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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Not something I'd worry about. I see from one of your previous posts that you've tried the DT880? If you find that the DT880 has enough bass, then don't sweat it, you'd probably find the O2 bass from the 717 more than enuf too. I've tried the DT880 in the past, found the bass to be sufficient. Owned the O2mk1 and 717 in the past, bass was DEFINITELY NOT an issue. O2 is "1 million" times better. ----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------- *can we make this into a smiley please?* ---->
  2. Now just walk across.
  3. OMG Al, I don't think I can sleep tonight, I'm gonna have nightmares now. Thanks a lot. I don't think Baby E. is ever gonna be able to look at Rihanna the same way again...
  4. Happy DACday! :prettyprincess:
  5. Optical when on my desktop (ibasso D1 - sounds better via optical rather than USB) and usb (Pico DAC) when on my laptop.
  6. If that's the case, then send them my way. All your ATs are belong to me. You have no chance to survive make your time.
  7. You guys from the US of A are soo lucky. Speaking of which, here is another nice deal for you USA peeps, popped up in my email thanks to CNet: Get a new PlayStation 3 Slim for $199.99 | The Cheapskate - CNET News
  8. I'm with Dan on this, I feel its just fine as it is, the HT threads can fit nicely into the current speakers section. There is no need to add another subforum as this place is not exactly overflowing with HT threads. Some other forums I used to visit became waay to cluttered as time went on. They kept adding subforms until the whole place was a mess and I could not keep up with which was which. The worst part is some of the subforms contain only one or two threads in it. Like Dusty said, if enough HT threads from the past can be rounded up to fill in a new subforum(at least 2~3 pages worth perhaps?), then fine, else I think its just gonna fill up our screens unnecessarily. I'm fine with it either way, but hope we don't keep adding new subforums every now and then unless absolutely necessary, lest we end up like that other place... FWIW, I have a Pioneer HTiB system and I'm fairly happy with it. If I had the spare $ though, I'd probably go crazy on a full blown setup.
  9. Hey Tony Have a nice one!
  10. FWIW, I did own the O2mk1 + 717 setup with the Lambda Signature + T1 setup side by side. I ditched the O2mk1 in favor of the Lambda Sigs. The O2mk1, I felt, was a very very good headphone from the technical aspect, it
  11. Have a nice one Posty!
  12. Hey guys, I've been away from HC for about 2 months (I miss you rascals ) due to some major home renovation and because I took up 12 weeks of industrial attachment as part of my Eng degree graduation requirement. Anyway, I wanted the get opinions from you guys about using solid cement/concrete blocks for speaker stands. You see, since my house is undergoing renovation anyway, there are a lot of bricks and cement just lying around. I figure I'd just ask the construction guys to make me a stand like the one below: The pic above is not mine; it
  13. Happy Birthday David! Have a nice one!
  14. Now you see why we call you "Revolting Baby Elephant", Baby E. ? You're.... uh just gross... Before you "burst", hand me that umbrella 'ella 'ella, eh eh eh, hand me that umbrella...
  15. Maybe David Carradine was trying to balance the HD800 cable...
  16. Now would be the perfect time to say:
  17. I just sent an email to that person. Its 3am over here now, so I'm gonna catch some shut eye in the mean time. Again, I can't thank you guys enough for offering to help me with this. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed this works out and he does not sell to someone else instead. I'll post back here when I get a reply from him.
  18. Thank you soo much Al ! Yes, I think he still has the boxes, I'll send him an email now to double check.
  19. Hey guys, anyone of you live within driving distance of SAN RAFAEL, CA (94901) ? I want to buy a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 book shelf speakers from someone who lives there, but the buyer prefers local pick up over international shipping. Does anyone mind helping me pick them up and then shipping it to me? I'd be really grateful if someone here could lend me a helping hand. You can have fun with the speakers in your system, and then when you're done with it, all I need is for you to help ship them off to me. I really, really want these speakers, have been searching for some time now; its impossible to get them over here. Any help you guys can throw my way would be greatly appreciated. Please? I'm currently trying to convince him to ship it direct, but if anyone here can help me, it'd be awesome! I really appreciate the help. Thank you sooo much!
  20. If there is gonna be a group buy for the LE earpads, count me in. Very busy now, but end of next week, if I can remember it, I'll ask Craig and see what he says about pricing and availability.
  21. ---> ---> Nice try, but I'm gonna stay the course. Also have the RS-1 around, so no point in getting the HF-2... vonschweikertvonschweikertvonschweikert...
  22. Yeah, this thread is not helping at all. I've been saving up for some speakers... managed to dodge the HF-2 and stay on course, but reading this thread... ugh! Maybe I should do some spring cleaning and get rid of all my other audio gear... hmmm... must resist temptation.... Hopefully the right speaker deal comes along before I loose my self control.
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