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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I watched most of the game yesterday, including the final shot. It was awesome.
  2. Dying for things to dry out a bit, but mother nature is conspiring against me - the forecast for tomorrow is either rain or snow...
  3. A very happy birthday to you, Doug. I hope the weather slightly south is as nice as it is up here today.
  4. Braised Short Ribs - Smoked cheddar grits, crispy brussel sprouts, cashew gremolata.
  5. Epic. Win.
  6. Got out of the office.
  7. Ordered.... along with rotors to replace the warbling, turkey-calling, Avid Elixir 7s that originally came on the MTB. Thanks to a pretty big sale and a $100 credit I had at Backcountry I should be into the whole swap for around $200.
  8. Happy birthday, DOTU!
  9. Side benefit of all the late snow, the ability to snowshoe with the kids. Got andrew out for a little walk in the woods this afternoon.
  10. ^^ Same late winter here. They're saying we may be in line for another storm mid-next week.
  11. We ended up with somewhere around 24". Thankfully it let up overnight and was manageable the next morning. Here's a picture of the partially shoveled deck. I had cleaned it off after the last storm so this is entirely the doing of 24hrs of snowfall.
  12. I agree with your latter point, Jacob. I've been listening to the audiobook in parallel and overall it makes more sense and is simply better. That said, I've been enjoying the heck out of the show too.
  13. This storm has gone from entertaining to borderline scary. We got about 12" throughout the day of reasonably light, fluffy stuff. I went out to clear off the driveway as the forecast was calling for another 3-5" overnight and anything over a foot gets problematic, even with a tractor-mounted snow blower. It was still snowing when I started, but not hard. About a half hour into clearing it started to pick up and got crazy. I'd wager we got at least another 3" of snow in the next 30-45 minutes while I finished clearing the driveway and helped the neighbor do his. It's calmed back down but the drift on my deck is legitimately 12" higher than it was two hours ago. Hopefully it'll start to wind down... Oh, and I talked to a friend who's another 10 miles or so inland, they have 22" of snow and it's still coming down hard there.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. In between blizzards I decided to see how winter smoking would work. I think I found the secret to good brisket in my smoker, an early start. Got up at 2am/3am(adjusted) to start things off, let it ride for 3hrs. Starting the misting process at 6am, put it in the wrap around 9am when it hit 160, took till after 2pm to hit 205, let it sit there for almost an hour and then removed it to the cooler to rest for 2hrs before dinner. It was far and away the best I've done from a "falling apart" perspective. Flavor was also very good. Perhaps it was just leaving it alone to start with, or the fact that I cut the 6lb point in two prior to cooking, or just the randomness of life. Regardless, I have a happy belly. This in one of the two chunks, about 2-1/2 lbs (it was 3" think).
  16. Just got a notification from the weather service at work, warning of a Winter Storm Watch for Tuesday. The forecast is for 8-12" more white nonsense. [edit] Here's to hoping it's not as bad this time, Todd.
  17. We lost power for about 12 hours which is nothing, all things considered, and we've got the generator/transfer-switch so it was really only out for 4 hours because I didn't feel like setting it all up at 2:30am when it went out. Still, a freak storm. I went to bed at 11pm and at that point we had maybe 2-3" of snow. Got up a little after 6 to start cleaning the driveway and setup temp power. We had 16"+ at that point and it was still coming down. I finally made it into work at 11am, where we were running on self-generated power. Some lines not far outside the base came down and landed on rail road lines and made for quite the lightning show for the local residents. Everything is pretty much back to normal around us at this point but there will be significant yard cleanup as the trees in the front yard took it on the chin again. Lily and I made the best of it yesterday afternoon and went out for about a mile and a half snow shoe in the woods.
  18. I don't know that I've ever seen a specific site that rates the updates, I'd use Google.
  19. ^^^ I did likewise this morning, helping the neighbor clear his driveway. Thankfully I had a spare.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Everyone wanted breakfast for dinner so I whipped up another batch of homemade buttermilk biscuits.
  22. Thanks everyone. The day is going great. Despite the inches of rain received yesterday and semi-hurricane-like winds I still managed to get out on the MTB bike today. And I'm now properly rehydrating before heading out to dinner with the family.
  23. Oy! Somehow missed this yesterday.
  24. Drove out to the coast this morning to see how things looked at high tide. The sea was angry. The waves were pushing 10-15', certainly larger than I've ever seen on the NH coast, and doing some significant damage. The coastal road was only open for about a 1/4 at this particular high spot. The flooding on either side was impressive.
  25. Nothing significant here. The rain quit around 5pm last night and from then on it's just been wind and nothing super extraordinary at that. Sounds like the coast got hammered though, with lots of coastal flooding which may not be over yet with another super high tide predicted for noon today. We saw our highest recorded tide in a long, long time yesterday at work which is saying something since we just did the same in January during the last bomb-cyclone (brah). And no hanging 10 for me, Stretch. I'd like to stay off the Darwin Awards list this year.
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