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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Did you (Indra) finally give in to temptation and buy the UE9? Have you chosen a song yet...? I can totally understand how Jason would give in to the temptation of viewing Dan's drinking pics though...
  2. Well, I'm contemplating selling my W11jpn to get my L3000 faster... But I'm afraid I'd regret it once the W11jpns are gone... Its probably best for me to just be patient though... BTW, this is the last thing I bought:
  3. Congrats Jason! If it was me who let the cat out of the bag, then I apologize about that. I didn't know you were hiding kitteh. But, All's Well That Ends Well. You done good to score them pair of VTG.
  4. Knife Block Shaped Like Human Head
  5. Oohh yah, the AD2000, very energetic, somewhat bright, but to my ears, the midrange focus was in the higher regions of midrange. How about the ES7? It looks puuurty, has a sparkly presentation with focus on mids and highs with a nice punchy bottom to round things off. They sound awesome with Allison Krauss, Robert Plant, Buddha Bar, Cafe Del Mar, Hot Action Cop, Korn, Jesse Cook, Alejandro Escovedo, Pink Floyd etc...
  6. @lostonetr, I used to have a similar blip problem with my D1. Turned out to be the USB cable. It was very screwy. I changed to the one that came with my Canon camera and it solved the problem. I dunno if the problem you're having is the same problem or not, but I thought I'd just mention that anyway, just in case. Maybe increasing the fubar buffer might help? @kirkwal, your welcome. Do post back if changing the settings makes any difference since you're using a macbook. Exactly the reason why I love my ES7 and W11jpn. That pretty much sums it up.
  7. Yeah, mess about with the resampler and KS. Its easy to use KS with the latest version of Foobar. See if it makes a difference in your system. I messed with these options a long time ago with my lower end cans, I didn't notice any difference before, so I left it at default. But with my W11jpns, I do notice a difference. Its gonna be Ultra mode @ 96000Hz with KS from now on for me. It might slow your PC down a little though if the CPU ain't up to the task. That was the main reason I didn't use it with my laptop. It used to get very hot and the fan would sing along too... Now that I do most of my listening from the desktop, it not a problem anymore.
  8. @lostonetr Which one? Or both? If I were living near you, I'd let you test mine out for a few days, but unfortunately I live 1/2 way around the world from where you are... so... @kirkwall, I'm listening to my JPNs now, and I was messing around with Foobar, I just updated from the previous version to .9.9.5 and turned Kernel Streaming on as well as activated the resampler in Ultra mode @ 96000Hz. Made an audible difference. Certainly clears up the "congestion" and adds more energy/separation in the upper regions. Give it a try.
  9. -dbl post- my mouse is kinda screwed up, sorry.
  10. I'm really tempted to google that... But I know nothing good can come out of that...
  11. You hate me too ? I only own this: And not this: So, you still like me right? Right? :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess:
  12. Yeah, I totally get what you mean Dan. If the W11jpn is anything like the VTG, then yeah, they sound sweet plugged into just about anything. My W11jpn sounds just fine plugged directly into my Creative MuVo2 FM. When amped, they don't change drastically, I just find them to sound "richer".. if that makes any sense at all. Only problem with the W11jpn is that unlike the VTG, they have a 1/4 inch jack instead of the mini jack. I'd reterminate them in a flash, but I just can't bring myslef to cut the beautiful cable... I wish I had an extra pair of W11jpn so that I could use it for times when I'm on the go...
  13. Why? Do they not benefit that much from a recable or do they screw up the wonderful sound sig which the ATs are known for?
  14. Yeah, was probably searching for close up pics of a pair of great tits but got redirected to this site.
  15. You lucky basket, I wish I had a pair of VTG, just for the heck of it. Sooo purty. I don't have spare cash laying around, so fuck it, I'm gonna rob your house tonight at say, 9.30pm? Is that time ok for you? Jason, are you in or out? Ok, on a more serious note, you need to find an amp with high current output to make the ATs sing I think. Good luck with the research.
  16. Yup, you're da bomb Jacob! Can't be beat even if we tried our best! I tried and failed miserably. Fail. We need a smiley that bows down in awe and respect... Yup, I had a terrible fist day or two, my thin skin got ripped apart, but the more I hang around here, I'd have to agree with this. Some truly good folks here. Yeah Old Pa, don't take it personally, just take it in your stride and enjoy the company. But like Voltron said, you might find that it hurts when you try to sit down. Well, the first few days at least. Then you'll get used to it...
  17. Too many kittehs in here, we need:
  18. What does that do? Will try it out tmrw.
  19. K, guys, thanks once again for trying to help me out. I appreciate you spending the time to help me try and figure this thing out. My lecturer is not gonna be happy with my "progress" tomorrow, but I can't take it anymore, I have to get some rest. Its almost 11pm here and I've only had about 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours... Have a great day/afternoon/evening guys, I'm off to bed. I'll have another go at it tmrw morning. In the meantime if you guys have any ides, please post in this thread. Thank you sooo much once again!
  20. But yeah, I would have deserved it though...
  21. Yeah, I'm gonna go see him tmrw. My eyes are twitching and I've only had 2~3 hours of sleep each night for the past 3~4 days... I have headache right now. EdipisReks asked to type: rm -rf ~/* What does that do btw?
  22. Yeah, I did exactly as you instructed me to: mv /opt/BlueCat /opt/BlueCat.broken_ferrari
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