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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Everyone wanted breakfast for dinner so I whipped up another batch of homemade buttermilk biscuits.
  3. Thanks everyone. The day is going great. Despite the inches of rain received yesterday and semi-hurricane-like winds I still managed to get out on the MTB bike today. And I'm now properly rehydrating before heading out to dinner with the family.
  4. Oy! Somehow missed this yesterday.
  5. Drove out to the coast this morning to see how things looked at high tide. The sea was angry. The waves were pushing 10-15', certainly larger than I've ever seen on the NH coast, and doing some significant damage. The coastal road was only open for about a 1/4 at this particular high spot. The flooding on either side was impressive.
  6. Nothing significant here. The rain quit around 5pm last night and from then on it's just been wind and nothing super extraordinary at that. Sounds like the coast got hammered though, with lots of coastal flooding which may not be over yet with another super high tide predicted for noon today. We saw our highest recorded tide in a long, long time yesterday at work which is saying something since we just did the same in January during the last bomb-cyclone (brah). And no hanging 10 for me, Stretch. I'd like to stay off the Darwin Awards list this year.
  7. I live just a little above the 495 symbol, about 7mi as the crow flies from the coast. The idea of 20'+ waves hitting the NH coast is mental. This coupled with the near hurricane force winds could make for an interesting start to the weekend.
  8. Thanks and no doubt on the egg wash, I just tapped out and wanted to eat!
  9. Seems like a wise choice. Hiking in those temps/winds is no joke with very little margin for error, if any. We've been on an insane weather roller coaster here lately. Last week we got snow one day and temps in the 60s two days later. And again it snowed/sleeted most of the day yesterday and it's in the low 50s today. There's definitely nothing wrong with the climate.
  10. Decided to try a breakfast that I've been pondering for a while, Huevos Empanadas. Everyone seemed to enjoy the results.
  11. A very happy birthday to you, Naaman!
  12. Happy belated birthday, Dan! It's bound to be a year of transition but here's to hoping it's all for the best.
  13. ^^ Good call, just downloaded the audiobook.
  14. We got 6-8" overnight. It's supposed to hit 70 by Wednesday so we took advantage and went snowshoeing this afternoon.
  15. Happy Birthday, Colin! Here's to hoping the day is filled with less crashing than last weekend.
  16. Breakfast. + + Eggs =
  17. Happy Birthday, Steve! Here's to hoping the day is filled with fun.
  18. Happy Birthday, Ed. Glad you're still with us, even if you're not with us here that often.
  19. ^^Sucks, Todd, but this too shall pass. @EdipisReks1 - you be you, man, we'll be here for you regardless.
  20. Happy Birthday, rockhopper!
  21. Ouch, HC, as others have said heal well and swiftly.
  22. ^^^ I'm with Al. Maybe at Gen2 but no way at Gen1.
  23. Same. I've stuck with Old Bisbee and they've never let me down. As long as I read the tasting notes before ordering I generally end up very happy.
  24. Very happy birthday, Jeff! Here's to hoping no head control is required.
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