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Posts posted by n_maher

  1. With an aftermarket cable (I tried the the Cardas, Oehlbach and briefly the Zu cable) I found the HD600s to be a very entertaining listen with all types of music and they don't require a mega-dollar system to sound good. Given your love of tubes I would think that they would be a nice alternative to the Grado sound without going fully into the Senn realm. The 650s are certainly more full bodied and seem to scale more with the equipment that drives them.

    Personally I never really like the SR225s very much. I had them for 6 months or so and tried them with mostly solid state and some hybrid gear and never found a combo that really did much for me. I'd love to woody a pair now and see if that tames/warms them up a bit but given how happy I am with the HF-1s I can't see a reason to do that at this point.

  2. I'm probably going to get torched for this but my one great audio buy in the headphone realm would be the HF-1. With a little modding to my ears they scale up near the RS-1 and may in fact be better, depending on your sonic preferences. Even stock I find them better than the 225, 325 and 325i. And that's ignoring what they're worth on the open market now.

  3. Justin,

    I understand your logic but to me, and granted I've never really been a "customer" of any of the various headphone amp manufacturers, is that this practice screams cheap. When you shell out the kind of money that Ray is charging for his amps I would expect to get something that is complete and working when it arrives. It is the very fact that he wouldn't include a $1.50 part with a $1200 amp that just seems wrong. I could even see offering it as a no-cost option at checkout but at least let people know that it's not coming. I didn't see any "batteries not included" literature on Ray's website (except under the XR10B description).

  4. Shouldn't have to ask.

    "Oh, and when you fix my broken axle, can you give me my old axle back so that I know you fixed it?"

    Shouldn't have to but any mechanic worth his salt will show you the damaged parts that he replaces.

    It would be rather unfortunate if Ray was reusing parts from the old PS in the "upgrade". I thought a big part of the whole issue was that the power supply runs so hot it could damage the caps?

    (power cord never came with any RSA raptor so you would not give him yours anyway..)...
    He doesn't include a friggen power chord for $1200? ???

  5. Sounds like it would be an excellent tube amp solution, even though I've been eyeing a PPX3 Slam for quite a while, but I don't have the kind of money for that because I'm a college student with no part time job.

    I hear ya, I work 40+ a week and still feel like there's no $$$ to be had for headphone fun these days. Of course if "acts of god" would stop destroying things that I own (house + car so far this year) I'd be in better financial shape.

    From what I see, it seems you make some sweet Millett's, would that be something you might be interested in? (Yeah yeah I got it from Entourage)

    I don't want to take this thread too far off topic but thanks for the compliment and when you get ready to go shopping for Milletts drop me a PM. Ask Thaddy, I'm a sucker for a sad story. ;D

  6. Fuck...I just may have to get me one of these if it stands up to a Millett Hybrid. Does it?

    That would depend on how your Millett is setup. Based on my brief (half hour) listening session last night after repairing the fuse I would say it would easily stand toe to toe with a basic Millett but I don't think it'd stand up to one configured with nicer parts. But that Millett would also cost more so $$ for $$ it is probably the better of the two. Ian should be able to say more since he's got an ok Millett to compare it to ;D. Also, the LB is definitely limited in what it can drive (nothing less than 150ohm and uber high gain) so it's more restricted than the Millett design. Bottom line, at $160 why would you not get one.

    Reks, you're absolutely right about the attenuators. I'd wager with a CD player for a source most people are going to have problems. I really wish that I still had my K340s to try with this thing.

  7. When I spoke to the owner at the National he came off as an arrogant prick. When questioned about his reasoning for certain design characteristics that he has chosen he acted as if I had called his wife/child Fugly.

    Ethan, I could see how you would think that but I've spoken with Florian (the founder) at length about various topics over the past couple of months and found him to be quite plesant to deal with. I know he gets frustrated trying to explain himself in English because he does not speak it very well and maybe that's what you were detecting.

  8. Upgrading parts on the Millett board probably isn't a real option since the builder is in the US and the cost of sending it back and forth is prohibitive.

    I understand but just remember that a chain is never stronger than its weakest link, and those UPW's are probably the weak link in your amp right now along with the buffers. Changing one is good but won't yield as much gain as if you changed both. Otherwise the Ear+ is a fantastic amp.
  9. My 2?:

    1. Get the DB's fixed and installed. They are far superiour to any of the SS buffers IMO and definitely better than the BUF634s.

    2. Put some better quality caps at C2 and C7. These caps are directly in the audio path and UPW's are probably not the best sounding cap. Look into something like the Elna Silmic II's or Cerafines or Nichicon Muse KZ's.

    3. Replace the output resistors R4 with something other than the Vishay's. It's cheap and my ears tell me that it makes a difference. Look at either Kiwame, PRP or Holco.

    The parts cost of these last two mods should be less than $20, installation is another story alltogether. But if you've already got someone working on the amp (fixing the DBs) maybe you could roll it all into one session?

    Also, I'm not in the same camp as en480c4 and aerius. I still think that a maxed M3 is a better amp than the Millett and it's no secret that I'm a pretty big Millett fan. But the Millett can be brought pretty close the the performance level of the M3 and with the Grados may in fact be more "fun".

    Best of luck,


  10. I will until someone proves to me that amps, sources and cables measure significantly different before and after burn-in.

    The measurement part will be hard, I've talked with Tyll about whether or not different cables for say, the HD650, measured any differently on their rig. He laughed at me. But I think there's a good number of us who would agree that we can hear a difference between say the stock cable and several aftermarket cables but as far as the frequency response measurements are concerned they are the same.

    So I guess I live in the camp that believes it is at least part perception and part reality as far as break-in goes and that quantifying those perceived differences is impossible.

  11. Back to the 650 I go...

    Not that it's such a bad place to be, right? ;D

    I was actually thinking of trying a pair of Ultrasone's since they seem to be the underdog in the headphone game and I really enjoyed speaking with Florian (the founder) at the Nat'l Meet. My wallett is currently unavailable for such an adventure.

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