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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. lol
  2. The cats are supposed to help trick people to go into the basement. If you want the bodies to decompose faster, use less preservatives next time....
  3. I see dusty people... Jacob, are you recruiting?
  4. Its just -=her=- symbol, that's all. Jay, I like the duckasaurus in your sig.
  5. Depends how you define "late", Mr. Jacob San. LATE We're both right. Cheers to that , enjoy this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtPdzr5omIo
  6. "Geez, too bad that liver NEVER came and you had to die huh? Could have been better if it had arrived at the last minute instead. Oh well... "
  7. Hmmmm.... True, to a certain extent...
  8. Better late than never.
  9. BURN!
  10. So, did it work? The usb cable and the foobar2k suggestion.
  11. Yeah, spill the dirt.
  12. @Indra, I'm glad you're having a blast with your new toy. Do post some glamor shots and give some short impressions once you're done with 'em. Was only teasing, no need to sing. (Besides, I need to preserve my hearing... heheh... ) BTW, that phonitor gadget whathingamajiggy looks freaky... It looks like it eats headphones for breakfast.
  13. I knew it! You're keeping the secret for yourself! >
  14. What on earth is... nevermind... I got what you meant midway through typing this sentence.
  15. I tried to make meth once, I got syrup that smelt like soggy cigarette ashes instead. Not good. So, Dusty, you're gonna have to give me the step by step directions via PM. I don't want competition from other head-casers. Where is Indra btw? Must be listening to the UE9 non stop for hours on end... Come back and post impressions. Is the 9 all hype + BS or are they worth the $? Me wants to know. And you owe me a song. Choose one and sing it already. I want to you-tube it for the others to see....
  16. Morsel the Moose Chocolate City Photos
  17. Hmmm... You have a point there. I guess I was too innocent...
  18. Awesome! Its situations like these that makes me appreciate having known ya'll. Very resourceful ! I'll sell my kidney tomorrow(thanks for the suggestion Jacob), but first I'll learn to make some crack from posty. One kidney ain't gonna cut it. Gonna need MOAR ways to get $...
  19. No, its not that. Its more along the lines of no money, no honey.
  20. Posty, go to your birthday thread, they are looking for ya over there... JBLoudG20, you be wrong, the coby sounds worse. Teh NOkia pawns everything!! Teh Nokia is an awesome match with the K701. Sheesh, how could anyone NOT KNOW that?
  21. Hippie B-day Jackie 'ol boi! Have nice one. Cheers!
  22. I cry myself to sleep every night because I don't have the L3000 yet.
  23. Woah! Congrats Indra! I guess my sublime chants of DEW EET finally got to you huh? Congrats, and now you owe me a song. Should we you-tube it for the rest of the head-casers then? LOL Dammit, I wish that I could get my L3000s just as quick... Not gonna happen anytime soon. :palm:
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