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Posts posted by n_maher

  1. Pete (Dusty),

    Did you ever end up opening your amp to have a look inside? I had noticed a bit of low level hum with my Wheatfield and after talking with Mr. Millett we'd narrowed it down to a couple possibilities all of which involved visual inspection. Opening the amp was no problem (8 torx screws) and what I found inside was definitely worth the time.


    That's the primary power supply filter cap and it's pretty much ready to blow. We think that the amp was probably exposed to some sort of over voltage event during its life. I'm going to replace it along with the other 3 electrolytic caps in the power supply along with a resistor. I'm also going to change out the primary transformer which should help the amp run a little cooler.

    So if your amp is still chewing through tubes it might be worth having a look under the bonnet. If you do let me know what you find.


  2. My concern with any goods that come from outside the US has always been what do you do if repairs are needed. Whether it's a faulty power switch, crappy tube socket, etc, what exactly is your casual user supposed to do about it. It's one thing for idiots like me who'll take anything apart to go diving inside but I've met more than a few folks at meets who couldn't recognize the business end of a screwdriver. I'm not saying the equipment can't sound good just that you're up a creek if something goes wrong.

  3. Here's hoping you getting one, Nate. >:D

    Not gonna happen, unless I get one for my work rig which is highly unlikely.

    That way, I'll be able to listen to it at a next local meet. I've been thinking of going back to using a stand-alone DAC, but I've got bunch of SACD's I love that makes doing so bit difficult.

    I should have a new DAC by the next Boston meet assuming it doesn't happen in the next 4 months. All I can say is that it'll be DIY, balanced and, well, evil.
  4. I've always been put off by the cost of entry with Larry's woody stuff, not that it isn't great looking. But even with the Grados unless you're really after one-off headphones it would seem that you'd be better off just buying a pair of used RS-2s. The Senn Woody's never made a damn bit of sense to me.

  5. It's hard, I've had them in a couple of my amps and definitely like them and certainly found that they sound better than your average alps blue but in the beta22 there was just wasn't enough range. Heck, listening to my HF-1s last night while reading I was at a half-click on my RK40 which is a detented continuous pot. They do tend to look the business though...


  6. Well according to my sources (not Tyll >:D) the timeline to bring these two products to market is not long. I wish I could share more but I lack the proper clearance and don't want to spoil the fun that will be Saturday's unveiling. And like I said, if you listen closely to the podcast (Tyll's part is early ) you'll get an idea of what's going on.

  7. There might be something in the single-ended realm coming down the pipe worth considering. I figure most people won't get what they're hearing when they listen to the Head-Fi podcast so I'll sneak it in here. Headroom went ahead and made a standalone DAC, actually they made two. This should all be confirmed with the unveiling of the prototypes at the National Meet this weekend.

  8. I run a couple of setups. (see updated sig)

    SB3 as a standalone (much better now with a new linear, regulated PS)


    SB3 --> Denon DA500 DAC


    Denon DVM 3700

    Don't get me wrong, they all sound pretty damn good but I've unfortunately been spoiled by hearing a couple of really nice rigs in the last year. I'm currently working on plans for a standalone DAC to couple to both a CD transport and the SB3. I hope to have it done some time mid-summer. And for the record I'd qualify just about any of the sources I've heard in the sub-$1000 bracket as mid-fi so it's not really a dis on the Denon gear. :)

  9. Grado certainly does repairs and that is probably your best bet for getting them fixed.

    Sorry to hear of your troubles, I can't say for sure what might have happened since you rolled all the tubes at the same time (right?). The only thing that sprang to mind is that I've heard it's a very bad idea to roll in cold tubes in combination with warm ones, but even then I'm not sure it would have caused what happened.

  10. As far as I know the only choice in your price bracket will be Hammond enclosures (from the likes of Angela, Partsconnexion, etc.) and whether or not it qualifies as "nice" is debatable. I'm using one for my Aikdio project but it certainly won't be staying stock.

  11. Very nice Nate. Is there improvement using the SB3 as a digital transport?

    Haven't had a chance to do much in the way of comparative listening yet with the digital out but it can't hurt. There are certainly those that would claim that it helps but there are also those that say that transports don't matter at all. I can say that it definitely makes a difference with the analog output, with the stock power supply it was pretty bad. With the new supply performance seems much better and nearly on par with the DAC that I'm currently using.
  12. When I found out that amb had designed a single-rail version of the σ22 power supply I thought it sounded just about perfect for my Squeezebox3 power supply project. Here are the preliminary results. This PS is actually for a friend but mine will be very similar with just tweaked casework. If you want more info on this PS have a look here.





    I did just a little testing tonight and the new PS definitely seems to have helped the anemic base that the SB3 DAC has with the stock PS. More on that later when I can back to back it with the DAC I'm currently using.

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