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Everything posted by Aura

  1. I thoroughly enjoy the CD5001, and there's just something appealing about moving up in the Marantz line to me. I would really like to run an 8001 for a test-trial, but I'd need to search through Marantz dealers to see if any are close by. If not, I would take a risk and go for a refurb from accessories4less. Thanks Dusty, you are reaffirming for me, which is quite helpful when I've put thought into it already . Much appreciated.
  2. Already including the sale of my Marantz into the budget . Maybe I'll just stretch for it. I'd be close enough to affording it that it would feel like bitching out. ...other recommendations are still much appreciated. Like I'm waiting for someone to come in and tell me that the SA8001 is awesome for 6-7 hundred .
  3. I'm really steering towards a cdp upgrade rather than sticking a standalone DAC into the rig now. So... what do I need to consider for redbooks (and possibly SACD) for less than a grand? The Cambridge 840 would be an ideal choice, but I cannot foresee being able to drop the extra cash on it. Thanks all.
  4. Have a happy birfday .
  5. Good shit Mike, enjoy the gear .
  6. Thanks for the input; if I were to choose an MDHT model it would probably be the Constantine, simply for the fact that I am afraid of getting too warm of a signature with tubes in both my amp and source. I guess my main interest is finding out if relatively high-end cdps, such as the SA8001, can compete with relatively high-end standalone DACs, such as the Lavry DA-10, DAC1, etc.
  7. People loved my modded D2000 at the recent Head-Fi Chicago meet. I get the feeling that there was a shitload of placebo stemming from the wood cups I added. I still think they are kind of "meh", despite having dropped $400 for the pair after all has been said and done. If I can get $500 for them I'll say that the annoying woody was a worthwhile endeavor.
  8. Slappa Hardbody Platinum 240-disk binder from Amazon. Saw a 320 on Todd's and thought it looked pretty pimp (for a cd binder anyhow), so I decided to grab one.
  9. While my Marantz has been very enjoyable for the short time I've owned it, I cannot help but wonder what I will move to after I am finished with this unit. Really it comes down to sticking with redbooks and simply moving up to a better cdp (Cambridge 840C, Marantz SA8001 are a few possibilities) or keeping the 5001 as a transport and grabbing a dedicated DAC (CIA VDA2 interests me greatly). The flexibility of a standalone DAC would be nice, but is not totally necessary. Budget will probably be under $1,000. The rig as it sits now is CD5001 > SP MPX3 > JVC DX1000/Denon D2000. All suggestions are appreciated, thanks much.
  10. Oh I agree, I did jump the gun a bit. Made me look like a bit more of an idiot that I would have preferred. Oh well. I'll get some tenure before I try it again (not saying I don't look forward to it though). Cheers everyone.
  11. Aura

    New Denon Cans

    Eh, I'd rather grab a DX1000 and be done looking around. I somewhat enjoy my D2, but not enough to keep me interested in finding out what more Denon has to offer.
  12. I wouldn't dream of it.
  13. In an off-topic thread? Wow, you're strict . Maybe I'll just redo my intro: "Hey, I'm new. Sup?"
  14. Were you looking for one?
  15. Today I joined Head-Case. Jacob (soloz) told me to get my ass over here. I like that I can type the word "ass" as much as I please without some nancy giving me an infraction. assassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassass assassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassass assassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassass Talk about exhilarating. Also, I heard that RSA sucks. Cool stuff.
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