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John Buchanan

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Everything posted by John Buchanan

  1. I was lucky enough to snap up a mint Stax SRM-Monitor which has the Stax ED-1 and SRM1 mk2 together in one large and handsome chassis many years ago. Very very rare. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ctdZf5NQOmE/U3cQCfPMr3I/AAAAAAAAKLg/S1H0uBl85ks/s1600/Monitor.jpg
  2. Happy Birthday, Birgir!
  3. Yes - my thinning the herd sale resulted in selling the Sigma/404's for AUS$1800, but not before some drongo from Europe PM'ed me on Ebay saying I was selling a fake which wasn't as good as the original Sigmas and then asked me what I wanted for them. I suggested he might like to fuck off.
  4. As Spritzer said, except the two are placed in a large box - they aren't actually glued together in reality. I love the sound of mine, but opinions vary tremendously on diffuse field equalisers - that's why Stax abandoned them.
  5. "slight defect where the cable was pulled out" LOL.
  6. The Lambda Nova Signature is an excellent ear speaker. I would love to hear one on a BHSE.
  7. So what do you think of the sound of the Stax ED-1/202 combo, Birgir?
  8. How are you finding the sound, Birgir?
  9. Here's an optimist! I've sent a message to get them to correct the description. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/VERY-RARE-STAX-SR-SIGMA-PROFESSIONAL-HEADPHONE-PLUS-STAX-SRD-6-ADAPTOR-/251162939949?pt=US_Headphones&hash=item3a7a7a522d#ht_1992wt_1378
  10. LOL I meant tell us about what you thought of the changes in sound with the modification. Photo optional. My photo is with the unmodified Sigma prior to it being sent off to Accutech. I just like the photo - captures the joy of listening well, I reckon.
  11. You're going to love them. Can anyone who has had this done (apart from the usual suspects Ed and Birgir) please report back here?
  12. IMHO, the Sigma normal bias is far too dull - it translates as what you might hear as a loss of resolving power. The basic sound is fantastic, but too rolled off in the high end. The 303 or 404 driver implants transform this phone into what the Sigma promised and couldn't deliver (or, if you find a Sigma Pro, you're already there - I was lucky to find a NM Sigma Pro to add to the Sigma/404 for $700).
  13. Maybe buy a 407 headband assembly ( they are called arc assembly by Stax)?
  14. I know Birgir might think I'm a complete fwit, but I sold my 007 Mk 1 instead of the Sigma/404. And haven't regretted that for one second. Sound and comfort reasons both. IMHO, the Sigma/404 and the 007 Mk1 were almost exactly the same efficiency - volume control was the same for the same volume. The LNS is far more efficient. Probably due to the increased driver -> ear distance of the Sigma series compared with the same driver in a Lambda frame.
  15. Sigma drivers (non-pro) -> Lambda 303 chassis Lambda 303 drivers -> Sigma chassis As Birgir said, my friend. And the Sigma/303 sounds very very good.
  16. Simple answer......No. The driver should be close to 90% to 100% visible.
  17. I run the Sigma Pro and Sigma/404s from an SRD-7 Pro. They sound very good.
  18. The Float/PS2 I had sounded nothing like a Sigma/404. Maybe there were different versions, but with the one I had, it literally had no bottom end - deep bass that was apparent on the Sigma and LNS was not audible on the Float/PS2 (and specifically Tony Levin's descending stick playing on "Projekct 1 Live At The Jazz Cafe", track 3 at the beginning of the track where Tony's bass literally disappeared on the Floats, where the Sigma/404 played on without turning a hair). Also, they were far too bright. The dynamics of this headphone were unbelievable, however. They barely fit my head also (ala Birgir). I sold the Jecklins. The Stax Sigma/404s (and the LNS) were far better. These new Jecklins would need to be a big improvement to be even competitive.
  19. Let me know what you think. They are my least favourite of the Sigma series - a Sigma/404 upgrade is a good way to go.
  20. Loving listening to the Sigma Pros energised by the Stax SRM-Monitor. Bill Frisell's "All We Are Saying" CD is packing a nicely done smooth wallop with superb definition to well recorded cymbals which are totally devoid of the "spray-can" sound. Mr Frisell seems to inhabit excellent musical and recording circles - wonderful sidemen and superbly recorded. "Gone, Just Like A Train", "Good Dog, Happy Man" and "East/West Live" are fantastic jumping off points, as are the two Ginger Baker Trio recordings.
  21. I'm sure I just saw a vision of a brand new Float Electrostatic in Birgir's future!
  22. The Lambda wool is still available from Stax USA - I got some for a set of Lambda Pros at the beginning of the year - the Lambda Pros were too damaged when they arrived to salvage the drivers (the rest of the parts were good however).
  23. Now I remember, Birgir - you mentioned the transformer solution in the past. Sorry, old brain!
  24. Interesting - is that why the SRD-7 Spritzer (and pre-Spritzer) hums with an Audio Research amp amd not with a Studer amp?
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