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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Aha. Thanks for that. Damn, the HD800 is becoming more and moar tempting...
  2. Thanks for that write up. I have two questions though; what was Naaman's source(was if the buffalo?) and what was his K1000 serial number? Could these two have contributed significantly towards the differences you heard, perhaps?
  3. Yeah, I figured as much, just wanted to put it out there, ya know, just in case Nate suddenly found that he had waaaaaaay too much free time on his hands and felt like making some wood cups. Please don't hit me with the Nate... Hey, Nate could give headphile a run for its money. I mean literally run... OK, not funny, sorry, but its 3 am here, me need sleep.
  4. Nate, if you ever do a pair in quilted maple for Jay, please give me a buzz as I'd love a set in the same wood too. That's some awesome woodwork there. Love the smooov shine on the cups. Really beautiful.
  5. Larry, how would you say the K1000 compares to the HD800 in terms of speed, transparency, neutrality? Thanks. If you had to keep only one of the two based on SQ and pure enjoyment alone (not listening environment/cost, whatever), which one would you keep and which one would you ditch? If you then take all the other factors into acount, would your decision be different? Vicki, you've owned a nice K1000 rig in the past IIANM. Any input from you as to how they stack up against each other would also be appreciated too, so feel free to toss your $2 worth into this thread. Thanks Vicki !
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8gtrD4_C4
  7. Welcome Wayne ! I always enjoy reading your posts over at the other place. Welcome to HC, sorry about your thin skin. Watch out for the
  8. Would that happen to include your pair of HF-2 too Nate? I know you said you're not gonna woody it if had metal cups but...
  9. Wood looks much MOAR nicer though.
  10. There is: Pico DAC Pico AMP Pico AMP/DAC combo. I think they talked about the AE2 vs Pico amp about 10 posts back in this thread IIANM. Refer to ASR's post and also Justin said this a few posts further back: So, there you have it.
  11. Let's just leave that train wreck alone over there and let them squabble with each other; don't let it get to you and let's not let that influence this thread anymore. I've stopped reading that thread a long time ago and prefer this one for HD800 impressions. So far, almost everyone seems to be impressed by the HD800. Good to know that the HD800 sounds sweet with SS amps such as the Luxman and Beta22. Nice.
  12. If anyone can can order two pairs of flats for me and send them out to Malaysia later once you get back home, I'd be really grateful. I'll pay up using Paypal of course.
  13. I hate you all too. Have a nice time there guys! Can't wait for moar impressions and pics!
  14. Congrats Jay! Nice to hear that you were the one who got them! I'm on the opposite end, I might be moving out early next year so my audio gear is being sold one by one, slowly but surely. One by one I'm thinning the herd.
  15. There is a pair of Stax DA-80M monoblock power amps for sale locally over here. If they are any good and anybody wants them, I'd be happy to contact the seller and see if he will ship it overseas. Or if you absolutely need it and the guy won't ship it abroad, then I could probably help you buy it and ship it out to you. I have no idea if that vintage Stax amp is any good or if its even worth it, but just thought I'd post about it here in case anyone is looking for it for any reason.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Me. I don't like riding on trains very much, too cramped. Choo! Choo! I also already have the pink driver RS1 with me, so yeah, that kinda helps too.
  18. My God! I've never seen any of you guys go into such a frenzy like this before... Choo! Choo! All aboard!
  19. Business must be running a little slow for John...
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. @Posty, I cannot stop laughing. You're fucking awesome! I'm lucky I didn't have any drinks with me, otherwise my laptop would have been ruined by now.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. @pabbi1, you might want to get the mods to remove your email address from those posts. You don't want them bots getting your email address.
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