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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Why all the sadness?
  2. This one is closer, but I had to crop out the blood trail in order for the bear to appear bigger. Edit: I see Nate already did it.
  3. Is this any good Dan?
  4. The previous PS1 sold for $3600 IIANM. Check out the feedback, the price/link is in there.
  5. Aha, ok got it. I thought they were saying it was the other way round. I thought that they were saying people that were talking on the phone were the ones who moved faster. My bad. I went back and clicked on the pic to get a bigger pic. And yeah, you're right. Ewwwww indeed. I take back what I said. Not bangable material at all, just bang her down.
  6. Can someone please explain this to me? I'm feeling somewhat dense right now (4.20am, should be sleeping, but can't). @NightWoundsTime, worst part? I think that's the best part. That will teach her not to be soo fucking idiotic the next time round. I hate people like her. Her dumbassness gets innocent people killed and she walks away to see another day. Damn unfair. Oh, and she ain't hot at all. Just mildly/barely bangable. Sorry for the bad pun.
  7. @deepak, thanks either way for looking it up. Much appreciated. So, did Akabeth actually snag those? @posty, thank you for the info.
  8. Yeah, Singapore is just next door, when I step in there its TOTALLY different. There, the pedestrians have right of way at zebra crossings. Here, when drivers see people crossing, they step on in. They'll try to beat the pedestrians. I'm not kidding. Everyday I have to cross a zebra crossing to get to Uni, I have to wait till its totally clear before I cross, no way in hell have they ever stopped for students to cross. On days where I'm late, I have to dart across the road.... I've got the timing and distance estimation thing down to a T since I get sooo much practice.
  9. If you don't mind me asking, how much did his set go for?
  10. WTF? How about other eye witnesses? Were there any? The traffic cops in SF are that lax in enforcing the law? I never knew that! I always had this impression that the cops in the U S of A were very, very strict. My situation here in Malaysia is almost the same is Torpedo. The laws here are VERY similar. Only difference is that most of the cops here are extremely corrupt, so if they catch you speeding or talking on the phone, they will threaten you with the max amount of fine, unless of course you want them "help" you. They normally threaten with a $100 fine, then say they can "help" you out for $30. Because of this, many people here don't care about the traffic laws since they can always be "helped" by the cops. I've heard of tales where some cops even have the impudence to ask how much $ you have in your wallet at the moment...
  11. @Akabeth What is this 'something else' that you speak off? @spritzer Oh noes, the mk1 price has begun to rise already? What's the average going price for a used mk1 right now?
  12. If its John, then it should be 100% safe. I've always found it weird that he refers to himself in the third person though. o_0
  13. That's a real bargain! It normally costs about $35. But.. but... Paypal has awesome buyer protection! There is nothing to fear! But seriously, that is the same guy who sold the other PS1s too right? Should be relatively safe no? Speaking of O2, I wonder if the Mk1 prices are going to shoot up too?
  14. @CD44hi, yeah, $3500 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much! Its madness! Might as well get an L3000 + amp for that price eh? @peeradonn, did you manage to buy the L3000? If I was not mistaken, you were looking for an L3000 over at the other site?
  15. Dayuum... $3400? When I went to bed it was $1525... Oh, well, congratz to teh winner.
  16. Happy Birthday! Have a nice one!
  17. Gob Bluth FTW! I'm studying Mechatronics Engineering. So, that automatically makes me an engineer too. Can I join Steal(th) Co.? Afterall, you need 3 members too if you're gonna compete with that other company.
  18. Yay! Let's see the madness begin... Should I throw in a bid too ? (*secretly wishes to try the PS1 at least once just to know how they sound* ) Too bad it will never happen though since no one in Malaysia has one and I don't have that kinda $$$.
  19. Hi there!
  20. There is more than 5 days left but it has already gone past $1200...
  21. Thank you for that link Posty. Its a very informative site, well, to me at least. Thanks a lot. *do we have a thumbs up smiley? Can we have one, pweeety pweeese?
  22. Now is that a good thing or a bad thing Vicki? From now on, every time you see a coffee pot just like that, think of that picture Voltron posted...
  23. Oh GAWD! My eeeeeys ! My eeeeeeys! Tehy burn! -=XXL man boobs=- ! The stuff nightmares are made off...
  24. Nothin' Much We Just Chillin'
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