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manaox2 last won the day on December 21 2013

manaox2 had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Biography
    Sketchy, with brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Booze, Gadgets
  • Occupation
  • Headphones
    Philips SHD-9500S, STAX SR-Lambda, Senn PX-100 mkII
  • Headphone Amps
    Millett Hybrid Max
  • Sources
    PerfectWave DAC mk2
  • Other Audio Gear
    VD Power 3 iPodBj gagging device, -=RCA=-, Quad 12L Active

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  1. manaox2


    NAD M-51 sounds good (how's that for a review). At least it's maybe better than the PS Audio PerfectWave MK2 and that's a great price.
  2. Essential phone is only $299 ($499 without) with friends and family code from previous buyers until mid December. Very similar specs to the Pixel XL and they've fixed most of the original camera issues on release. 2560x1312 5.71" 504 ppi bezel-less edge to edge IPS display, unlockable bootloader, practically AOSP Android, Snapdragon 835, 128 gb storage, module compatibility, 7 hr on screen time before charging, Bluetooth 5, no branding on outside, certified working on all carriers. Savage good deal. Pixel 2 XL display is already having burn-in, bad angles, and grain/banding after 2 weeks. Ouch.
  3. Firefox nightly x64 v56. It runs faster and uses less memory than Chrome. Has a process per core that it divides pages into. Really nice, not completely compatible with older extensions yet, but works with all the ones I truly feel I need like ublock origin.
  4. On the phone, creating a remote ADB shell requires developer options enabled and then enabling USB debugging. After that, install the Android SDK on the PC you wish to run ADB from and connect the phone via USB and accept the PC for debugging when prompted. I know it's not SSH or over the network, probably would take an app for something like that. I expect an app might also be needed to SSH with the phone into other devices. Might not need root. I don't know if I'm much help, sorry. Sucks about your Raspberry Pi.
  5. Oh hai. Yeah, I fixed that mostly last week. Had to do with allowing notifications from the site or you couldn't post at all and many other features were broken. Not to do with DOM storage. Still have issues on the desktop browser on certain things, but it's usable now. Tapatalk still functions fine. As for SSH, I suppose the closest thing I've used was ADB to make a shell. Are you trying to get a command line interface or trying to get a full remote interface I guess I should ask?
  6. Wish you a happy birthday and many more great years to come!
  7. I'm well! Sorry, I haven't been around much, I should have more news on life soon. Hope everyone is doing OK on HC as well!
  8. I don't think it should be as bad as the jump to marshmallow with its permission requests and storage changes that developers weren't prepared for. If you are on MM already, I'd go for it. XDA developers forum for your phone would be a good place to check out how others are fairing if you're on the fence.
  9. manaox2

    Get your game on!

    Going to be on tonight for a while playing some rocket league.
  10. Hope you had a great birthday Dan.
  11. Happy birthday Steve!
  12. Happy belated Colin!
  13. I've been asked to go to work tomorrow morning which is normally a forty minute drive, black ice warning until noon. The road outside has not been plowed yet. Fairly nervous, really don't want to damage the vehicle.
  14. The Moto 360 has proved invaluable at the new job at the datacenter for seeing and replying to the insane amount of messages while my hands are in use. So thankful I have it now, whereas before I started I thought it might be unnecessary.
  15. Wish they hadn't gone with Amazon exclusive. Can't stream it with hulu plus because of no cable. Not paying $44 to watch on Amazon when I have prime. I'll just have to wait.
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