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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. K, fine. All points noted. I'll try my very best to be less of a dipshit from now on.
  2. Whoever is deleting my posts on purpose, I'm gonna tie your nut sack into a knot...
  3. That the best ya got? ... Over here = Malaysia Happy now? Made me LOL.
  4. Ok, ok, since it was a "contextually challenged flood" and you guys only saw what you wanted to see, I'll remove the other bits so as to make the other meaning of "tuition" more obvious... Here you go:
  5. Tuition = The act, process, or art of imparting knowledge and skill: education, instruction, pedagogics, pedagogy, schooling, teaching, training, tutelage, tutoring. See teach/learn. Tuition means instruction, teaching or a fee charged for educational instruction especially at a formal institution of learning or by a private tutor usually in the form of one-to-one tuition. tuition noun 1. a sum of money paid for instruction (such as in a high school, university, or college) 2. the training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor Translations: * Dutch: bijscholing , bijles * German: Tutorium , Unterricht tu
  6. Awww shucks... didn't win. Oh well... Congrats jp11801. Yeah, I'm here too. Joined a few days ago. Actually I was aware of HC since last year, found about it some time after joining that other site. But lately I've become bored with the repetitive stuff over there... So I decided to hang around here instead for a change of pace.
  7. Well today I did some lab reports, did a little work on my thesis, sent brother to tuition classes, troubleshoot a modem for my ex high school tuition teacher... had some chicken for lunch... just another boring day...
  8. The Simpsons.
  9. Yeah man. That shit is really screwed up. I felt really really sad after seeing that pic. It sent shivers down my spine. Kinda disturbing that we humans fight and kill over inane crap.
  10. Was Robin wearing a Grado?
  11. Do future transactions count ? (you know what I want to buy!) I'd really like those Sonys... It has piqued my curiosity ever since I saw them a while back. I'll pay for shipping too! Please ! Pretty Please? Pwwweeease.... ?
  12. ATH-W11jpn > ATH-ES7 > Altec iM716 (stock & @53 Ohms) > Crossroads X3i >= Philips SHE9500
  13. I just ate a whole bunch of prawn crackers, hope I don't get a sore throat tomorrow... Gonna have pizza for dinner soon.
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