be found for cheaper in Europe and this sale was not worth it. They took this fight into the normal headphone section forum too. But most of their bickering posts have been cleaned up now. Not much trace of it now. I wonder why this info has not been more widely picked up at HF yet? Lots of money can be potentially saved, especially if you can find a used HA DX1000. Might be worth looking into this if any one of you want to toy with the idea of getting the DX1000. Oh, and the HD650 thingy... I figured just as much! It costs a bomb too
  23. @Monkey, well the CD3000 has been popping up on Y Jpn quite often recently. IIANM, there was one there last week. If you're thinking about the W10vtg, there is one over there right now for 36,800yen: http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g64057584 I've owned the CD3000 before and I wouldn't say they are warm sounding, especially compared to the W11jpn which I also owned side by side. I posted a review here on HC if that helps. And if you're thinking about the DX1000, IIANM, there is an exact same model in germany with a slightly different model designation which goes for cheaper(400++ eur me thinks). I think it was Victor HA-DX1000 instead of the HP-DX1000, they said same headphone different name. I saw it posted over at HF. The model with HA s the cheaper one. Might be worth looking into. If you find a used one, it should save you a load of cash. If your dad really liked the HD650 and wants a closed headphone, there is also that headphile HD650 wood cups that was being sold over at HF. Dunno if that would be a worthwhile investment or not.
  24. Probably great with the Jade eh?
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