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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Broil to char for everything pictured and also the peppers, peel the peppers after charring, add that all to a crock pot and use an immersion blender to mix. Add a cup or two of chicken stock. I also pan fry cubed pork (salted and peppered and dredged in flour) and add that. I then let the whole mess cook for at least six hours or so. There is definitely mention of reincorporation, I may have to try that out to see if you can get some additional flavor without unpleasant bitterness.
  2. You'd have to be very careful with that recipe as too much pepper skin will make them very bitter. I left the skins on once and the chili was nowhere near as good. Would take quite a bit of "to taste" type manipulation to be good but very well might be worth it. And pork enchiladas verde are one of my favorite things that I do not make myself. I should change that.
  3. Fall is upon us, so chili verde. Not pictured, another entire pan of peppers.
  4. Happy birthday! Here's to hoping we get to catch up some time soon.
  5. Happy birthday to my tallest friend. Happy to have you back on the eastern half, wish it was more northern exposure. I hope the southern hospitality applied to your birthday.
  6. You must be charging a pretty penny to pay off a $7k laser with slate coasters, Jeff.
  7. Sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, the wifi at the house could basically support one device at a time. Short version, the ride was great. Continue on for TLDR... The day started with overcast skies, temps in the mid 70s which was pretty ideal. We met Kelly (left above) and Edie (KBF Executive Director) at the starting line for a quick pick after the main pack rolled out around 7:30. We weren't particularly worried about riding with any other groups/folks. The first 25 miles or so passed without much incident, one guy got a flat which was quickly changed with a little help from the ride support crew and then the five of us riding the 100 split off to take the longer way home. Through the next 20 miles temps and the weather continued to be on our side. As we passed through 50 miles the sun came out with a vengeance. What had been simply a warm, very humid day turned into a hot and steamy one fast. But sunscreen was applied and much fluid consumed (I think I drank between 8-10 22oz bottles on the day) and with the exception of my friend Jim who cramped and had to call in the sag wagon at 85 miles, we all survived in tolerable shape. Much fun was had, much money was raised. Our little 9 person team ended up raising a bit over $25k and the event topped the million dollar mark on the day of the ride. I spent a significant amount of time on the front along with my friend Gus as we'd both logged considerably more training miles than the others. All in all, I just can't say thank you to all of you that continue to support me and this event. The foundation does some truly amazing work and changes lives every time that they do.
  8. RIP Sophie. I'm quite confident that you gave her the best life, Shelly.
  9. RIP - was never a huge fan myself, but I'll have a margarita nonetheless. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/02/arts/jimmy-buffett-dead.html
  10. Thanks, Al, #NFLO. Got in a solid training ride yesterday with two of the other guys. We ripped the first hour at 21mph and then decided to chill the heck out.
  11. Another round of Fondant Potatoes.
  12. Thanks Peter. Now sitting at 95%, I donated personally today to make sure some of my contribution adds to the doubling effect.
  13. Link to raw materials? Also, jig = 1/8" plywood with a cutout of the shape with known coordinates of one corner. Requires a little math, but generally works.
  14. Crushed through the 75% marker today, pressing hard on family to step up to the bat to get me closer to the finish line. You folks, as always, are simply amazing.
  15. It's not all that shocking to me. I tend to not like super sweet coffees based on mental tasting notes I've taken throughout the years with various beans from OBR.
  16. Almost 2/3’s of the way there now. There’s some additional incentive to give for the next few days, the foundation has received an offer by a private donor to match up to $50k for all funds raised this week. So double your impact this week!
  17. Still think about Matt from time to time as well, memory is such a fickle thing but some things just endure.
  18. Brent, every donation is appreciated large or otherwise and really appreciate you digging deep given current circumstances. Thanks for the push over the half-way mark. I’m confident that we’ll make it to the goal line.
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