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Everything posted by wrecked_porsche

  1. Thanks for the heads up about this douche bag. How does someone go from pages of perfect feedback to becoming an outright thief? I mean WTF? Its such a shame too that Rob (skylab) got taken advantage off. He is such a nice guy. Its kinda frightening knowing that prior feedback means jack shit.
  2. ^^^ Go thank Dusty now. If it were me, that's what I'd be doing too. Should be easy peasy lemon squeezy with the W5000.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Taken the wrong way and out of context, this is indeed quite funny and I got a chuckle out of it.
  5. It did work, you need patience me friend. I'm telling ya, it worked. You have to try booth directions and observe the changes carefully, it was a PITA to keep track of which direction I was making the loop, but it definitely worked. It was a PITA, but it worked. Want pics? If it were not for 'ol Dusty, you guys would have given up when you tried only one direction. You tried. But you didn't try hard enough. Send me your W5000 for a week or two. I'll untangle it FOC for ya. Yeah, I mean it.
  6. It worked! Took a little patience, but now me Stax is tangle free. Thank you HeadphoneAddict and Dusty!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. You mean yours makes a 90 degree angle with the entry point? Well, its good to know that the spiral/twist is somewhat normal...
  9. Same here on my Lambda Signature. I tried to straighten it out when I first got it, but there is no possible way to do so, guess we just have to live with it.
  10. Happy Birthday!! Have a nice one!
  11. Have a nice one!
  12. Happy Bling Day Billy!
  13. Look on the bright side. At the current price, its a steal compared to the previous one that sold on ebay. I don't think you have to worry though, the price is sure to shoot up like crazy in the dying minutes of the auction.
  14. Just to add to that, I was using the pico as a preamp for my SRM-T1 that was driving a Lambda Singature the other day. It made the sound quite crispy and bright overall. Its much better than using the Ibasso D1 (stock V2 opamps). No flaws, just saying the sound was rather crisp and some might/might not like it. I prefer the SRM-T1 hooked up to my Samsung Z98G CDP over the pico. Pico was a nice match for the MDR-CD3000 though. Its a pity I had to give the pico back to my friend yesterday. The question lingering in my mind is how much/does the pico amp section influence the DAC section? Would be nice to do a side by side comparison with the current pico and the future DAC only version.
  15. Is the Amazon sale still on? You could buy teh DT770 cheap. That could probably take a hell of a beating.
  16. I miss the Pico. I just gave it back to my friend an hour ago. I was using it for the last 3 days. It was awesome. I hope that the Pico DAC only version can compete with other usb DACs at the $1000 mark. I want one.
  17. Oh how true!
  18. @Purk, thanks for that info. I'll keep all those things in mind when(if) I go hunting for a proper amp/cable for the CD3000. The jury is still out on whether these are keepers or not. And yeah, I know, I know, I'm VERY late to the party. But hey, better late than never. Anyway, I have the Lambda Sigs on my head right now and they are definitely keepers. The ES7 and Lambda Sigs aren't going anywhere, I love them. I'm still on the fence about the CD3000. I'll do the mods/recable and and see how things go. Right now I could give up the CD3000 and live happily ever after with the Stax. I'm curious though, have you heard the Lambda Sigs driven by the T1 and if you have, how would you compare them against the CD3000? Would love to hear your thoughts on this if possible. Shit, I hate being at this crossroad. I cannot have two rigs, I can only afford one. I have to choose between a stat or dynamic rig. The other option would be to put the CD3000 into storage and dig them up again in the future when I have more funds for a better amp. However I get the impression from you that as good as they are, they(CD3000) are not worth building a system around? *PS: As a side note, the D1 sounds quite good as a preamp for the T1. The Pico, while more detailed and speedy, sounds almost a little too sharp when used as a preamp. I would say neither one is really better than the other when used this way, they just sound different. But I have some more tinkering to do, so we'll see how things goes.
  19. Why? What would force you to be under such circumstances?
  20. @Laine, thank you for the info you posted there. @Blackmore, thank you for the suggestion. I plan to recable to dual entry with some Transparent Cable which I can get from my cousin since he just set up his home theater rig recently. I don't know if using speaker cables is such a good idea... Ah, but who gives a crap, its just for my bedside rig, not gonna use the CD3000 while on the go. I'm gonna perform some mods suggested by -=Germania=- in this thread: HERE Look at post #142 and #143. I'm not holding my breath because I doubt it can even come close to the R10(that's what she said in that thread), but I'll let you guys here on HC know how much the CD3000 improves(if any) with that mod. I'm waiting for the parts. Will perform the mods + recable in a few weeks. @Sherwood, thanks, yup that's what I meant, TT = Turn Table. Speaking of turntables, my uncle just gave me his Acoustic Research ES1 TT with Linn Basik Tonearm.... WTF... I'm not ready to jump into vinyl... Its like jumping into the deep end. UPDATE about the CD3000: I've been spending the past few days with the CD3000 paired with a Pico. Dammit, I love how it sounds. I've got back my iBasso D1. Now I know how crappy the D1 treble is compared to the Pico. There is still a slight sibilance with the CD3000 when using with a Pico, but somehow I find that it does not hurt as much and its most probably due to the recordings. They even pass the Kylie Minogue test... The treble detail is very nice with the Pico and CD3000 combo. The metallic tone and screechy crap has mostly gone away. At any rate its a step in the right direction. I've also got myself into kinda mess, I have a Lambda Signature and T1 here (used the money that was supposed to be for L3000 ... read earlier posts). I love the Lambda Signature sound. I'm making a generalization here, but the CD3000 and the Lambda have a similar sound sig, and I like it very much. I'm in a conundrum now, should I ditch dynamics and go Stax? There is MPX3 on HF and I really want it but I'm broke as fuck right now. I'll have to give the Pico back to my friend in a day and when that's gone, the CD3000 will become a screechy bitch again with the D1. I know the CD3000 will go back into storage once the Pico is gone. I'm gonna be listening to my Stax system if there is no Pico around to bitch slap the CD3000. If all goes well, I'll do a review of the modded CD3000 vs the Stax Lambda Signature in a few weeks time. Oh, and DAMN you guys, I was pretty much ignorant to Stax on HF, but once I came here, Stax was flying left right and center, was difficult to ignore. Thank you soo much (but you guys suck for making me dew eet it ) !
  21. I was reading the first two lines of that on his site, then I thought: Why should I even give a shit? Confusing is an understatement...
  22. Ouch. That must have hurt.
  23. Happy Birthday! Try not to monkey around to much!
  24. WTF is he smoking? $1000 for that shit? He even says its an "Incredible deal".... No, not "Great deal", not "Awesome deal" but fuckin' "Incredible deal" ... I'd like some of whatever he is smoking. On second thought, scratch that. I'd rather not. Bonus points for using the Mickey Mouse Y splitter.
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