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Posts posted by n_maher

  1. Well, the National Meet sure is shaping up to be a doozy in product announcement terms, not that I can blame anyone with half a business mind for doing it that way. With HR's "new stuff" and Resistor-Ray's Balanced Bomber it won't be lacking, that's for sure. I wonder if Single Power will bring the SS amp I've been hearing about?


  2. Am I going to the National? Well as of yesterday I was still on the list. My Exemplar 3910 is out being repaired, and it?s questionable if it will be back in time. I may come sans equipment.


    Well, I for one hope to see you there, gear or no gear. I hope we all leave the Head-Fi drama at home and are able to just kick back, listen to some wickedly good headphone rigs and realize that we might just be there for the start of something special in the headphone world. I wonder what the first SEMA was like?


  3. This is my rig as I prepare to move to a new house. It's about 90% DIY with the exception of the transport (which has been DIY modded) and the Senn 600s that it is driving. Other than that, cables, amp and DAC were all built by me. Oh and the digital cable was built by a friend.


  4. Well, speaking from the perspective of someone who has rolled Diamond Buffers into several different amps that previously used chip buffers the difference has been the same each time. Better, more refined sonics at all frequency levels with the most pronounced coming at the lower end with cleaner, tighter bass that has better extension. Can't wait to hear your version Tyll!

    And as far as the HA-2 goes, well that just makes me nervous... ;D


  5. I still think headroom should release the max dac as a standalone dac at some point ;)

    I think you'd be shocked to learn how little less the stand-alone Max DAC would likely cost. At the last Boston Meet I cornered Tyll for a while and chatted about stuff like this and he offered what I thought was a pretty reasonable explanation of why things are the way they are and why they are likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future.


  6. Just wanted to add that it's REALLY fun to get Rick all riled up. Fuckin' A man...fuckin' a...

    Who is this Rick that you speak of?


    Welcome to the 'case, good to have another NH brother in the house.


  7. I would suggest that depending on budget the Headroom Millett might make a great office rig, hey wait, that's what I use! It's footprint is rather small (7"w x 9"d x 5"h w/ tubes) and has nice things like 2 switchable inputs (great for compy and DAP), crossfeed and preamp outs (for speakers). I can't believe I waited as long as I did to move mine into the office. Even with the desktop PS it still doesn't seem any bigger than the PIMETA that I had there before because the footprint is nearly the same. Also, the Millett does a wonderful job of masking crappy sources like lossy MP3's but can resolve enough detail to sound excellent when called upon. After a marathon session in the office today (14.5 hours >:() I know that I couldn't have made it through it without the Millett and the HD600s.

    That's my 2?,


  8. Nate, for "bangin'" those out, they look pretty damn good...

    Thanks man, they took about 45 min. each to build so either I'm getting better at cables or my standards are getting lower ;D.

    Also, do you have a clear heatshrink over the two channels after they split?
    On the blue / blue-white cable one pair is in fact covered with clear shrink. I was just messing with the different types/colors that I had on hand since I didn't really care how they looked. So that cable has blue shrink on one side, clear on the other. As far as lessons learned goes I don't think I'll be using the clear any time soon as a single layer cover. The stuff that I have is very thin and I don't think it'll stand the test of time very well. In comparison the red, white and blue that I used on the other parts of the cable is quite nice.


  9. This is a multi-edged sword in my opinion. On the one hand as a seller I'm trying to make the transaction as secure and convenient as possible for the buyer and myself by using Paypal (I've never had issues with it, knock on wood) but at the same time I'm not willing to necessarily take the 3% hit on the price of the item to do so. So I don't feel at all bad asking the buyer to pay the fee, it's just the cost of doing business. And I no longer advertise anything as including Paypal fees, I just say "any applicable transaction fees". I don't think they could get me for that. As a buyer I have no issue with someone asking me to pay the fee or asking me to pay in bank-funds so that they can accept the Paypal payment without having to have a Premier account.

    To me it's like if I was asking $100 shipped for an item and someone offered to come pick it up, I'm certainly going to adjust the price to reflect the fact that I don't have to ship it. So if someone wants to suggest a method of payment other than Paypal I'll adjust the price accordingly.

    I don't think the gas station analogy applies to the type of transactions we do here as I'm sure for large businesses it is a matter of whether or not a customer would use your service if you didn't allow for the use of a CC (or whatever).

    Finally, for what it's worth the formula for figuring the total payment required to net the asking price = (price + $.30)/.971 - at least that's what works for my premier account.


  10. Banged out some quick and dirty mini/RCA cables last night to use with my Headroom Millett.


    Neutrik NYS231B Mini Plug

    Canare L-4E6S Mic Cable

    Radioshack Heatshrink *bling*

    Canare F-09 RCAs

    Total Construction Cost = $10 and will nuke any Monster mini/RCA cable :)



    Sound pretty good so far.


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