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Everything posted by manaox2

  1. manaox2


    My internet stinks for the most part, but I'm game.
  2. You can install the foo_audioscrobbler plugin.
  3. I bet it has something to do with unnatural levels of silicone used in the manufacturing of said cans.
  4. Happy belated! Hope it was as great as I bet it was.
  6. And yet still managed to become the most overprotective of parents today?
  7. Best of luck with everything Ken, I think karma should be on your side.
  8. Happy big day Luis!
  9. Hunahpu release date set for March 10th 2012.

  10. I feel the same way. In my opinion, smartphones are the worst of the insecure devices.
  11. Story this morning on slashdot about Apple providing a backdoor for the government into iOS: http://slashdot.org/story/12/01/08/069204/leaked-memo-says-apple-provides-backdoor-to-governments
  12. Get better soon Knucks. Winter is coming.
  13. Happy Birthday Knucks!!
  14. I worked out a little, that was pathetic.
  15. This.
  16. Happy birthday Jacob!
  17. Happy New Year!
  18. Sweet sweet coffee
  19. DFH olde school on draft
  20. Happy Birthday Steve!
  21. Glenfiddich 15
  22. I have the Quad 12L about a foot from the wall. I do love them.
  23. I want some of that beer.
  24. Ha, keep letting your family think those were gifts from me if it helps you get away with it. Glad you liked them Larry. See if you can find the gift code for the Humble Indie Bundle I sent you in your PM.
  25. Same here, happy belated Ken! Hope that your spirits have been lifted and things are peaceful now.
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